Texas Doctor Reverses Coronavirus Symptoms in 100% of Cases With Inexpensive Treatment


Texas family doctor Dr. Richard Bartlett joins Debbie Georgatos on her show American Can We Talk to discuss a potential COVID CURE!

Dr. Bartlett describes how he has been treating Covid-19 patients with 100% success rate using an inexpensive safe treatment that is commonly used for people with asthma.

The treatment is enhaling a steroid called budesonide using a nebulizer. Dr. Bartlett says many patients experience rapid relief from Covid symptoms after the first treatment.

It’s the same treatment that worked in crowded countries like Taiwan, Singapore and Japan who’ve had very few deaths compared to countries that locked down. Therefore, Bartlett questions the effectiveness of mandatory masks, social distancing or a vaccine.

He explained that a vaccine is unnecessary because the mortality rate is so low and effective treatments already exist. And he emphasized that vaccines would be ineffective because of constant mutations to the coronavirus.

“The beautiful thing about the treatment that using is that no matter how many times it mutates it’s universally going to work because it decreases the inflammation. It’s a respiratory anti-inlammatory solution to a respiratory inlammatory problem.”

Watch the full interview below:

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