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Joe Biden’s short walk in the Hindu Kush Roger Kimball


“There is no light in the bazaar. The Americans brought the light when they came to build the great dam . . . but when they left the took the machine with them and now there is no more light.”—Eric Newby, A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush

There really isn’t much that is amusing about Afghanistan. There never has been. But Eric Newby wrote a most amusing book about his trek through the Hindu Kush in the late 1950s.  These days, when the Americans decamp from Afghanistan they leave behind tons – literally tons – of lights, not to mention munitions of various sizes and lethality, roads, buildings, communication devices of all sorts – you name it. A few days ago, we were told that the Afghan government might fall within 90 days to the newly resurgent Taliban. Over the weekend, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby assured the world that “Kabul does not face an imminent threat from the Taliban.” Whew. That gave the team at our Kabul embassy time to shred or other render inoperative all the sensitive information they were sitting on – that stash of Pride flags, for example, which the new masters will not have much use for, unless it is to drape over the shoulders of the gays they execute by pushing them off roofs.

Well, it turns out the embassy workers did not have quite enough time. If we still used ink, the bit used to record Kirby’s words would not have been dry before his words were replaced by headlines that Kabul had fallen to the Taliban, who now occupied the presidential palace, the president himself having fled the country, and that the country as whole was in a state of crisis.

President Biden – or, as I like to denominate him these days, due to the deference shown him by all those eager-beaver members of the press, President Ice Cream – was hors de combat when this important news came over what counts as the wire these days. He had left the White House for Camp David. Monday, I think, is when Ben and Jerry’s makes its deliveries, and all we could glean was that he would be addressing the nation “in a few days.”

The outcry over that bit of impertinence was loud, sustained, and widespread, even among the housebroken poodles of the Fourth Estate. So just a few hours before I sat down to write this, the President of the United States shuffled before the cameras, blinked, and told us two things. One, he felt really badly about what just happened. Really, his heart goes out to the thousands Afghans who are about to be raped, mutilated, or slaughtered. Two, it was all Donald Trump’s fault. Really. “I inherited a deal that president Trump negotiated with the Taliban.” I’m the president and the “buck stops with me,” but still, it’s all Donald Trump’s fault.

Quick question: does anybody, anybody believe that if Donald Trump were still president Afghanistan would have been consumed in this humiliating maelstrom?

Our Military Is A Woke Joke Kurt Schlichter


Ignore those pictures of the Afghan army that our military senior leader geniuses spent 20 years and zillions of dollars on disintegrating in the face of a pack of glorified mountain banditos from the Seventh Century – the real story is that, finally, America’s fighting men and women are fully aware of the urgency of accepting and validating the trans experience. And it’s even better if said trans people are BIPOC. Plus differently abled. 

Our broke, woke armed forces would be a hysterically funny punchline if the joke wasn’t, “The greatest military in human history walks into a bar, puts down trillions of dollars and buckets of American blood, and asks the bartender, ‘So, what would it look like if all the generals and admirals sucked-up to the garbage establishment that has totally failed the people of the USA?’”

Yes, it is a joke, a sick one. Fire all the generals. Invite a few back, maybe a dozen. Clean out the Pentagon. Can all the “Diversity Consultants,” “Equal Opportunity Officers,” “Climate Change Mitigation Specialists,” and every other strap-hanging oxygen thief who doesn’t contribute to the only thing the military should be focusing on right now – putting Chi Coms in graves.

Yeah, there’s been a strategic failure of epic proportions by our civilian establishment. We need to fix that at the ballot box by tossing out every Democrat and every Liz Cheney-esque combat tourist who delights in sending our young people overseas to get ground up in idiotic wars designed to enrich their cronies. Hardest hit at the end of Afghanistan: Haliburton, Raytheon, KBR, and a hundred other contractors you never heard of. Oh, and the Afghan people, but they never really figured into this calculus except in the abstract idea that we were going to convert a nation of savages into Lil’ Vermonters living the Norman Rockwell dream of community democracy.

Twenty years of failure. Twenty years. How far and fast we fell. I was there thirty years ago, in VII Corps main, contributing my car washing skills, when the greatest military force in human history annihilated a country’s entire army in 100 hours and barely broke a sweat doing it. Amazingly, we did it without giving a single thought to our alleged privilege – to the extent cracking over reeking half-barrels in wooden outhouses in the middle of the desert constituted privilege. 

Look at us now. Look at the generals, in their stupid throwback uniforms from the Forties that are supposed to make the gender studies seminar we call the US Army think it’s the same force that broke Hitler. It’s not. A serious organization does not alternate its designation of America’s most serious threat between the weather, “racism,” and other Americans who dissent from the generals’ bosses’ political priorities.

