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The Price Democracy Exacts for Ignorance David Catron


In an 1816 letter to his friend Charles Yancey, Thomas Jefferson wrote, “The functionaries of every government have propensities to command at will the liberty and property of their constituents. There is no safe deposit for these but with the people themselves, nor can they be safe with them without information.” Jefferson was making the case for taxpayer-funded public schools. He believed an educated electorate with access to a free press would be proof against the government’s inclination to encroach upon our liberties. One wonders if he would take such a sanguine view after witnessing what passes for education and news reporting today.

It’s useful to ponder this question now, considering that our president’s first State of the Union address was a classic expression of the propensity to which Jefferson alluded. Absent the tired bromides and outright balderdash, it was a call for the expansion of an already-bloated federal behemoth. The $2 trillion “infrastructure” plan the president pitched, for example, includes numerous programs to which few taxpayers would apply that term. Indeed, it would spend far more money on entitlement programs than on roads and bridges. As Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) expressed it in his SOTU response:

Republicans support everything you think of when you think of “infrastructure.” Roads, bridges, ports, airports, waterways, high-speed broadband — we’re all in! But again, Democrats want a partisan wish list.… Less than 6% of the President’s plan goes to roads and bridges. It’s a liberal wish-list of Big Government waste … plus the biggest job-killing tax hikes in a generation. Experts say, when all is said and done, it would lower American wages and shrink our economy.… “Infrastructure” spending that shrinks our economy is not common sense.

The Real Reasons Behind the Rudy Giuliani Raid Lee Smith


Expectations that the FBI was investigating possible crimes documented on Hunter Biden’s laptop were laid to rest earlier this week when agents raided the home and office of Rudolph Giuliani, the man who made news of the laptop public.

According to reports, federal investigators are looking for evidence that the former Mayor of New York City violated the foreign agents registration act (FARA) by illegally lobbying on behalf of Ukrainian officials. But that’s just a pretext to search his communications and records to find something with which to take revenge against a man who helped uncover the corruption of America’s first family. The compromising photos, emails, and texts found on Hunter’s laptop include accounts of financial arrangements with a Chinese businessman he called the “spy chief of China.” The documents, confirmed by a former Biden associate, implicate other members of the Biden clan, including it seems the president.

And so to hunt Giuliani, the commander-in-chief has deployed federal law enforcement authorities, which have their own reason to retaliate against one of the Department of Justice’s most famous former prosecutors. Giuliani helped thwart the FBI and DOJ’s plot to topple an American president.

He joined Donald Trump’s legal team in April 2018 to defend the president during former FBI director Robert Mueller’s special counsel investigation. “I wanted to make us a lot tougher against them,” Giuliani told me in an interview for my 2020 book “The Permanent Coup.” “We needed to get out front publicly because I believed it was not just a legal case. It was a political case.”

Indeed, Justice Department officials sanctioned the Mueller probe as a continuation, and coverup, of the illegal espionage operation targeting Trump and his associates that the FBI called Crossfire Hurricane. The investigation of Giuliani is yet a further extension of Crossfire Hurricane, even employing the same instrument it used to go after Trump aides—FARA.

Until recently, FARA was a seldom enforced law requiring representatives of foreign principals to register with the Justice Department. It is intended to promote transparency but most Washington, DC influence peddlers disregard it and when found in violation are simply forced to register and pay a fine. All that changed in July 2016 when the FBI used alleged FARA violations as the basis to investigate Trump’s presidential campaign.

For US, Gradual Ruin Is About to Become Sudden Roger Kimball (March 21, 2021)




Then, there is the more serious stuff: the nearly $2 trillion so-called COVID relief package that all but guarantees a spike in inflation but shovels much, much more money to teachers’ unions and favored racial groups than to people who have suffered from the government lockdowns during the CCP virus pandemic.

There is the passage in the House of H.R. 1, the so-called For the People bill, which would effectively assure that was never another fair election in this country.

It would do this by all but obliterating voter ID requirements—you need an ID to board a plane but not cast a vote—mandating same-day voter registration and at least two weeks of early voting, and by requiring states to provide unsupervised drop boxes to receive completed ballots.

In other words, H.R. 1 would centralize presidential elections, taking responsibility for oversight away from the states, where the Constitution placed it, and arrogating it to the clutches of the federal government and its sprawling bureaucracy.

If, as seems almost certain, H.R. 1 becomes the law of the land, it would be the final nail in the coffin of electoral integrity.

The widespread irregularities (that’s polysyllabic periphrasis for “fraud”) that attended the 2020 election would be codified into law assuring that, for as long as anyone could envision, 2016 would have to be counted as the last free, fair, and open presidential election.

It used to be that American was the land of the free and home of the brave. A robust culture of free speech was every American’s birthright.

