Tom Cotton: ‘It is Our Duty to Lead on the Global Stage’ by Michael Lucchese


In a speech to the National Conservative Student Conference, United States Senator Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) harshly condemned President Obama’s proposed nuclear deal with the Iranian regime. Speaking to Breitbart News following the speech, Senator Cotton emphasized the importance of involving young Americans in foreign policy issues.

In an interview with Breitbart News, Senator Cotton stressed the need to communicate American principles to youth. “America was founded on principles that transcend time and space. It is our duty to lead on the global stage, and when we communicate our history to the youth, they will understand why we must lead,” the Senator said.

When pressed on what many perceive as a growing apathy among young people towards foreign events and national security, Senator Cotton replied that he was not particularly worried. “Our very best and brightest have always gone into the United States military. Those serving on the frontlines understand why we’re fighting, and they serve us well,” he said.

In his speech to the National Conservative Student Conference, United States Senator Tom Cotton harshly condemned President Obama’s proposed nuclear deal with the Iranian regime. Senator Cotton spoke of many dangers across the globe, such as a rising China and an aggressive Russia. “But,” he said, “A nuclear Iran is the greatest threat of all.”

“We do not share interests and values [with the Iranians]…and any deal not detrimental to the United States interests must be detrimental to Iranian interests,” he went on to explain.

“Iran is a mortal and unrepentant enemy,” he said, eliciting cheers from the audience.

“[Under President Obama’s proposed deal,] Iran pockets all the economic, political, and military advantages [of removing sanctions], and walks away with impunity.”

He also refused to accept Secretary of State John Kerry’s premise that the outcome of negotiations with Iran is either this deal or war. Instead, Senator Cotton argued that increased pressure from sanctions supporting dissent within Iran, and bolstering the strength of a military option were all necessary.”

In addition to the Iran deal, Senator Cotton also spoke about the recent Chattanooga shooting during the question-and-answer session, telling a veteran that he believes President Obama should permit military personnel to carry weapons with them on-base.

His speech is available to view in its entirety here.

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