Biden Photo at Camp David Raises Red Flags as Questions Swirl About President’s Whereabouts by Kyle Becker


As Afghanistan crumbled on Sunday, the American people had one question on their minds: ‘Where is the president?’ Joe Biden had taken off on vacation days ago to his Camp David “retreat” (as CNN called it) and was nowhere to be found.

Kabul fell and the presidential palace was overrun. Afghanis were executed in the streets. Interpreters sought desperately to flee from Kabul International Airport. The Taliban declared the two-decades-long war “over.”

But the word came on Sunday afternoon that Biden would not be giving an address to the American people. A single photo was tweeted from the White House account with a picture of Biden being “briefed.”

“This morning, the President and Vice President met with their national security team and senior officials to hear updates on the draw down of our civilian personnel in Afghanistan, evacuations of SIV applicants and other Afghan allies, and the ongoing security situation in Kabul,” the account said.

One of the first things people noticed was the utter lack of Operational Security: It showed on the television that there were camera feeds from both the CIA and Doha Station.

“Heck of a job, White House communications shop. I figure you would want to crop out the teleconference screens labeled ‘CIA’ and ‘Doha Station’,” NRO’s Jim Geraghty tweeted. “You panicking amateur idiots.”

The image also looked somewhat similar to other recent photos of Biden at Camp David.

This is a White House photo of President Biden speaking with Vice President Kamala Harris and members of his national security team from Camp David in Maryland, on Saturday, Aug. 14, 2021.

Then it gets odd. The new White House photo issued on Sunday shows the clocks with twenty-six minutes advanced. It is depicted as being from Sunday morning at 11:29 EST. Joe Biden is in a different outfit.

There is an issue with the clocks showing London and Moscow are three hours apart. Those two cities are two hours apart, so either the photo is wrong or the clocks at Camp David are wrong.

It should be noted that while Tehran is shown as a half-hour difference from Moscow, it is actually an hour and a half difference. For whatever reason, that’s also wrong.

The time difference raised some major questions. One of the first to notice it was Scuba Mike on Twitter.

“The current time difference is 2 hours so this picture could not have been taken today,” Scuba Mike weighed in. “The whole TV is fake and this was not today.” (It should be noted that this claim has not been confirmed.)

Fauci, the political scientist, rolls on down the road By Jon Rappoport


‘Fauci works on his narrative-script every day. He makes changes. He tells new lies. He tap-dances around contradictions. He keeps polishing his image as the The Scientist.’

For the past year, I’ve been documenting Fauci’s serial lies and self-contradictions. Cherry-picking is also one of his skills.

On 8/8, he appeared on Meet the Press with the remarkably clueless Chuck Todd. Fauci warned of a COVID super-spreader event: the annual Sturgis, South Dakota, biker rally.

Fauci: “I’m very concerned we’re going to see another [COVID] surge related to that rally.”


So let’s follow Dr. Death’s logic and mention other super-spreader

“To me it’s understandable that people want to do the kind of things they want to do. They want their freedom to do that, but there comes a time when you’re dealing with the public health crisis that could involve you, your family and everyone else…”

So let’s follow Dr. Death’s logic and mention other super-spreader events he neglected to highlight because he’s a political scientist (which is no scientist at all), and he always remembers who his masters are.

ONE: The immigration crisis at the Southern border. Huge numbers of untested and unvaccinated immigrants are coming across into the US from all over the world, and they’re then transported to many different spots around the country. Perfect for transmitting a virus.

TWO: The George Floyd protests and riots in more than a hundred US cities. No masks, no distancing. Sensational super-spreaders.

THREE: Sanctuary cities, which pack in and protect untested, unvaccinated, unmasked immigrants. Terrific places for the virus and its spread.

FOUR: The recent Obama birthday bash, herding together several hundred unmasked and non-distancing celebs.

FIVE: The Lollapalooza concert held in Grant Park in Chicago.

Democrats and COVID Restrictions Forever The party’s pinata that never stops giving.   Don Feder

“Fear whatever we tell you to fear.” — Shaman Anthony Fauci.

Every day it’s a different story – another flip flop or belly flop – from another eminent authority or revered agency (the CDC, Dr. Fascista, the Geezer-in-chief, Nanny Nancy, the National Institutes for Driving Us All F—ing Nuts).

Get vaccinated (but forget the tens of thousands streaming across the border who are infected). Wear a face mask. But, you don’t need to wear one if you’re vaccinated. Wear it anyway. COVID is spread by motorcycle rallies in South Dakota, but not by birthday parties for hundreds on Martha’s Vineyard. Kids can only go back to school when the NEA says so, but they’ll still have to wear HAZMAT suits.

