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‘Trump Nation’ Numbers At Least 150 Million Americans Edward Ring


“Getting rid of Trump is the easy part, cleansing the movement he commands is going to be something else.”
— ABC News Political Director Rick Klein, in a tweet he later deleted.

This sums up the sentiments that inform America’s establishment media, its corporate elite, Big Tech, academia, most of the public sector, the entire Democratic Party, and most of the Republican Party leadership. What do we do with 74,222,593 people? How will we reeducate these troglodytic haters? How will we control these dangerous insurrectionists?

Despite virtually every powerful special interest lined up against them, this “cleansing” will indeed be tough. Because, first of all, we are not talking about 74 million Trump supporters. We’re talking about over 150 million Trump supporters. To say that only 74 million Americans support Trump rests on an impossible assumption: that every American who didn’t vote for Trump, or for Biden, automatically is supposed to have supported Biden.

Unfortunately for the tastemakers and kingmakers of America, that’s not how reality works. A careful examination of the official election results by state yields several fascinating facts. For example, assuming the 1.8 percent going to third party candidates splits equally between Trump and Biden (with such a small fraction, it doesn’t matter much anyway), then Trump voters spoke for 47.7 percent of the population, and Biden voters spoke for 52.3 percent of the American population. That would be, for Trump, over 157 million people.

Why wouldn’t this be true? On what basis would anyone assume that Trump would not command the support of as many non-voting households as Biden? Moreover, in the 25 states where Trump won, a larger percentage of the population is under age 18, 24 percent, than in the 25 states where Biden won, 22 percent. That’s a slim difference, but it puts to rest the notion that the states where Trump won are filled with aging hillbillies.

In fact, one of Trump’s most decisive victories came in Utah, where he earned 61 percent of the vote despite the unhelpful influence of Mitt Romney. Utah is America’s youngest state, with 30 percent of its population under age 18.

More Eligible Voters

OPEN Letter to the President J.B. Williams


Dear President Donald J. Trump,

First and foremost, I want to thank you for setting your entire personal and professional life aside to enter national leadership in an effort to “Make America Great Again” by putting America first for the first time in decades. You made many promises in seeking the Presidency and you worked around the clock to keep all of them. You brought to bear, the incredible talents of your entire family in pursuit of an honorable goal, on behalf of all Americans and I thank you and your family for the many sacrifices you have made.

That said, I want you to know that more than 80-million patriotic Americans stand the ready to fight for you and our Constitutional Republic. Every American knows that the 2020 elections were rotten with fraud all across the country. Many won’t admit it and others boldly support the fraud, as the end justifies any means for the enemies of America.

Every American also knows that if this fraudulent election is allowed to stand, and Biden and Harris are inaugurated on January 20, 2021, elections and political party functions are entirely irrelevant to our future. We know that the Department of Justice has hidden massive evidence of political crime and corruption in the DNC and RNC ranks. We know that the FBI has done the same, as has the mainstream media, making it impossible for the voting population to have any idea who or what they voted for.

You cannot surrender to this evil cabal. If you do, you will not just be surrendering yourself and your family, but over 80-million Americans, our Constitution and Bill of Rights and the entire American way of life. You will be surrendering everything, for all of us. You simply cannot do that!

The Road to Dystopia Philip Ahlrich


When O’Brien, the interrogator from the Thought Police in Orwell’s 1984, holds up four fingers and asks Winston Smith, an imprisoned member of the underground opposition, how many he sees, poor Winston persists in saying he sees four.  But that is not what O’Brien wants to hear.  “No, Winston, you are insane.  There are five fingers.”  The interrogations continue until Winston, wracked with pain and exhaustion and persuaded of his insanity, agrees finally through his tears that he was lying to himself, that he had always been lying to himself, and admitted that he saw five fingers.  He understood that two and two make five.  Emptied of his individuality and broken by the inquisition, he also knew that he had won the victory over himself.  He knew he was a flaw in the social pattern.  He learned, he understood, he accepted.  And in the end, he knew that he loved Big Brother. 

The new liberal programs of revisionist history and psychological persecution now directed toward the American people are not at all dissimilar to the enforcement techniques of Orwell’s Thought Police.  Whoever controls the present controls both past and future.  The Democrats are telling us to live with a lie and to believe the lie, for the lie is stronger than the truth.  They do not tell us that such compulsory instructions are the instruments of a totalitarian regime.

The great lie is that America is a racist nation, that the Constitution of the United States is a racist document, and that you are a racist if you believe otherwise.  We are told to believe these things or we are judged insane by those who are insane.  Unfinished minds that accept these misguided narratives in pursuit of political identity and power are mistaking a disease of reason for a virtue.  Any political movement toward unrestricted power requires pervasive thought and behavioral controls upon targeted populations, and we are now watching the Democratic Party, a faction entirely without conscience, accelerating rapidly down these lines of force in pursuit of one-party rule and eventual socialism.

