We’re devolving into tribalism. Americans vote for members of their tribe, or for those their tribal chiefs tell them to vote. Ninety-tree percent of blacks voted for Barack Obama. In Philadelphia, fifty-nine wards voted 100% for Obama. There wasn’t a single vote for Romney or anybody else. The Hispanic-American organization called “La Raza,” (translated, “The Race”) told its tribespeople to vote for Obama and 71% did. La Raza’s loyalty is to Mexico, not the United States and their affiliated organization MEChA sees our southwestern states as the province of “Aztlan” and Mexican sovereign territory.

Time was when Americans were proud to proclaim themselves part of the great “Melting Pot” to which immigrants from all over the world came because they valued what America stood for: One nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all – not for someone of this race or that gender. For all. We were Americans first – and that trumped every other affiliation we may have had.

Today, however, we hear endless breakdowns of how single, white women voted for Obama while married, white women voted for Romney. We learned that the Obama campaign wrote off white, working men because they could never be persuaded to vote for Obama – unless they belonged to unions, because those guys were already in the sack for him.

Leaders of the “Congressional Black Caucus” claim criticism of UN Ambassador Susan Rice for lying about Benghazi is motivated not by her lies, but by racism because she is a black woman. No black politicians questioned her erroneous statements about what happened on September 11th in Benghazi, Libya where four Americans were murdered by Arab Muslim radicals.

Black entertainer Jamie Foxx called Barack Obama “Our lord and savior” on “BET” – “Black Entertainment Television.” After turning out to vote for their tribal leader earlier this month, blacks are now asking for their spoils according to an article on called “You Owe Us.”

Demographers tell us that Hispanics are the fastest-rising segment of the US population and that, if Republicans don’t start pandering to them fast, there won’t be any more Republican Party. Some Republican “leaders” are caving. Rather than educate the electorate in the effectiveness of conservative principles and the flaws of so-called progressive policies which have brought us to the edge of the cliff, they would pander and compete with Democrats for tribal alliances.

Author Tom Wolfe, who has been chronicling American societal trends since the 1960s, just published his latest: “Back To Blood.” It’s set in Miami where there is no majority, but race and ethnicity trump everything. His characters are Cuban, black, white, Russian, or Haitian, etc. Their identity as Americans – as citizens of the United States – is secondary or non-existent. What bonds them instead is some combination of race, sex, status, or pornographic licentiousness. For fifty years, Wolfe has been showing us ourselves, with all our carbuncles. First he used non-fiction with “The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test” and “The Right Stuff.” Then he used the novel with “Bonfire of the Vanities”; “A Man in Full”; “I Am Charlotte Simmons”; and now: “Back To Blood.” In an interview for the “Telegraph” Wolfe said: “Miami is a melting pot in which none of the stones melt. They rattle around. A lot of Russians are there now, Haitians, Nicaraguans. Miami is plan B for everyone in Latin America at this point. And everybody hates everybody . . .”

Americans who champion Multiculturalism also cheer for open borders and world government. Obviously, they think all these tribes can smile and hold hands as they celebrate diversity, but Wolfe and this writer tend to disagree.

Abraham Lincoln called America “The last, best hope,” but that hope is fading once again. He called us “a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.” Then he wondered aloud “whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure.”

I’m wondering too a century-and-a-half later as I watch our “Great Melting Pot” devolve into Multicultural Miasma. I have to watch as our once-great republic declines further and faster because things have to get worse before they can get better. I have to hope that a majority of voters eventually realize that big government is the problem – not the solution – that the limited government outlined in our Constitution by the founding fathers is indeed the last best hope of mankind. Contributing Editor Tom McLaughlin is a (now retired) history teacher and a regular weekly columnist for newspapers in Maine and New Hampshire. He writes about political and social issues, history, family, education and Radical Islam. Email him at

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