Never again will the “settled science” of climate change be disputed! Never again will anyone claim that capitalism and Judeo-Christian principles are superior! Never again will any immigrants be denied entry into America! Never again will any religion be slandered, with the exception of Orthodox Jews, observant Catholics and Evangelical Christians!  Never again will American history be taught with pride in our founding, our constitution, our enduring democracy!  Never again will we support Israel! Never again will any conservative legislators be supported! Never again will any conservative opinions be heard with respect! Never again will anyone vote for a Republican Conservative!

Terrorists Can Do No Wrong Why the Left supports Iran and blames Trump. Daniel Greenfield

After Iran shot down Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752, Iranian protesters filled the streets condemning their own government’s war crime while the Democrats and their media blamed Trump.

“This is yet another example of collateral damage from the actions that have been taken in a provocative way by the president of the United States,” Rep. Jackie Speier told CNN.

“This is one of these consequences of this escalation and this state of war that we are in. Having foresight and being able to look at what the consequences are of going to war with Iran, I think, is a serious thing and a responsibility of the present commander-in-chief,” Rep. Tulsi Gabbard insisted.

In the worldview of lefties like Speier and Gabbard, Iran isn’t really responsible for anything. The Islamic terrorist state doesn’t initiate anything, it reacts to our provocative actions. When Iran shoots down a Ukrainian plane, that means that America must have done something wrong to cause the attack.

The Left spent the last 40 years insisting that Iran can’t be blamed for any of its crimes because they all originated from America’s support for the Shah. This isn’t just hyperbole. It’s government policy.

Obama told Iran Deal negotiators that, “part of the psychology of Iran is rooted in the sense that their country was undermined, that the United States or the West meddled in first their democracy and then in supporting the Shah.” He urged them to be sensitive to the “defensive Iran that feels vulnerable”.

Is the Sahel Region Becoming a New “Islamic State”? The US should not pull out of the Sahel by Alain Destexhe

Even if violent attacks are now mostly concentrated around the border of Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso, the unstable area subject to terrorism covers a huge area — equivalent to half of Europe or the United States — and is spread over five countries…. Because it involves such a huge territory, and because Europeans simply do not have the air support and intelligence capabilities of the United States, American support in the fight against terrorism in the Sahel is critical.

US President Donald J. Trump would understandably like the Europeans to do more to fight the Islamic State in the Middle East and Africa. He is right. Europe is more directly concerned by the destabilization of these regions than the United States. The continent is still dependent on the Persian Gulf for its energy supply, and a destabilization of the Sahel countries would lead to vast new migratory pressures on Europe. Most European Union countries, however, starting with Germany, refuse to draw conclusions about the consequences of the situation and increase their military spending and involvement in operations abroad.

In the short term, an American withdrawal would have disastrous consequences. US air support is absolutely crucial in the fight against terrorism…. The ideal would be for these five African countries to be able to fend for themselves in the fight against terrorism with Western material and logistical support, but without deploying troops from outside the African continent. I am a fervent advocate of letting Africa solve its problems as much as possible within an African framework, but it must be acknowledged that in several conflicts, this is still not realistic and possible.

On January 13, French President Emmanuel Macron convened a summit of the G5 Sahel, a group of five Sahelian countries (Chad, Burkina Faso, Niger, Mali and Mauritania) that are affected by Islamist terrorism. The location of the summit, the small city of Pau in the south of France, was not chosen at random: it hosts the base of France’s 5th Combat Helicopter Regiment. Seven of the thirteen French soldiers who died in a November 25, 2019 helicopter accident in Mali belonged to this unit. Since 2013, France has lost 44 soldiers in the Sahel.

According to the Africa Center for Strategic Studies:

“The Sahel has experienced the most rapid increase in militant Islamist group activity of any region in Africa in recent years. Violent events involving extremist groups in the region have doubled every year since 2015. In 2019, there have been more than 700 such violent episodes. Fatalities linked to these events have increased from 225 to 2,000 during the same period. This surge in violence has uprooted more than 900,000 people, including 500,000 in Burkina Faso in 2019 alone.”

Mendacity, Hubris, and the Tragedy of Afghanistan Julie Kelly

The very same collection of intelligence, national security, military, diplomatic, and political experts rubbing their hands in eager anticipation of Trump’s ouster is responsible for mismanaging our longest war, a debacle that continues to cost American lives.