Rush to judgement? Three crucial questions remain unanswered about Capitol siege John Solomon


One thing recent history has taught America is the first story line of major tragedies or controversies is never the most accurate.

Americans were told by the Bush administration that they were sucker-punched by a surprise attack on 9/11 by terrorists, only to learn the CIA and FBI had significant advance evidence of the plot and its players and failed to connect the dots.

Susan Rice originally told the nation that the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi was carried out spontaneously by a mob angered by an anti-Muslim video. The attack, it turned out, was pre-planned and carried out by an al-Qaeda-aligned terror group in Libya.

The country was assured Christopher Steele’s dossier provided credible evidence of Donald Trump colluding with Russia, when in fact the CIA and FBI knew almost immediately it was uncorroborated and based in part on Russian disinformation.

And now just a week after the heinous and deadly siege of the U.S. Capitol, the final narrative of what actually happened is still being written, revised and unmasked.

‘History Will Reflect on the Good Work’ Trump Has Done: Pompeo by By Zachary Stieber


People will look back and see that President Donald Trump and his administration got good things done, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said.

“Look, what happened that day was terrible, and I have said repeatedly that those folks who engaged in this activity need to be identified, prosecuted, and they are criminals and ought to be treated as such,” Pompeo said about the Jan. 6 breach of the U.S. Capitol.

“But history will reflect on the good work that this president and our administration has done. Those books will be written about the changes that we have made in the world, the recognition that we have taken about reality, sovereignty, respect for basic dignity and human rights, a return to the founding principles in a way that previous administrations had not done. I’ll let others write it, but I think that those actions—the actual things that happened—will be reflected in a way that shows there was good work done on behalf of the American people.”

Pompeo was speaking to the “Hugh Hewitt Show.”

Pompeo spent most of the interview discussing the Chinese Communist Party and the Trump administration’s relatively hardline stance against it, compared to past administrations.

Asked if he was worried that a Joe Biden administration would essentially be a third term of President Barack Obama, Pompeo said: “I don’t want to comment on the people, but the policy matters an awful lot.”

Defense Officials Confirm Trump Is Still Commander in Chief, Refuse to Participate in Military Coup to Oust Him Kipp Jones


Despite a campaign by Democrats and the establishment media to delegitimize President Donald Trump after Wednesday’s Capitol incursion, Department of Defense officials intend to avoid outside pressure and continue to recognize him as the commander in chief while avoiding taking part in “a military coup,” according to a report.

It was widely reported Friday that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi asked Army Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to limit the president’s access to the country’s so-called nuclear football, which contains launch codes for America’s vast arsenal of nuclear weapons.

Pelosi called Milley to ask him to ignore orders from Trump to use those codes. It’s unclear what initiated the call to Milley. No specific threat from Trump seems to exist, suggesting the call was made for political purposes.

The California Democrat reportedly told Milley she wants to limit the president from responding to international threats during the final days of his term.

NPR reported Pelosi told her Democratic colleagues she spoke to Milley about “available precautions for preventing an unstable president from initiating military hostilities or accessing the launch codes and ordering a nuclear strike.”

Trump’s approval ratings on the rise, poll shows Despite many in the media and on the Left accusing the US president of incitement that led to the storming of Capitol Hill, a Rasmussen poll finds Trump’s approval rating holding steady at 48%. By Boaz Bismuth


The difficult images from the storming of Capitol Hill, Wednesday, and the lives that were lost have led many in the media and on the Left to accuse US President Donald Trump of inciting his supporters to violence, with the aim of disrupting the elector count and even carrying out a coup.

According to at least one of the most important polling companies in the US, however, the general public has not reacted with significant shock to Trump’s conduct during the storming, and his standing has even improved.

According to Rasmussen’s daily presidential approval poll, Trump’s approval ratings have in fact improved in the days since the chaos in Washington, which took place as Congress convened to certify the electors and US President-elect Joe Biden’s election victory.

The president’s approval ratings went from 47% to 49% overnight on Tuesday, and as of Thursday, were at 48%. A more in-depth analysis found those who said they “strongly disapproved” of the president went from 43% to 42% and has since remained stable.

Why Trump Will Weather This Nonsense He’ll be back. Dov Fischer


We have been through this drill before — as with Charlottesville and as when President Trump held a press conference alongside Vladimir Putin overseas and stated that he believed Putin’s questionable asseveration that Russia had not messed with the 2016 American elections. Everyone is smart except Trump.

I view the video, and more than 95 percent of the people who made their ways inside clearly were just drifting and roaming around, walking mostly in single or double file, as in a tour of the Capitol.

