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In New Interview Bobby Kennedy Jr. Claims Dr. Fauci will Make Millions on Coronavirus Vaccine and Owns Half the Patent Joe Hoft


Robert Kennedy Jr. and Harvard Attorney Alan Dershowitz debated on the topic of the coronavirus vaccine back in July. During the debate, Kennedy Jr. claimed that Dr. Anthony Fauci invested $500 million in the vaccine that is not safe by any means and Fauci owns half the patent so he’s due to make millions.        In an earlier thread we reported on Bobby Kennedy Jr.’s comments about Big Pharma and the increase in vaccines in our culture back in April.  Kennedy shared the story of how Dr. Fauci fired and led the indictment of a brilliant assistant who blew the whistle on the harmful consequences attributed to vaccines.

 We also reported on this doctor, Dr. Judy Mikovits who was a young doctor with a promising career until she began raising concerns about what she considered to be the potentially harmful consequences of vaccines.  Dr. Mikovits explained how she was jailed during this time period with charges related to her removal of lab notebooks, a computer, and other material belonging to the institute. These charges were ultimately dropped.  Her video has since been taken down by YouTube.

The Biden Basement Strategy Backfires Jeffrey Lord


Call it an unforced error — a potentially serious backfire.

Over there at CNN, former Bill Clinton press secretary Joe Lockhart outs the Democrats’ greatest fear: that Joe Biden will be a disaster in the scheduled presidential debates with President Trump. So Lockhart’s recommendation to Biden? Don’t debate.

Lockhart’s stated reason for a Biden refusal to debate is, no kidding, this:

Whatever you do, don’t debate Trump. Trump has now made more than 20,000 misleading or false statements according to the Washington Post. It’s a fool’s errand to enter the ring with someone who can’t follow the rules or the truth. Biden will undoubtedly take heat from Republicans and the media for skipping the debates. But it’s worth the risk as trying to debate someone incapable of telling the truth is an impossible contest to win.

Let’s leave aside the amusing irony of someone who worked for Bill Clinton complaining that “It’s a fool’s errand to enter the ring with someone who can’t follow the rules or the truth.” Donald Trump did just that in 2016 with Hillary Clinton and won the debates going away.

The New Old Obama Victor Davis Hanson


In his latest incarnation as president emeritus and corporate multimillionaire community activist, we are reminded of the earlier Barack Obama of “get in their face,” “take a gun to a knife fight,” and “punish our enemies” vintage. From time to time, Obama ventures from his hilltop, seaside, $12 million “you didn’t build that” Martha’s Vineyard Estate or his tony Washington, D.C. $8 million “spread the wealth” mansion to lecture the nation on all of its racist sins, past and present.

In these outings, he seeks to advise lesser folk on how we can still find redemption (make Puerto Rico a state?), given that his own eight years as president apparently proved that the United States remains hopelessly captive to the spirit of Bull Connor and that a president such as himself—starting out with complete control of the Congress—had no power to change much.

His latest weaponization of the funeral of John Lewis revealed all the Obama signature characteristics.


Obama knows that the Trump Administration’s use of federal marshals to protect a federal courthouse in Portland from nonstop street efforts to burn it down, along with its occupants, is not analogous to the Democratic Alabama Governor George Wallace, an honored speaker at the 1972 McGovern-run Democratic convention: “[Wallace] may be gone, but we can witness our federal government sending agents to use tear gas and batons against peaceful demonstrators.”

He knows that such protesters in our major cities loot, burn, blind, maim, and occasionally kill people and are hardly “peaceful.”

He knows that asking for an ID at the polls, in the fashion of cashing a check, buying a beer, or getting a prescription filled is not racist (unless he believes that minorities are currently deprived of prescriptions, alcohol sales, or cashing checks), and are not “restrictive,” much less do they attack “our voting rights with surgical precision, even undermining the Postal Service in the run-up to an election that’s gonna be dependent on mail-in ballots so people don’t get sick.”

“I’m Not Going to Be Silenced!” – Houston Doctor Stella Immanuel Doubles Down – When Was the Last Time Fauci Saw a Patient? (video)Jim Hoft


Dr. Stella Immanuel M.D. from Houston is a courageous woman in an insane world.

