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Leftism Is the True Pandemic By David Solway


We have suffered through a year and a half of a viral pandemic, which has become for a majority of us the Alpha and Omega of everyday life. We think of little else and organize our lives around media-inflamed anxiety, ever-changing medical reports, and government ordinances. We wear masks. We put distance between ourselves and our fellows. We isolate. We line up for what seems like a never-ending succession of jabs. We devour the News as if it were the truth. We are victims of what is called “fear appeal,” defined as “a persuasive message that attempts to arouse fear in order to divert behavior through the threat of impending danger or harm.”

Yet, in our addiction to the doctrine and apparatus of the COVID industry, far too many of us have missed the big picture. “Maybe there is something darker and more nefarious at work,” remarks Jeffrey Tucker in Liberty or Lockdown. For there is indeed a pandemic that has spread its pathogens across the world and afflicted the West with a disease from which it may not recover, a kind of viral contagion from which there may be no immediate or even long-term escape. We are confronting a curve that may not be flattened in the foreseeable future.

It is a political disease for which we have many names—progressivism, Wokeism, Agenda 2030, the Great Reset, etc.—but they are all subsumed under the aegis of the Left, which approaches in stages or “waves.” We recall Israel’s official virologist Salman Zarka informing us that “[t]his is our life from now on, in waves.” We might say that the Welfare State is the first wave; “Democratic Socialism” is the second wave; full, undisguised socialism is the third; and the absolute tyranny of Communism is the fourth. 

Admittedly, the analogy with the COVID regime partially breaks down since, in the transposition I’m proposing, the disease itself is the object and booster shots cannot be regarded as preventative. (Many will argue that this is the case with the medical pandemic as well, but the question is moot.) In the correlate scenario, however, the “boosters” should be thought of as social and cultural “injections” whose ulterior purpose is to prolong the virulence of the political pandemic. For example, “health and safety” mandates—that is, official rhetoric—are designed to convince the people that they are being cared for, thus rendering them obedient and docile; or “vaccine passports”—that is, identity papers—are intended to fracture social unity by creating a compliant class of propagandized citizens and an outcast class subject to harsh measures of repression and exclusion. 

Biden’s DOJ Targets Parents Attorney General Garland takes aim at parents who speak out against the indoctrination of their kids. Joseph Klein


President Joe Biden’s Attorney General Merrick Garland has declared war on parents protesting the far-left’s indoctrination rammed down their children’s throats. In doing so, Garland has declared war on the First Amendment.

Garland issued a memorandum on October 4th entitled “Partnership Among Federal, State, Local, Tribal, And Territorial Law Enforcement To Address Threats Against School Administrators, Board Members, Teachers, And Staff.”  Garland acted in response to a request for assistance the Biden administration received from the National School Boards Association (NSBA). The NSBA accused parents who showed up at public school board meetings to strongly voice their objections of engaging in threatening behavior akin to “domestic terrorism.”

The NSBA’s letter asked the Biden administration for “a joint expedited review by the U.S. Departments of Justice, Education, and Homeland Security, along with the appropriate training, coordination, investigations, and enforcement mechanisms from the FBI, including any technical assistance necessary from, and state and local coordination with, its National Security Branch and Counterterrorism Division, as well as any other federal agency with relevant jurisdictional authority and oversight.”

The Biden administration obliged with Garland’s law enforcement memorandum.

Violence or threats calculated to incite imminent violence are not protected by the First Amendment. Such acts are intolerable in a free society, no matter who commits them or why. But Garland did not stop with using his law enforcement tools solely to combat the commission of violence or threats of imminent violence against other individuals. Garland also called upon the FBI, federal prosecutors, and other law enforcement “partners” to “discourage, identify, and prosecute” what he loosely characterized as “efforts to intimidate individuals based on their views.”  

Garland is the one intimidating “individuals based on their views.” Biden’s Attorney General is abusing his authority over the FBI and federal prosecutors to intimidate or, in his words, “discourage” parents with a certain point of view from loudly voicing their opinions in public forums. These parents strongly oppose efforts by the Biden administration, school boards, school administrators, and educators to twist their children’s minds with Critical Race Theory and gender identity pronouns. Some parents have protested mask mandates for their children. Others have protested against overly long school closures.

Biden Nominates USSR Apologist for Comptroller of the Economy From Kazakhstan with Lenin. Lloyd Billingsley


Joe Biden’s nominee for Comptroller of the Currency in the U.S. Treasury Department is Saule Omarova, a native of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic and graduate of Moscow State University, which she attended on a “Lenin Personal Academic Scholarship.” In a May 9, 2020 interview with Chris Hayes of NBC, Omarova explained how she arrived in America.

“I was an undergraduate student at Moscow State University and there was at the very end of the Gorbachev era an exchange program between Moscow State and University of Wisconsin Madison. I got lucky against all odds, and I came for that one semester in 1991 to Madison, Wisconsin. While I was there in December of 1991, the Soviet Union fell apart. So there I was, a student without anywhere to go back. I was very worried about what was going to happen. So I stayed to do my Ph.D. in political science, but frankly, I’m just, to this day, I feel guilty for having left the country at such a momentous time, because obviously they couldn’t hold it together without me.”

