Yesterday I attended a small private luncheon in honor of Monica Crowley, the charming, witty, erudite author of the incredibly timely book  “What the Beep Just Happened?- The Happy Warrior’s Guide to the Great American Comeback.” Ms. Crowley delivered a stunning and brilliant speech on our current dilemma as Americans and lovers of freedom. Her remarks were, at her request, off the record and so they shall remain.

Now, in my opinion there are none so sappy as men who worry and fret about “women’s rights” and how the GOP ignores them and blah, blah, blah. One of the questioners was just such a man. To my delight and surprise, another man present, a well respected commentator,countered with the following:

It is the Democrats who are anti women….they have consistently ignored Moslem abuse of women who are harassed, forced into childhood marriages, and beaten, tortured, flogged and stoned to death for minor infractions of sharia law.

Right he is and those who ignore this are guilty of abetting crimes against women while they prattle about “reproductive rights.”

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