Be especially careful around the elderly and other vulnerable groups, unless you’re Andrew Cuomo, who can shove recovering COVID patients in nursing homes with those most at risk, killing thousands.

Thanks to Big Mother, members of Congress need a face mask to sit in the House of Representatives, but illegal aliens are welcome, including those who test positive for COVID, including those who refuse to be vaccinated. (The mayor of McAllen, TX just announced that since mid-February, 7,000 confirmed COVID-19 “aliens” have been released into his city.) Nothing must slow the influx of Future Democrats of America.

As long as there’s one Democrat in office anywhere in the United States, the “crisis” will never end.

A Delta Variant lockdown could be on the way – to destroy what’s left of restaurants and stores. Starting in September, Bill de Blasio, Gauleiter of the Big Apple, will exclude the unvaccinated from restaurants and indoor entertainment.

The Democrats’ media allies will lovingly report new cases — not deaths, or hospitalizations, just cases.

President Biden will try to shame you – threaten to drag you from your home to the nearest vaccination center, devise increasingly absurd and humiliating regulations. Some have suggested that parents should wear face masks at home, around their unvaccinated children.

Covid-19 is the best thing to happen to the Party of Plunder since the first ward heeler learned how to stuff the first ballot box.

Biden Rolls Out Red Carpet for COVID-Infected Illegal Immigrants Deroy Murdoch


President Joe Biden is the root cause of today’s COVID-19 superspreader extravaganza on the southern frontier. His come-and-get-it, no-borders policy offers a laurel and hearty welcome to COVID-19-infected illegal aliens.

Biden’s red carpet for COVID-19 carriers on the U.S.-Mexico boundary—atop his mandatory vaccines for U.S. military personnel and vaccination papers for lawful foreign visitors—epitomizes hypocrisy, reckless endangerment, and quite likely negligent homicide.

McAllen, Texas, Mayor Javier Villalobos, a Republican, issued a Declaration of Local Disaster last week. According to a municipal government statement published Wednesday:

Since mid-February of 2021, there have been over 7,000 confirmed COVID-19 positive immigrants released into the city of McAllen by CBP [Customs and Border Protection], including over 1,500 new cases in the past seven days.

Also, 135 illegal immigrants in Customs and Border Protection’s Rio Grande Valley sector tested positive for COVID-19 in July’s first half, up 900% versus the previous 14 months.

Don’t let Dems bury Cuomo’s nursing-home horrors by ousting him only for sex charges By Jonathan S. Tobin


It seems justice is finally going to be served to Gov. Andrew Cuomo. State Attorney General Letitia James’ report detailing Cuomo’s record as a serial sex-harasser delivered what may be the death blow to his time in office, forcing the desperate Love Gov to resign or suffer the indignity of impeachment.

Yes, it’s great to watch a man whose thuggish character was apparent throughout his tenure finally being called to account. But there’s something troubling about the way Cuomo is being hustled out of office: Obscured amid the details about his gross behavior and the way his aides and liberal feminist enablers tried to discredit the victims is the fact that Cuomo remains responsible for the deaths of perhaps thousands of elderly New Yorkers during the early months of the pandemic — and for his administration’s ongoing, illegal coverup of the numbers highlighting that fact.

Even as critics like Fox News meteorologist Janice Dean courageously spoke out about the issue, the governor spent most of 2020 as a national idol, venerated by the mainstream media for what President Joe Biden called the “gold standard” for coronavirus crisis management. The nation was riveted by his daily press briefings; he actually won a special Emmy for them.

It was not until James issued a report in January stating Cuomo underestimated the number of nursing-home deaths by as much as 50 percent that he began to feel any real heat. His problems worsened when an aide admitted his staff had deliberately hidden the true number of deaths to shield Team Cuomo from scrutiny. And, as The Post noted last week, the coverup hasn’t even ended yet, as the state continues to stall on releasing documents about his COVID record.

Critical Race Theory FORCED on West Point Cadets – Judicial Watch Sues


“…They want to destroy our military. This is a revolutionary approach, straight out of the Marxist playbook.” 

Judicial Watch’s countless lawsuits and political investigations are raising alarm bells on the spread of critical race theory across the United States. From the DOJ’s Georgia Lawsuit, to public schools in Masschusetts, Maryland and elsewhere, policymakers are pushing for every issue to be viewed through the lens of race. As Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton explained during Friday’s Weekly Update, “this is a revolutionary approach, straight out of the Marxist playbook.”  Shockingly, as Fitton pointed out, it’s now being taught at West Point, “where our rising generation of leaders for the Army go to train,” Fitton explained. “They want to brainwash our incoming Army officers.”