Earlier this week Dr. Immanuel joined several other front line doctors in Washington DC at the “White Coat Summit” to announce the amazing success they were having treating coronavirus patients on the front line using hydroxychloroquine. 

Dr. Stella Immanuel bravely came out on Monday and said that she has personally treated over 350 patients suffering from COVID-19 with Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc, and Zithromax and they have all recovered.  

The doctor also disclosed that she put herself and her staff on Hydroxychloroquine as a preventative. 

“Americans don’t have to die! America, there is a cure for COVID!” she yelled. “You don’t need a mask! There is a cure!”                 

The tech tyrants worked together to remove videos of Dr. Stella Immanuel speaking about how she has successfully treated COVID-19 patients with Hydroxychloroquine.

Google, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube censored and removed video from yesterday’s “White Coat Summit” in Washington DC.                       

The medical elites, tech giants and mainstream media do not want Americans to know there is a treatment for the coronavirus.          



The Rasmussen daily presidential tracking poll for Friday, July 31, finds that 50 percent of likely voters approve of President Trump’s job performance, while 48 percent disapprove. 39 percent strongly approve and 43 percent strongly disapprove.

Comparing Trump’s approval rating to that of Barack Obama on the corresponding date eight years ago, Rasmussen finds Trump doing slightly better. On July 31, 2012, Obama’s approval rating in the Rasmussen poll was 47 percent.

If the latest Rasmussen numbers accurately reflect public opinion, and if these numbers hold up, Trump will likely win the election, assuming voter fraud doesn’t prevent that result. At best, Joe Biden is a generic opponent for Trump. Given his age and mental condition, he may be worse than generic. Either way, there is nothing about Biden to suggest that he can defeat an incumbent president with an approval rating of 50 percent.

However, I wonder how worthwhile current polling is when it comes to predicting the state of play as we approach Election Day. It seems to me that the outcome of the election will depend on where the U.S. stands in relation to the Wuhan coronavirus in October, and what the state of our economy is at that time. It’s hard to predict either variable.

Still, I find it mildly heartening to see Trump doing well in at one least one poll, given the unhappy situation with the virus right now and given the weak economy.

Democrats’ Policies Are Unfit For The Presidency Joy Pullman


In 2016, the news-minding public endured an endless chant branding Donald Trump’s character and personality as “unfit” for office.

It was a slogan deployed against him by no less than President Obama and Hillary Clinton. Clinton debuted it in a major campaign speech echoed in a campaign ad featuring conservative writer Charles Krauthammer. In her speech, Clinton called Trump “tempermentally unfit to hold an office that requires knowledge, stability, and immense responsibility. This is not someone who should ever have the nuclear codes.” Obama said, “the Republican nominee is unfit to serve as president.”

People who called Trump “unfit” for office in 2016 include Joe Biden; 2008 and 2012 Republican presidential nominees John McCain and Mitt Romney, Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, USA Today’s editorial board in its first presidential endorsement ever, later presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg, Sen. Rand Paul; RedState editor and “lifelong Republican” Leon Wolf, author of the debunked “Fire and Fury” novel Michael Wolff, TV personality Omarosa, 2020 presidential candidate Rep. John Delaney, Republican former Sen. Gordon Humphrey, and the United Kingdom’s now-Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

It didn’t end when Trump took office, of course. This week, Trump’s niece Mary Trump has a new tell-all book just like all the others, also insisting he’s “unfit.” In the intervening time, we’ve heard the same buzzword from the FBI director Trump fired, Jim Comey; the national security advisor Trump fired, John Bolton; writer Andrew Sullivan; New Hampshire Sen. Maggie Hassan; and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Clearly, Democrats have been trying to cement in voters’ foreheads the idea that Trump’s personality is unfit for office. Perhaps that’s because Democrats’ policies never have been as unfit for the office as they are now.

Just this week, in his first semi-public appearance in months, presidential Potemkin village candidate Joe Biden promised to be the farthest-left president in American history.

Anger: The Best Medicine – The Backlash cometh — win or lose this November :Jed Babbin


Rudyard Kipling’s poem “If” is a father’s lesson to his son on how to be a man. It begins, “If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you … ” That seems to be a pretty good description of conservatives’ situation this miserable year.

