Displaying posts published in

August 2015

P. David Hornik – A Review of “Jews Against Themselves”by Edward Alexander

Jews who viciously condemn the Jews—the phenomenon has, lamentably, been with us for hundreds of years. In medieval and later times, famed apostates like Nicholas Donin, Abner of Burgos, Johannes Pfefferkorn, and others would convert to Christianity and then use their “inside” knowledge of Jews and Judaism to attack their former people mercilessly and ostensibly confirm all libels leveled against them.

But the Jewish “apostates” of today, as Edward Alexander points out in Jews Against Themselves [2], an acerbic critique of Jewish Jew-bashers in our time, typically remain nominally Jewish and flaunt their Jewishness as a badge of moral superiority to the target of their vilification—namely, Israel, that country smack in the Middle East that, seemingly, already has enough enmity to contend with.

Commemorating the 75th Memorial of Ze’ev Jabotinsky: Ronn Torossian

Below is a speech I delivered at the Fifth Avenue Synagogue in New York City to commemorate the 75th annual memorial for Ze’ev Jabotinsky on August 4, 2015.

Close your eyes – and picture Ze’ev Jabotinsky urging the Jews in Europe to leave in the days before the Holocaust. Picture the days before the State of Israel, when the Irgun forced the British to leave the land. Picture the one-armed hero Joseph Trumpeldor, who fought at Tel Hai in 1920 – dying with the words on his lips “Never mind, it is good to die for our country.” Picture the boys of Betar who formed Plugat Hakotel and protected Jews who visited the Western Wall when Jews needed protection going there.

And now, open your eyes.

As a Betari, as the son of Penny Waga, a woman who revered Ze’ev Jabotinsky, I am here to tell you on the 75th anniversary of the death of this great man, the ideals of Jabotinsky are very much alive.

And now with your eyes wide open, picture the streets of France today where young Jewish members of Betar fight to protect the community there. In Israel, in the Prime Minister’s office is a picture of the great Ze’ev Jabotinsky (Bibi Netanyahu’s father was a long-time assistant to Jabotinsky). And all over the world, in the United States and elsewhere, those of us who follow Ze’ev Jabotinsky are often on the front lines of fighting for important issues affecting the Jewish people.

Campaign Diary: Are We Going to Let The Media Pick Our Candidate? Diana West

The media are trying to eject Donald Trump & his Border Wall from the presidential primaries before a single voter gets the chance to pull a lever.

And they say Donald Trump is a disgrace. Some thoughts while trying to keep pace.

1. “News” organizations should not run presidential debates.

As Michael Savage noted on his radio show, the first GOP debate this week was co-sponsored by Fox News and Facebook. Fox News is owned by pro-amnesty Rupert Murdoch and Facebook is owned by pro-amnesty-Mark Zuckerberg.

No wonder the fix seemed to be in. No wonder the Fox-Facebook debate demonstrated there is no mythological “balance” to be found between “conservative” and “mainstream” media; nor, I would add, is baiting candidates the best use of the public airwaves to inform the electorate. That said, they have to get used to it — and so should we, and *even* from Fox.

Fox News, a slick establishment machine with “conservative” branding, showed itself to be actively hostile to both “true conservative” Cruz and No. 1 Trump, who has connected with voters in an unprecedented way with his vigorous, unapologetic build-the-wall, stop-the-alien-invasion, and save America message.

Bill Siegel: Trump the Immigration Stalemate

For decades, the Left, including today’s Democrat party, has had one overarching goal – to secure enough Democrat voters to establish a permanent majority from which to unleash its full scale program to transform the nation. Essential to this strategy is letting in as many illegal immigrants (preferably the unskilled from impoverished backgrounds to whom government benefits will mean significantly more) while gaining favor from currently residing immigrants- legal and illegal. Securing our borders so that we as a nation can choose who enters is as intimately connected to our concept of “nationhood” as the ability to lock one’s doors is to the notion of “home.” Nonetheless, the Left has held border security hostage to some fantasized “comprehensive” solution aimed at addressing the status of existing illegals.

Good News From Amazing Israel: Michael Ordman


Discovery of the melanoma trigger. A team of researchers from Tel Aviv University, Israel’s Technion, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Sheba Medical Center have discovered what causes melanoma cells to turn into aggressive tumors. The scientists are convinced that it will soon lead to a breakthrough treatment.

Diagnosing malaria in only 3 minutes. (TY Hazel) Israel’s Sight Diagnostics (SightDx) uses computer vision technology to scan “stained” blood samples under a fluorescent microscope and detect the presence of anomalies in blood cells due to malaria. The 3 minute test contrasts with current tests that take one or two days.

Dancing can treat Parkinson’s. When Professor Rafi Eldor was told that he had Parkinson’s disease, seven years ago, he felt that the sky had fallen on him. Two years later he took up dancing and now watch him dance to the theme tune of the movie “Skyfall”.

Pluristem stem cells control the immune system. A new study on stem cells developed by Israeli biotech Pluristem shows they can be used to regulate the immune system, speeding it up or slowing it down as needed. They release a cocktail of therapeutic proteins in response to a host of inflammatory and ischemic diseases.

Voice monitoring to diagnose brain disease. (TY Michelle) IBM Israel researchers are working on a project to detect brain diseases such as dementia, much earlier. It involves monitoring the patient’s voice remotely and detecting changes, so that activities and medication could slow down the advance of the disease.

Protection against microbial infections. (TY Atid-EDI) Professor Ervin Weiss, founder of Israel’s NanoLock, has invented a nano-polymer additive that protects against microbial infections – one of the most urgent medical problems. NanoLock has just acquired licenses and patents for the technology.