Dear Ruth,
You might want to tell your readers the following:
AFSI’s Executive Director , Helen Freedman, is in Jerusalem at the present, following the conclusion of another hugely successful Chizuk mission to Israel. The mission ended Wednesday night, Nov. 14, just as the Gaza war broke out. Some of the group returned to the U.S. while others stayed on. Friends in the south who were visited just days before by AFSI are under attack. They are spending their days in their safe rooms or in the sewer pipes that serve as shelters in Nitzan, the Jewish refugee camp for the Gush Katif exiles. Ironically, the only safe places in Israel today are the holy cities of Hebron and Jerusalem, along with the threatened areas of Judea and Samaria. The biblical sites which make up the heart of Israel, and which are always on the bargaining table with Israel’s enemies, end up being Israel’s safe havens. There seems to be a message here to which attention should be paid.
I’ll be back in the office on Tuesday

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