A cynic might start to suspect that the current impeachment fervor roiling Capitol Hill is nothing more than a ruse by Washington’s aristocracy to camouflage revelations about their own incompetence, corruption, and abuse of power over the past few decades.

Could it be, a cynic might wonder, that all the accusations leveled against President Trump merely are projections to deflect from the bad behavior of Beltway royalty?

After all, Trump lies, we are told. Trump is clueless when it comes to the delicate affairs of war and diplomacy, we are warned. His recklessness jeopardizes national security and World War III, we are cautioned, is just around the corner.

State Department snobs, supremely confident in their own skills and irreplaceable value to the nation, demeaned the president during the House’s impeachment inquiry. Former and current inhabitants of the intelligence community are key accomplices in the attempt to oust Trump from the White House. Opinion columns authored by former national security officials routinely describe the president as the world’s biggest threat to world peace. (More on that next week.)

And they ease any fears about the president’s instinctive approach to foreign relations with promises that these very stable geniuses on both sides of the aisle will be back in business once Donald Trump vacates the Oval Office.

Black Anti-Semitism: The New Blood Libel Why the Left blames the attacks on White Supremacy. Danusha V. Goska

On Sunday, January 5, 2020, I was one of an estimated 25,000 protesters participating in the Solidarity March against antisemitism. Chilled and tightly packed marchers began in Manhattan’s Foley Square, stepped, painfully slowly, over the Brooklyn Bridge, and congregated in Cadman Plaza.

In Cadman Plaza, a protester held up a handmade sign reading “RACIST WHITE HOUSE.” Another man persistently walked in front of that man, carrying a mass-produced “Solidarity. No Hate No Fear” sign. The first man shifted position, but the second man would not be deterred. He clearly did not want Trump-blaming to triumph. The two protesters’ eventual shouting match typifies a national debate. How to understand recent attacks by blacks against Jews? Is it all Trump’s fault, or the fault of white supremacists? Or is there such a thing as black antisemitism?

That sign was just one of many attempts to attribute recent attacks on Jews by blacks in the New York City area to Donald Trump or white people in general. Democratic Michigan Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib blamed “white supremacists.” Tlaib is herself a Palestinian-American who has made inflammatory statements about Jews. Jewish Currents editor David Klion warned against “right-wing forces” “exploiting attacks” to “legitimize racism.” An invited speaker at Sunday’s rally said that racism was a problem for “the past three years,” that is, the years that Donald Trump has occupied the White House.

This article hopes to demonstrate that, contrary to leftist historical revisionism, headline-making incidents of black antisemitism stretch back decades. Though separated by time and space, these incidents share enough features to be understood as a cultural trend, rather than as the bad behavior of isolated lone wolves.

Students Assigned to Pack Bags and Pretend They Are Refugees in Trump’s America “President Trump is trying to take control of the United States! There are fights in the streets!” Sara Dogan

A middle school teacher in Pennsylvania provoked outrage and charges of indoctrination after she assigned her students to time themselves for ten minutes as they packed a bag in imitation of refugees forced to leave America by President Donald Trump.

“President Trump is trying to take control of the United States!” read the deliberately inflammatory assignment, portraying America’s legitimate president as a dictator enacting a coup. “There are fights in the streets! You have to pretend that you are a refugee being forced to leave your home, never to return.”

The assignment then instructs students to spend only ten minutes packing a bag in preparation to leave their homes forever. “Please have a parent to [sic] time them for 10 minutes while they packed a bag. When the time was up they were to take a picture of the contents of their backpack and then email it to me,” the ungrammatical assignment continues. “If no picture, then draw it. You will have to present to us why you chose these items. This is due on Thursday. Worth 10 points.”

The teacher is an educator at Penn Cambria Middle School in Cambria County, Pennsylvania. When parents became upset about the assignment, School District Superintendent William Marshall claims that the teacher realized that the assignment was a “huge error” and called the parents of each student in the class to apologize.

Ignoring Child Rape in Britain Manchester has grooming gangs too. Surprise! Thu Jan 16, 2020 Bruce Bawer

It started in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, where the scandal made headlines in 2012, and where about 1500 victims have since been identified. Then came Rochdale, in Greater Manchester. There followed revelations from Lancashire, Birmingham, Surrey, Leeds, Bradford, and Gloucestershire, with the number of victims in each of these areas numbering in the hundreds or more.

