Eric Early(R): I Will Deliver American Pride to Adam Schiff’s District-28 By  Nurit Greenger

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The time has come for California District 28 to have a Congressman who cares about the district and America. That means it is time to send Adam Schiff into permanent political retirement. Eric Early is a successful California lawyer/businessman who wants to represent his fellow Californians, and put a stop to the lies and inaction of Congressman Adam Schiff.

We, the people, must lead to take our country back. The 2020 election is going to determine the future of the United States. Will it remain an exceptional republic, or will its exceptionalism be dimmed by the radical-Left path the Democrat Party has chosen to take.

In order for America to remain the country of the free and the brave, where people can have freedom, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, the Republican Party must strengthen its ranks in Washington D.C.

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