“Your departure and it all falls apart,” Hayes said. “That’s amazing timing.” As it turned out, unlike many other émigrés, Omarova remained a fan of the USSR.

In 2019, nearly 30 years after the USSR collapsed, Omarova was on record that “say what you will about old USSR, there was no gender pay gap there. Market doesn’t always ‘know best.’” In the old USSR, the all-male Dictatorship of the Proletariat always knew best, but Hayes didn’t get into that.

As F.A. Hayek outlined in The Road to Serfdom way back in 1944, economic knowledge is fragmented and dispersed, so no group of people, is able to plan an economy that will thrive for the benefit of all. That’s why Omarova’s beloved “old USSR” was an economic basket case.

Countries barren of liberties are also barren of groceries. The biggest country in the world, with abundant energy and natural resources, could not even feed itself. This was a matter of record, but Hayes failed to press the issue. Omarova knew that in the old USSR consumers waited in line to select, pay, and pick up the goods. That is how an economy planned by Communist Party bosses functions in practice, but there’s more to it.

Anyone Notice Where COVID Rates Are Climbing These Days? (Hint: Not In Texas or Florida)


So much for President Joe Biden’s attacks on Republican states such as Texas and Florida for threatening their citizens by not kowtowing to his dictates on mask and vaccine mandates.

As we noted weeks ago, and the mainstream press has only now begun to acknowledge, new cases of COVID peaked at the beginning of September, and have been on a downtrend ever since. Cases are falling in Texas, in Florida, and other states that dared put their residents’ freedoms above Biden’s dictates.

But while the national trend is downward, COVID cases are rising in a handful of states. And what the mainstream press definitely won’t tell you is what these states have in common: Almost every one of them is run by Democrats and has high vaccination rates.

The Johns Hopkins COVID tracker displays each state in shades of either green or red, with green indicating a downward trend and red an upswing. The darker the shade the bigger the change in either direction.

Well, take a look at the current display, shown above. The 13 states that are showing increases right now are California, Washington, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Nebraska, Maine, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island. Except for a few, these are reliably Democratic states.

There’s something else worth noting. Nine of these 13 states have vaccination rates higher – and in some cases, much higher – than the national average of 56%.

In Washington, 62% are fully vaccinated, in California 59% are. In Colorado, it’s 60%, in New Mexico, 64%. The numbers are 58% in Minnesota and 57% in Wisconsin. In Rhode Island and Maine, 69% are vaccinated, and in New Hampshire, it’s 62%.

The FDA Can Save Thousands of Lives Today ‘Compassionate use’ of molnupiravir would dramatically reduce Covid-19’s toll.By Marty Makary


With the stroke of a pen, the Food and Drug Administration could save thousands of Covid patients’ lives. Data released last week showed that the new antiviral pill molnupiravir, made by Merck and Ridgeback Biotherapeutics, is safe and reduces the risk of the direst outcomes (hospitalization or death) by 50%. It works by directly blocking replication of the virus, is effective against variants, and can be used in combination with other Covid therapies.

The FDA’s emergency-use authorization (EUA) can take months. But the FDA could allow compassionate use of molnupiravir now by activating what is known as an expanded-access protocol, ahead of the drug’s formal evaluation. There is a precedent. Last year, the FDA activated the protocol for convalescent plasma months before it issued a formal EUA. The agency also allowed monoclonal antibodies to be given to President Trump and other officials last year before that therapy was granted a formal EUA.

Molnupiravir pills are ready to go. The government has prepurchased 1.7 million treatment courses. The medication doesn’t require refrigeration and is easy to ship. These pills are sitting on a shelf as Americans are dying in hospitals.

Molnupiravir was so effective in its randomized controlled trial that researchers stopped accepting new participants. The drug’s observed survival benefit was dramatic: No Covid patient who received molnupiravir died, compared with eight deaths in the placebo group. When a drug shows such profound benefits, it’s considered unethical to continue to give sick subjects a placebo. Yet practicing physicians can’t give molnupiravir to any sick patient because of a regulatory barrier.

Compassionate use doesn’t preclude further study. The drug could be administered broadly on a protocol, and outcomes could be tracked closely, as was done with convalescent plasma. Those results can help inform the FDA’s review, pending full approval.

The West Faces A Big Human Rights Test With The Taliban By Lawrence J. Haas


The West faces a key test of its commitment to human rights as the Taliban cements its rigid rule in Kabul.

At the moment, Western nations and the global financial institutions over which they hold considerable sway are demanding that the Taliban respect human rights as a condition of receiving the economic aid that Afghanistan so urgently needs – rather than return to the harsh conditions that defined its original time in power, from 1996 to 2001. Global institutions such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, as well as foreign governments, have suspended aid and access to cash and credit.