How the Left Turned Chauvin Into a Racist Killer Jack Cashill


Although he made up his mind before jury did, President Joe Biden quickly went public once he learned that the Minneapolis jury had, in fact, convicted former police officer Derek Chauvin on all charges.

“It was a murder in the full light of day, and it ripped the blinders off for the whole world to see the systemic racism the vice president just referred to — the systemic racism that is a stain on our nation’s soul.” So said the only president to have given a eulogy at the funeral of an Exalted Klan Cyclops, and that just 10 years before Floyd’s death.

The comments by Biden, endorsed by the media, frame the Overton window on George Floyd’s death and Derek Chauvin’s verdict. The only acceptable public opinion is that Chauvin intentionally caused Floyd’s death. If proof were needed, former NFL great Brett Favre was tarred and feathered on Twitter for haplessly suggesting otherwise.

The only question for debate really is whether Chauvin was a bad apple or a symptom of a rotten barrel. Ignoring the fact that three of Chauvin’s fellow officers will soon face trial for the same death, Biden, Harris, and their media allies came down firmly on the side of systemic rottenness. To confirm their suspicions, the White House sent Attorney General Merrick Garland to Minnesota to root out the rot.

Biden’s ‘Green New Deal’: Glitter, nonsense, and deception We need to rein in extreme, unattainable policies and seek realistic solutions by Andrew I. Fillat and Henry I. Miller


Having spent our adult lives involved with and supporting science and technology, it is frustrating and infuriating to endure uninformed politicians, pundits, and ideologues bloviating about the climate, to say nothing of the pointless dithering about whether we should be referring to climate change or to the climate crisis. But the genuine catastrophe-in-waiting is that the policies they advocate will irreparably damage the economy while leaving the climate essentially unaffected.

The United States’s small global share of greenhouse gas emissions, which is about 15% and declining due to the increased use of natural gas, means that domestic improvements can have only a minimal effect. The underlying premise of the Biden administration’s energy policy is that by the U.S. setting an example of enlightenment and probity, other nations, especially China and India, will elevate altruism above compelling self-interests and follow suit.

Thereby, the advocates of radical climate policies, whether President Joe Biden’s or the more extreme Green New Deal progressives, are prepared to exact an enormous price from the public in pursuit of what amounts to quixotic virtue signaling, a case of tilting at windmills, so to speak.

Many aspects of the Left’s climate policies are steeped in delusion and misleading propaganda. Advocates focus on largely discredited apocalyptic projections about the extent and impact of climate change and offer only favored options for a shift to renewable and clean energy that fly in the face of evidence.

Data from many sources show clearly that solar and wind, the green energy sources in vogue, have costs and disadvantages that are conveniently hidden, while the only readily available new source of clean energy, nuclear power, is demonized. We will summarize below our two lengthy analyses of these issues that appeared here and here.

‘Capitol Insurrection’ v. Burn, Loot, and Murder Riots If not for double standards, Democrats would have NO standards. Mark Alexander

https://patriotpost.us › alexander

“There is no maxim in my opinion which is more liable to be misapplied, and which therefore needs elucidation than the current one that the interest of the majority is the political standard of right and wrong. … In fact it is only reestablishing under another name and a more specious form, force as the measure of right.” James Monroe (1786)

A rhetorical question: Why have Democrats and their Leftmedia publicists portrayed the January 6 Capitol riot in a harsh and incriminating light while shining a soft and sympathetic light on the now hundreds of riots by their constituents — those “peaceful protesters” nationwide?

The disparity in this portrayal is evident at many levels, and one must conclude that Democrats have two standards of justice for riots and insurrections — one for their burn, loot, and murder constituents and a much more punitive standard for the Capitol protesters.

If the Capitol riot had been in any other venue, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and their legislative tag team, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, would have proclaimed it a “peaceful protest.”

A Fitting Coda to John Kerry’s Career Editors


The claim by Iran’s foreign minister that Secretary of State Kerry squealed to him about Israeli covert operations in Syria is not, considering the source, necessarily credible. Mohammad Javad Zarif is too oleaginous and wily — and hostile. Then again, too, Mr. Zarif’s allegation is susceptible to such a shocking interpretation that Mr. Kerry and President Biden at least owe their countrymen a full explanation.

The story comes from what the New York Times calls a “leaked audiotape.” It is, the Times reports, of a conversation last month between Mr. Zarif and an economist and ally, Saeed Leylaz. The tape, the Times says, was leaked to a London-based news channel, Iran International, which shared it with the Times. The Times reckons the tape was not meant for publication — or, at least, Mr. Zarif says as much on the audio.

