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The media’s clueless coverage of the Biden candidacy Michael Tracey


At the time of writing, Joe Biden is on course for an approximately 30 point victory in South Carolina. Not that he won with 30 percent of the vote; rather, he is beating his nearest competitor (Bernie Sanders) by approximately 30 percentage points. That’s a truly romping win — but ironically, given his many many decades on the political scene, the American elite media has never known quite how to cover the Biden candidacy.


First, if you are a consumer of online political news and commentary, you might have noticed the conspicuous lack of virtually any vocal Biden supporters on social media. Online political journalism is dominated by graduates of elite American colleges and universities between the ages of 25 and 45, who constitute the diametric opposite demographic of Biden’s core support base. I would hazard a guess that the vast majority of people running political magazines, newspapers and websites in the United States have roughly zero Biden supporters in their immediate peer group. So of course this dynamic will lead to analytical failure in assessing Biden’s appeal.


Take a look at some of the exit poll findings tonight: Biden won 62 percent of South Carolina voters who never attended college. Yes, many of these people are older black voters. But more significant than race is educational attainment, in this key respect: you will encounter almost nobody working an elite media job who has never interfaced with the higher education system. However, people who have never interfaced with the higher education system comprise a significant portion of Biden’s support base. Hence the flustered and confused reactions to his rousing victory.  


Fact-Check: Obama Waited Until ‘Millions’ Infected and 1000 Dead in U.S. Before Declaring H1N1 Emergency


“Let’s call it Trumpvirus,” urged a New York Times opinion writer conspiratorially. Nancy Pelosi groused that President Trump waited too long to attack the coronavirus (COVID-19) and then impetuously declared he couldn’t have leftover and unspent Ebola virus money to fight it, while Senator Chuck Schumer looked down his nose and over his glasses to intone that it was the end of the world and the president hadn’t spent enough money to stop the scourge. Joe Biden and Michael Bloomberg have both been called out for politicizing the virus.

By their lights, Trump’s doing it all wrong. They won’t be able to tell you why, but (stomps foot) they just know. They’re praying for a pandemic filled with infected people and decimation of the stock market just to fix Trump’s wagon in his re-election campaign, now that the whole Russian-secret-agent and peeing-hooker story went belly-up.

They just know that he’s such a dummy that it wouldn’t ever occur to him to stop air travel from an infected nation, increase screenings, involuntarily quarantine those infected with the virus when they were repatriated and seek a vaccine now.

Oh, wait, he has done all of those things and was called a racist for doing it.

We’ve had several creepy viruses emerge over the past two decades. There’s been MRSA, SARS, and H1N1 (swine flu), to name a few. But it’s been the H1N1 flu that has been most compared to this outbreak.

Surely, St. Barack of Obama would have dealt with this horrible pandemic better than Orange Man Bad, right? No-Drama-Obama had this whole thing under control, of course!

Well, let’s compare and contrast.

New Jersey Public Schools To Teach LGBT Ideology In Every Subject by John Hanna


A little more than a year ago, the New Jersey Legislature passed, and Gov. Phil Murphy signed, a law mandating the teaching of LGBT subject matter in public school curriculum, beginning in 2020-21.

In response to the law, the activist group Garden State Equality has prepared a curriculum, currently piloted in 12 New Jersey schools and planned to be employed statewide in the fall. This is consistent with Murphy’s vision. At Garden State Equality’s 2019 Ball, he said, “I applaud Garden State Equality for not only leading this effort, but for your continued work in helping to craft this curriculum.

Garden State Equality (GSE) is an LGBT advocacy organization devoted to instilling its vision of “justice” through an “LGBT lens” in society. Consistent with its vision, GSE’s self-described “LGBT-inclusive” curriculum spans all subjects — math, English, social studies, health, science, visual and performing arts, and world languages — beginning in fifth grade. Having New Jersey’s 1.4 million public school students see the world through a LGBT lens is the goal in every class and, thus, now the goal of public education. This is well in excess of the curriculum law’s vague requirements.

In the way it is being implemented, the law is simply an instrument empowering GSE to accomplish its mission and vision, embedding sexual and gender ideology throughout curriculum. GSE envisions its curriculum “as a model that we can bring to every other state in the nation.”



A fundamental law of physics is the Conservation of Energy – that the total amount of energy in a system remains constant;  it’s neither increased nor decreased, but is transferred from one form to another.

Evolution seems to have hard-wired paranoia into the human brain so that something similar may be going on in systems of human societies.  Ever since we’ve been Homo sapiens, even when we were Homo erectus, for two million years if we weren’t paranoid, we were some predator’s dinner.