In light of this revelation, Judicial Watch has sued the United States Military Academy for the following information: 

Copies of all diversity, inclusion, and equity training materials for first-year Cadets entering West Point. This includes lists of reading materials and presentation materials that promote diversity, inclusion, and equity for first-year Cadets.
Copies of all contracts between the U.S Military Academy and any organization or company responsible for coordinating and implementing diversity, inclusion, and equity programs and training for Cadets at the United States Military Academy.

Judicial Watch’s lawsuit was filed in conjunction with Congressman Mike Waltz’ (R-FL) recent discovery of controversial training materials at the U.S Army’s military academy, which included “examples of Corps of Cadets being mandated to attend seminars and presentations on critical race theory…” As Fitton reminded viewers Friday, Critical Race Theory is “not just a racialist approach, its about categorizing people by their immutable characteristics – sex, race, ethnicities, sometimes age, disability – it’s all part of that mix.” 

As Fitton concluded: 

“Critical race theory is racist, anti-American, and repackaged Marxism.  It has no place in our military, let alone the storied heights of West Point,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “The Pentagon needs to immediately follow the FOIA law so the American people can fully understand and stop the extremist indoctrination of the U.S. Army’s rising leadership at West Point.”

If you’re concerned about the impact of Critical Race Theory on America’s military and its most celebrated institutions, support Judicial Watch today. Let’s expose the truth about Critical Race Theory. 

The Biden Military Witch-hunt Warren Beatty


A manufactured panic over the January 6 rally has provided Biden and his flunkies with an excuse to attack the U.S. military.  The Biden administration has implemented an effort to root out political “extremism” in the military in order to work toward a military with more ‘diversity, equity, and inclusion’, despite little evidence of any such extremists actually operating within the ranks:

“But a large majority of those charged have no known connections to established extremist groups… Experts say there’s little evidence that current or former members of the military are more susceptible to radicalization than the general population.  Still, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has called combating extremism in the ranks a top priority.”

So let’s examine what Austin has done.  As head of the Department of Defense (DoD), Austin created the Countering Extremism Working Group (CEWG).  However, the potential unintended consequences of its anti-extremism effort could harm recruiting if religious Americans or those on the political right feel unwelcome in the military ranks.  The DoD’s definition of extremism is so broad and imprecise that some retired officers and military analysts fear it could inadvertently include traditional Catholics, Republicans, and people who aren’t racist or violent but simply choose conservative, pro-life politics.  For example, DoD considers “‘patriot’ extremism” to include any non-extreme position, such as conservative views, religious teachings such as those against abortion or LGBTQ lifestyles, and failure to actively support gay rights demonstrations or mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations.  They are therefore legitimate targets for the CEWG.

Further, as a Revolver article says, if one accepts the DoD’s ‘diversity, equity, and inclusion’ policy as a matter of national security, any conviction that doesn’t agree with Biden’s (or Austin’s) perspective of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the military can be considered a national security threat.  Thus all policies and personnel that supported Donald Trump’s border wall, illegal alien deportations, DACA criticism, the military’s transgender ban, and military bases named after Confederate generals can be considered an extremist and a threat to national security.  The CEWG is a mechanism for eliminating in the military anything or anybody Biden (or more likely his flunky Austin) doesn’t like.

Words Matter—Or Not: The Biden Vocabulary of the Times Victor Davis Hanson


Armed insurrection—a motley mob riot with no leaders, no firearms, no plans, and resulting in five fatalities, four from natural causes and one shot while unarmed by an unnamed police officer.

Assault—anything but 120 days of rioting, looting and arson, $2 billion in damage, 25 killed, and 14,000 arrested.

Bipartisan—you are if you hate Trump.

Cages—overcrowded border detention “facilities” created by the Obama administration and useful to the Biden team’s open-borders agenda. Otherwise known as “cages” between January 20, 2017-January 20, 2021.

Challenge—engineered utter chaos on the border.

Circling back—just circling and circling…

Collusion—the projection of the crime of the guilty onto those innocent of it.

Diversity—coerced uniformity of thought and expression.

Equity—the plan where everybody ends up the same except those who oversee it.

Gender—what people with degrees call sex.

Herd immunity—once a canon of epidemiology, then taboo, now an inconvenient truth.

Inclusion—mandatory state alienation of a majority of the population.

Infrastructure—borrowing trillions for anything but roads and bridges.

Latinix—unknown, maybe a gladiatorial character in some long forgotten Roman graphic novel.

Noncitizen—now used as if all legal US residents crossed the Southern border illegally.

Root causes—an abstraction used to evade the concrete evidence in front of you.

Scott Atlas—the Nemesis following Dr. Fauci’s hubris.

Unity—uniting half the country against the other half.

Woke—body snatched.