The Times focuses on the glimpse the tape provides into the “behind-the-scenes power struggles of Iranian leaders.” Mr. Zarif complains that the Revolutionary Guards Corps “call the shots,” as the Times summarizes his remarks, “overruling many government decisions and ignoring advice.” The Times notes that in “one extraordinary moment” Mr. Zarif “departed from the reverential official line” on Qassim Suleimani.

Suleimani was the Iranian general whom America, in January 2020, slew with a drone. The Trump administration had caught Suleimani traveling in violation of U.N. sanctions. His vast operations had claimed hundreds of American lives. The Iranians are apparently flabbergasted or infuriated at Mr. Zarif’s remarks about the general. The Times reports that Iran’s foreign ministry isn’t disputing the authenticity of the recording.

Instead, it says the foreign ministry in Tehran is questioning the motive for the leak. The Times quotes a spokesman for the ministry as calling it “unethical politics” and says, as the Times put it, “the portion of the audio released did not represent the full scope of Mr. Zarif’s comments about his respect and love for General Suleimani.” Then again, too, Mr. Zarif’s remarks about the military undermine the entire Iran deal.

Who Fears a Society that Hates Itself? Lionel Shriver


In my teens, criticizing the implacable edifice of the United States felt like kicking a tank in bedroom slippers. Richard Nixon’s ‘silent majority’ was patriotic. Railing about my country’s disgraceful historical underbelly — slavery, the Native American genocide — seemed edgy.

Fast-forward, and in the west trashing your own country has become a central preoccupation of the ruling class. University administrators, corporate board members and media pundits compete with one another over who can denounce their disgusting society with more fervor. Shame, or what passes for it, is the new ostentation. America’s own President decries his country’s ‘systemic racism’. Far more than singing along with ‘The Star-Spangled Banner’ at a football game or (God forbid) ‘Rule, Britannia’ at the Proms, joining the chorus proclaiming the odiousness of America or Britain has become downright conformist — one reason why pooping all over the land of my birth ceased long ago to be any fun.

Now self-loathing has gone mainstream, the government-commissioned April report attesting the UK is not ‘institutionally racist’ is what qualifies as genuinely edgy; its assertion that, rather, Britain should act as a model for other white-majority countries is what qualifies as genuinely brave. For sure enough, its lead author, the head of the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities, drew comparison to Goebbels. On Twitter, a Labour MP equated the commissioners with cross-burners in the Ku Klux Klan. On the Guardian’s front page, the mother of murdered teenager Stephen Lawrence decried the report’s heretical conclusions as giving ‘racists the green light’. On Channel 4 News, a former Met police superintendent slammed the document as having ‘set back racial equality for decades’ (now, that’s one powerful pile of paper). So over-the-top, so foam-at-the-mouth, so eye-bulgingly hypertensive was the immediate response to the ‘gaslighting’ report that the exhibition was almost comical.

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Biden’s plan to revolutionize America on a slim majority is downright delusion By Rich Lowry


There’s believing your own news releases. And then there’s believing your own delusions of grandeur. 

Joe Biden should look at the mirror every day and see a president elected on the basis of the unpopularity of his predecessor at a time when the country was slammed by a once-in-a-century pandemic. 

Instead, by every account, he sees a transformative leader with a mandate to change America as rapidly and irreversibly as possible. 

As the news site Axios noted, Biden wants his next 100 days to be “more audacious” than his first 100, as he seeks “to re-engineer the very fundamentals of America — inequality, voting rights and government’s role in directing economic growth.” 

Oh, is that all?

Biden’s drive to make himself the next FDR and erect a massive progressive edifice on the slightest of political foundations is monumentally arrogant and almost certainly bound to fail. 

New York Times ‘buried’ bombshell that John Kerry told Iran about Israeli covert operations in Syria


‘At best, this shows that Kerry is enormously and irresponsibly indiscreet; at worst, he’s exposing American intelligence to an enemy in order to attack an ally’

The New York Times is taking criticism for “burying” a report that former Secretary of State John Kerry told Iran that Israel had attacked Iranian interests in Syria at least 200 times.

The story focuses on leaked audio of Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif speaking candidly about Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps, the powerful branch of Iran’s Armed Forces and a U.S.-designated terrorist organization. However, 21 paragraphs into a 26-paragraph story, the Times dropped a major revelation.

“Former Secretary of State John Kerry informed him that Israel had attacked Iranian interests in Syria at least 200 times, to his astonishment, Mr. Zarif said,” Times reporter Farnaz Fassihi wrote.

Kerry has denied the claims in the story, calling them “unequivocally false.”

Kerry, now President Biden’s special climate envoy, served as President Barack Obama’s Secretary of State from 2013 to 2017, where he was instrumental in brokering the Iran nuclear deal. The deal was heavily opposed by Israel, with whom Kerry has frequently sparred.