Keeping our heads when others are losing theirs is the opposite of being complacent: it requires action. The best medicine to cure our nation of what ails it this year is in two parts. First is a vaccine proven effective against the Kung Flu. Second is a large dose of conservative anger.

Conservatives are — and should be — very angry that so many things are going wrong and being done wrong-headedly in a year when our wonderful country seems to be suffering a nervous breakdown.

Conservatives can, at least, set our own minds straight when the Democrats, the media, the Black Lives Matter movement, Antifa, and the rest are losing theirs.

We know, for example, that the awful death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police doesn’t justify defunding or doing away with the police force there or anywhere else. We know that the Democrats’ moves to defund the police in places such as Minneapolis and New York City will result in more, not less, crime and violence.

The Democrats’ Cargo Cult Theodore Roosevelt Malloch


Cargo ritual, or cargo cult, is a religious practice whereby relatively primitive societies attempt to conjure up modern technology or lifestyle advancements through ritualistic behavior. Classic examples include the building of an airplane runway in the hopes of materializing the kind of cargo that airplanes bring, or building radios out of coconuts and straw.

The Democratic Party has been running a cargo cult for some decades. It is placing a bet that its latest savior figure, Sleepy Joe Biden, albeit an empty senile shell of a cult leader, can do it again and fool the people—one more time. As Biden is wont to say, “C’mon man.”

During World War II, Americans landed their huge aircraft, big bombers and fighters, all over the Pacific islands of Melanesia. The local natives came to love “Joe From,” (a.k.a. G. I. Joe from somewhere stateside). The planes would drop their goods, i.e., cargo, and the people got stuff like free soft drinks, canned Spam, chewing gum, and candy bars. They became totally addicted to it. 

But then the war ended, and the planes stopped arriving.

Ignorant as to why, the islanders built their own bamboo and wooden planes, many life-sized, beckoning the return of yet more cargo. It didn’t cause them to come.

John Ioannidis Warned COVID-19 Could Be a “Once-In-A-Century” Data Fiasco. He Was Right The unreliability of COVID-19 data is a problem everyone seems to agree on. Jon Miltimore


On Thursday, a Florida health official told a local news station that a young man who was listed as a COVID-19 victim had no underlying conditions.

The answer surprised reporters, who probed for additional information.

“He died in a motorcycle accident,” Dr. Raul Pino clarified. “You could actually argue that it could have been the COVID-19 that caused him to crash. I don’t know the conclusion of that one.”

The anecdote is a ridiculous example of a real controversy that has inspired some colorful memes: what should define a COVID-19 death?

While the question is important, such incidents may be just the tip of the proverbial iceberg regarding the unreliability of COVID-19 data.

In May, a public radio station in Miami broke what soon became a national story. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had been conflating antibody and viral testing, obscuring key metrics lawmakers use to determine if they should reopen their respective economies.

The story was soon picked up by NPR, who spoke to an epidemiologist who condemned the practice.

“Reporting both serology and viral tests under the same category is not appropriate, as these two types of tests are very different and tell us different things,” Dr. Jennifer Nuzzo of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security told NPR.

The Atlantic soon followed with an article that explained the agency was painting an inaccurate picture of the state of the pandemic. The practice, the writers said, was making it difficult to tell if more people were actually sick or had merely acquired antibodies from fighting off the virus.

Public health experts were not impressed.



Democrats are having a good old time these days, running around, torching churches, looting stores, pulling down statues, painting Official Graffiti on the streets, and hitting cops with baseball bats.

I say to each of them, knock yourself out because it is all fun and games until the election comes around and you have to pay for your Summer of Hate.

President Donald John Trump trolled them in Seattle. He sent undercover agents to Portland, Oregon, to stop and question rioting Democrats.

That was on Friday.

On Monday, United Press International reported, “Democratic congressional leaders have called for an investigation into the legality of the Trump administration’s use of federal law enforcement officers during protests following reports of abusive practices being deployed against demonstrators in Portland.

“In a letter to the inspectors general of the Justice and Homeland Security Departments on Sunday, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie G. Thompson and Oversight and Reform Committee Chairwoman Carolyn B. Maloney urged for an investigation to be opened into reports Trump administration officials have abused emergency authorities to prevent Americans from exercising their right to peaceful assembly.”

The right to peacefully assemble does not cover throwing rocks and other objects at the police.

Americans know this.