Getting eaten by a giant cave bear or saber-tooth tiger is an efficient way to remove the non-paranoid from the gene pool.

The genetically hard-wired need to be scared of something means if one fear goes away, we’ll quickly find a replacement.  Even if we have to make it up.

The Left is particularly good at this, since scaring people over some made up “crisis” is a very effective way of gaining control over the gullible – of which there are legion — “Global warming/Climate change/Climate crisis” being the currently classic example.

Yesterday (2/24), Rush Limbaugh exposed the “Coronavirus epidemic” as the latest outbreak of Leftist paranoia-pandering:“Overhyped Coronavirus Weaponized Against Trump.”

“It looks like the coronavirus is being weaponized as yet another element to bring down Donald Trump. The coronavirus is the common cold, folks. The Drive-By Media hype of this thing as a pandemic, as the Andromeda strain, as, ‘Oh, my God, if you get it, you’re dead.’ I think the survival rate is 98%. Ninety-eight percent of people who get the coronavirus survive.


Minneapolis City Council Somali Candidate: “We Going To Take Over” by Tim Brown


Minnesota is slowly being transformed and no one is putting a stop to it.  The latest example comes out of Minneapolis where another Somali candidate for the city council has declared, “We going to take over.”

They are here to impose Sharia because that is what political Islam does.

Deplorable Kel reported on Suud Olat, who is a former refugee, just like criminal Rep. Ilhan Omar, from Somalia.

She reported:

Suud Olat, a former refugee from Somalia and candidate for Minneapolis City Council Ward 6, posted on Facebook that Somali’s are “going to take over”. Olat shared a Facebook post about a Somali news platform serving Somali’s across the world, along with the caption: “Mukhtar Dahir SDN – Somali Diaspora News SDN – Somali Diaspora News all the way. We going to take over.”

Olat announced his run for office after the current Minneapolis Ward 6 Council member Abdi Warsame was appointed CEO of Minneapolis Public Housing Authority.

Never forget the media’s blind eye to Obama’s corruption Jack Hellner


The media are outraged that former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich had to serve only eight years out of a fourteen-year sentence for corruption.  They say it sends a bad message that political corruption is OK.  But what is outrageous and sends a message that political corruption is OK is when the Justice Department, most of the media, and other Democrats didn’t care about the massive political corruption of Barack Obama throughout his political life and supported him no matter what he did.

Obama was above the law.

In 2004, then–Illinois senator Obama stole one million dollars of taxpayer money, disguised as a grant, and gave it to his wife’s employer, where family friend Valerie Jarrett happened to be a director.  Jarrett had hired Michelle as an executive at $120,000 per year.

After the hospital got the million, Michelle got a $197,000 raise to $317,000 for what seemed to be a part-time job.  (I am sure all of us can relate to a 200% raise or a $317,000 salary.)  Michelle’s main job was to dump low-income, unprofitable patients onto other hospitals (the Obamas have always been so compassionate and empathetic).  To tell the poor how good this was, the hospital hired David Axelrod, a campaign adviser for Obama.  Later on, they hired the corrupt family friend Eric Whitaker in an executive position.

In summary, Senator Obama stole taxpayer money to pay family, friends, and political supporters.


Islam’s Expansionism in America by Amil Imani


“Well, that did not work. The events of 9/11 did nothing to wake people up. Eighteen years have come and gone since the horrific attacks of 9/11. Sadly, we still have not learned the lessons of it. Whose fault, is it?”

Here is one reason, from a headline: “Loophole used by 9/11 hijackers still open with 6 million visa overstays in the U.S.”  Here is another: Sharia law continues to stealthily insert itself into every aspect of American life and culture. The number of mosques has tripled and many Muslims have been brought to America and resettled in every corner of the country. And because it is obligatory for a Muslim to follow Islamic laws and not some fabricated laws like the U.S. Constitution, therefore, a Muslim can never be both, a Muslim and an American at the same time. They are incompatible.

Diana West explains the anti-Trump conspiracy that has continued into 2020


DIANA WEST, Nationally syndicated columnist, Blogs at Dianawest.net, Author of Death of the Grown Up, American Betrayal, and Red Thread: A Search for Ideological Drivers Inside the Anti-Trump Conspiracy:

The sentencing of Roger Stone
The continuation of the anti-Trump conspiracy into 2020


How the case of Rich Higgins underscores the issues with the anti-Trump establishment
Is there equal justice in the US with respect to political figures?
The infiltration of the justice department and intelligence community by the deep state


Will the Russian collusion narrative re-surface during the 2020 presidential election?
The connection between the Obama administration and Russia through Skolkovo


Understanding the roots of McCarthyism
What are the motivations behind the Democratic Party?