In each case, the Mainstream Media whipped up a froth and frenzy. In all of human history, we essentially were told, there never had been such perfidy. We kept hearing, night after day after night after day, the carefully selected clip: “There were fine people on both sides.” So that meant, we were told, that President Trump, grandfather of Orthodox Jewish children, benefactor of Jared Kushner, doting father of Orthodox Jewish Ivanka, a man who commuted the unfair sentence of Shlomo Rubashkin, endorses Nazis. As recently as this very week, the Mainstream Media still are at it, still lying shamelessly that he endorsed Nazis at Charlottesville. While I was watching the nightly Hebrew news out of Israel on Israel’s equivalent of PBS, the Left-oriented public broadcasting station that the Government funds and that the taxpayers hate because all their Mainstream Media likewise are Left-oriented, their Thursday news report included that same precisely edited clip: “There were fine people on both sides.” Not a word about how the President in truth had condemned Nazism and White Nationalists two separate times in the same four-minute conference. That is why the general Israeli population hate their Mainstream Media and love Trump.

There was a similar froth and frenzy during and after that overseas press conference with Putin: James Clapper and John Brennan were all over CNN asserting that the President had perpetrated treason and such. It was worse than Benedict Arnold giving secrets to the British in the days when the Brits were our mortal enemies. (Interesting how time changes realities.) How could the President publicly say, alongside Putin, that he believes Vladimir Putin and not his own director of intelligence? Why didn’t Trump look Putin in the face, in front of world news media, and call him a liar and a crook and a tyrant — and then privately try to negotiate other issues that were on the table? As if any world leader ever would stare another in the face, in front of the world media, and would speak that way, that directly, rather than scold behind closed doors.

Joe Biden’s Boosters Wrote His Prodigal Son’s Entire Resume By Paul Sperry10/16/20


Hunter Biden profited from his father’s political connections long before he struck questionable deals in countries where Joe Biden was undertaking diplomatic missions as vice president. In fact, virtually all the jobs listed on his resume going back to his first position out of college, which paid a six-figure salary, came courtesy of the former six-term senator’s donors, lobbyists and allies, a RealClearInvestigations examination has found.

Hunter Biden: Through a lawyer, he maintained he and his father dutifully avoided “conflicts of interest.”

One document reviewed by RCI reveals that a Biden associate admitted “finding employment” for Hunter Biden specifically as a special favor to his father, then a Senate leader running for president. He secured a $1.2 million gig on Wall Street for his young son, even though it was understood he had no experience in high finance. Many of his generous patrons, in turn, ended up with legislation and policies favorable to their businesses or investments, an RCI review of lobbying records and legislative actions taken by the elder Biden confirms.

That the 50-year-old Hunter has been trading on his Democratic father’s political influence his entire adult life raises legal questions about possible influence-peddling, government watchdogs and former federal investigators say. In addition, the more than two-decades-long pattern of nepotism casts fresh doubt on Joe Biden’s recent statements that he “never discussed” business with his son, and that his activities posed “no conflicts of interest.” 

No fewer than three committees in the Republican-controlled Senate have opened probes into potential Biden family conflicts. Investigators are also poring over Treasury Department records that have flagged suspicious activities involving Hunter’s banking transactions and business deals that may be connected to his father’s political influence. 

U.S. ethics rules require all government officials to avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest in taking official actions. The Bidens have denied any wrongdoing.

Corruption Has Consequences Ray DiLorenzo


When Obama wanted to get his way, legal or not, he liked to say elections have consequences. Well, corruption has consequences. Much of what we are seeing today is the result of decades of political, civil, social and academic corruption and upheaval, much of it instigated by a political party with a nefarious agenda.

Politicians have long turned their backs on a now frustrated citizenry. Their refusal to listen to anything average Americans have to say and the inability of citizens to get the attention of a political establishment has given Donald Trump, will all his faults, a voice bigger than they ever could have imagined. And they hate him for it. They despise him for meeting the people where they are, huddling with them at their level, even having a Big Mac, and knowing he enjoyed it. The voters finally had a President that was going to take care of them. And he did.

The opposition went out of their way to destroy him, even kicking him when he was down. How anyone could withstand years of that kind of abuse and still achieve such monumental successes tells me God was with him.

In a moment of rare candor during the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton called Trump supporters a ‘basket of deplorables.” For that brief moment, her Party revealed a level of contempt for more than half of the country, the hard-working Americans, supported by an equally sanctimonious and complicit press.

When mobs of Antifa and BLM terrorists in cities all across the country and politicians under the guise of health destroy people’s livelihoods and the neighborhoods they live in, the politicians go silent, displaying apathy. But when their turf is invaded, their fury comes alive, their indignation aroused, their ‘righteousness’ on full display. The ruling class reminds us that we are a nation of laws, but I ask, for whom? People see this for what it is…selfish disregard and hypocrisy. A party that condones the killing of unborn children right up to birth should not preach morality to anyone.