Now an inquiry in Manchester proper has shown that – surprise! – that city isn’t immune to the predations of grooming gangs, either.

Commissioned by Greater Manchester mayor Andy Burnham, the inquiry found that at least 57 girls, many of whom lived in government-run children’s care homes, “were raped and abused by up to 100 members of a Manchester grooming gang sixteen years ago – but despite police and social workers knowing what was happening they weren’t stopped.” The girls, wrote Jennifer Williams in the Manchester Evening News on January 14, “were hooked on drugs, groomed, raped and emotionally broken.” Much of this, moreover, went on “‘in plain sight’ of officials”; indeed, “Greater Manchester Police dropped an operation that identified up to 97 potential suspects,” at least eight of whom went on to commit more assaults, and in August 2018, the city’s Chief Constable “refused to reopen the dropped operation.” At least one of the rape victims, Victoria Agoglia, who “had repeatedly told social workers she was being injected with drugs and raped,” was given no help whatsoever, and ended up dying in 2003, at the age of fifteen, of a heroin overdose, with the then coroner, Simon Nelson, concluding (in the face of massive evidence to the contrary) that “her death could not have been foreseen by the authorities,” and with records showing that Agoglia had, at age 13, been dismissed by social workers as a prostitute.

Pro-open borders advocates blame stronger border for rising drug abuse By Andrea Widburg

For many people, including President Trump, one of the main problems with a de facto open border has been the fact that our southern border became a highway for drug traffickers. However, those who don’t like Trump’s efforts to secure the border have a different take: Trump’s policies increase drug use.

No one denies that America’s southern border has been porous when it comes to drug trafficking. Even left-leaning Wikipedia concedes that:

Most of the U.S. imports of drugs come from Mexican drug cartels. In the United States, around 195 cities have been infiltrated by drug trafficking that originated in Mexico. An estimated $10bn of the Mexican drug cartel’s profits come from the United States, not only supplying the Mexican drug cartels with the profit necessary for survival, but also furthering America’s economic dependence on drugs. (Endnotes omitted.)

However, when Trump wanted to make the border less permeable, Democrats said that it couldn’t be done. Nothing would stop the flow of either illegal aliens or illegal drugs. For example, in January 2019, Vox insisted that “Trump’s wall won’t do anything about the opioid epidemic: Trump claims his wall will stop the flow of heroin and other illegal drugs from Mexico. He’s wrong.”

Ilhan Omar is finally getting the scrutiny she deserves for possible illegal acts. By Andrea Widburg

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D. Somalia) exploded on the national political scene in 2018, when she ran for and won a seat in the House of Representatives. Born in Somalia, she and her family had escaped that war-torn country when she was a small child and spent four years in a refugee camp in Kenya. Omar came to America in 1992, when she was 10.

Omar was a perfect candidate to take over the seat that Keith Ellison vacated when he moved on to become Deputy Chair of the Democratic National Committee. As was Ellison, Omar is a Muslim representing Minnesota’s 5th congressional district – that is, Minneapolis and some suburbs – an area that is politically Progressive and that has a large Muslim population.

Beautiful, poised, articulate, and with impeccable Progressive credentials, Omar was a shoo-in. She also entered Congress at the same time as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib. All young, all leftist, all arrogant, the four women were dubbed “the squad” and proceeded to act as if they owned Congress.

Democrats show their hand as Senate impeachment proceedings begin By Andrea Widburg

The House impeachment proceedings had a farcical element from start to finish. They began with Adam “Pencil Neck” Schiff making up facts; continued with secret hearings, something a prosecuting party would never do if the facts favored it; moved to a partisan vote on two made-up Articles of Impeachment; and finally, contradicting the Democrats’ earlier insistence that impeachment was an urgent necessity to preserve the nation, the House sat on the Articles of Impeachment for a full month.

Yesterday, with great fanfare, bizarrely slurred speech, strange poetic references, ceremonial pens, and giggles and grins belying Nancy Pelosi’s words about solemnity, the House finally transferred the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate. Then, the serious politicking began.

One of Trump’s greatest accomplishments has been to restore the rule of law to the federal court system by appointing judges who are strict constructionists. They apply the Constitution and law as written. This differs from progressive judges who believe that the Constitution and laws are living documents that should be stretched, flexed, folded, spindled, mutilated and, if necessary, judicially rewritten to encompass progressive political and social goals.