Roger Stone deserves a new trial Jonathan Turley


With his sentencing this week, “agent provocateur” Roger Stone finally provoked himself into prison. However, his latest “performance art” may be nowhere near its conclusion. That is not because he has a “very good chance of exoneration,” as President Trump himself predicted. Stone has about the same chance of exoneration as he does of canonization.

Rather, it is not clear that Stone received a fair trial due to alleged juror bias or, even if his trial is now finished, whether it will become undone by a presidential pardon. If nothing else, one thing should be clear. Stone holds a far greater claim to a new trial than to a presidential pardon.

The decision of Judge Amy Berman Jackson to move forward with his sentencing was a surprise to many of us, following disturbing reports of potential juror bias by the trial foreperson. It was a curious twist on the position of the Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland, who declared, “Sentence first! Verdict afterwards.” In this case, the court decided to resolve the sentence before resolving if there was a valid verdict. Continue at site

ROGER STONE is the Hoax’s Latest Victim


There’s something lousy about putting a man in prison for how he answered questions in an investigation that was itself a ruse.

Roger Stone is going to jail for three years because he got caught in a perjury trap during the Russia probe.  Attorney General Bill Barr, though, has appointed U.S. Attorney John Durham to investigate whether the Russia probe was a political operation disguised as law enforcement. Stone’s conviction and that inquiry are irreconcilable.

The theory of the Stone case, the trial, and its aftermath certainly make it look like the prosecution was a political hit.

Stone had been a Trump-friend and confidante for years.

‘A threat to Israel is a threat to Canada’: Peter MacKay to Jewish commander Newly released documents suggest Canada stands ready to help defend the Jewish state


Israel has received private assurances Canada stands ready to help defend the Jewish state, but just how far the Harper government intends to take that commitment remains unclear.

Newly released documents say Defence Minister Peter MacKay told Israel’s top military commander, Maj.-Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi, during a 2011 visit to the Middle East, that “a threat to Israel is a threat to Canada.”

The statement came a year after cabinet colleague Peter Kent was upbraided as junior foreign affairs minister for telling a Toronto-based publication that “an attack on Israel would be considered an attack on Canada.”

The declaration, appearing in an internal summary of Mr. MacKay’s trip to Israel, could have important implications given the increasing military co-operation between the two countries. Under the Harper government, Canada’s support of Israel has been unwavering, even in the face of mounting international tensions over Iran’s nuclear program.

When he met Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Ottawa in March, Prime Minister Stephen Harper emphasized Canada wants to see a peaceful resolution in the troubled region, but it’s unclear how far Canada has committed itself in the volatile region.

A spokesman for Mr. MacKay said the defence minister’s comment was intended as an expression of support.

THE BLOOM IS OFF George Neumayr,


The attacks on Michael Bloomberg came early and often at Wednesday’s debate in Las Vegas, but none of them, of course, touched on his infamous “kill it” comment to a pregnant subordinate. No, the party of abortion at all stages wasn’t going to touch that one. Instead, Elizabeth Warren focused on Bloomberg’s thoughts about “horse-faced lesbians” and “fat broads.”

Bloomberg has paid advisers millions of dollars to prepare him for just such moments, but he still acted like he was answering the challenges for the first time. He came off as cold and flat-footed — the unlikeable technocrat trying woodenly to make himself palatable to a left-wing audience with half-hearted answers.

It wasn’t until late in the debate that he seemed to loosen up a little bit and hit Sanders with a zinger about being a socialist millionaire with three homes. “What a country,” said Bloomberg. Of course, that didn’t go down well either, since the Democrats don’t think much of America. One would never know that the American economy is thriving from these Democratic gloomfests, where the candidates never feel slightest compunction to grapple with positive economic indices under Trump. Talk about an out-of-touch party — its rhetoric befits the Great Depression, not an economy in which the stock market spikes as unemployment plunges.

Bloomberg was the only candidate who came close to acknowledging how ridiculous the Democrats sound as they debate the virtues of socialism. But that comment elicited a groan, too.

Bloomberg would have done better had he continued to mock his opponents in that vein. But he couldn’t decide which direction to go in the debate. He spent much of it getting tangled up in half-baked apologies designed to improve his standing with progressives. His answer on stop-and-frisk lacked all coherence, because he didn’t have the guts to acknowledge that it actually worked and that it is not inherently racist.