The next big test for the world’s major powers may come at the G-20 summit in Rome, which will take place on October 30th and 31st. There, French President Emmanuel Macron has said, the world’s big powers “must have a very clear message that we will set conditions for recognition of the Taliban” – conditions that include “the dignity of Afghan women, equality between men and women.”

Other Western leaders are voicing similar sentiments. While British officials have met with Taliban leaders, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has insisted that neither his nor any other country should “recognize any new regime in Kabul prematurely or bilaterally.” Instead, countries “should work towards common conditions about the conduct of the new regime before deciding, together, whether to recognize it and on what terms.”

So far, the Taliban seems unmoved, with evidence mounting that it’s re-imposing its rigid reign of years ago. Rather than agree to the conditions of donors, Taliban officials seem to resent them.

“Putting pressure on us is not the right approach…,” Taliban spokesman Inamullah Samangani recently told the Washington Post. “We are ready to engage, but the international community should avoid setting preconditions.“

Presuming the Taliban remain unmoved, the question is whether foreign donors will hang tough in the defense of human rights, especially as the Afghan people suffer more poverty, hunger, and human rights abuse.

Catastrophic crash in polling numbers for Biden and the Dems Thomas Lifson


Is it really a surprise that a formal move toward police repression of its political opponents – siccing the FBI on critics of Critical Race Theory – is coming from the chief law enforcement officer of the Biden regime? The latest polling indicates that the already low public approval of the Biden presidency is declining further.

The prospects for any improvement in these numbers are poor. We have a massive wave of inflation ahead, with gasoline and natural gas both rapidly increasing in price, and both hard to cut back on. The chaos of the surrender to the Taliban augurs for more political humiliation ahead, with China potentially taking advantage of the weakness of the Biden administration. Crime has skyrocketed in cities that Democrats control. None of these factors will improve the numbers for Biden or his party.

The term “crisis of confidence” has been in play for at least a month as the failures mount and the incompetence becomes undeniable. Yesterday, Quinnipiac released its latest numbers:

President Joe Biden receives a negative 38 – 53 percent job approval rating, the lowest score he’s received from the American people on his job performance since taking office, according to a Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pea- ack) University national poll of adults released today. In Quinnipiac’s last national poll released 3 weeks ago, he received a negative 42 – 50 percent job approval rating.

Today, Republicans (94 – 4 percent) and independents (60 – 32 percent) disapprove of the job Biden is doing, while Democrats approve 80 – 10 percent.

Going deeper into the issues, Biden and the Dems are underwater on just about everything:

the response to the coronavirus: 48 percent approve, while 50 percent disapprove;
the economy: 39 percent approve, while 55 percent disapprove;
his job as Commander in Chief of the U.S. military: 37 percent approve, while 58 percent disapprove;
taxes: 37 percent approve, while 54 percent disapprove;
foreign policy: 34 percent approve, while 58 percent disapprove;
immigration issues: 25 percent approve, while 67 percent disapprove;
the situation at the Mexican border: 23 percent approve, while 67 percent disapprove.

The most devastating figure has to be this:

More than half of Americans say 55 – 42 percent that the Biden administration is not competent in running the government.

Who is Really Running the Destroy-America Biden Regime? – The Post & Email By Joan Swirsky


“Guilty as hell, free as a bird—America is a great country.” Bill Ayers, Weather Underground founder

“The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States.” George Soros, hedge-fund billionaire.

In today’s chaotic political landscape, it is obvious that the Democrat Party in power is comprised largely of far-left radicals, many of them shockingly anti-American and predictably anti-Semitic  (as are all deranged leftists).

After all, with Barack Obama, they thought they were significantly closer to their 100-year goal of a socialist-cum-communist America, and believed that “President” Hillary would fulfill their cherished fantasy.

And then along came President Trump to smash that fantasy to smithereens.

When everything the Democrats tried to sabotage President Trump failed––the Russian hoax, the Ukraine hoax, the Stormy Daniels hoax, the impeachment fiascos, on and on––they pulled out the Wuhan lab surprise, effectively creating a pandemic.

The result was the entire world isolated in their homes, worldwide economies destroyed, and the unprecedented phenomenon of mail-in ballots, which essentially insured that the voter fraud Democrats are so famous for––ACORN, anyone?, and the Dominion voting machines used in “elections” in Venezuela and other banana republics to insure the desired outcomes––would succeed as it had in the past.

And it did. Today, however, with audits being conducted in every significant state, that colossal voter fraud is being proven…stay tuned! And with the arrest of Hillary’s lawyer, Democrats are also looking at the coming arrests of all those higher-ups who colluded in the criminal anti-Trump effort, including Ms. Hillary herself!     


In less time than a normal human pregnancy, putative president Biden managed to accomplish the following:

Crashed our booming economy,
Destroyed our energy independence,
Opened our southern border to hundreds of thousands of illegals––many of them diseased, drug- and sex-traffickers, career criminals, jihadists, et al,
Accelerated Iran’s production of nukes,
Promised the disaster of hyperinflation,
Expressed “great confidence in” the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley, after the General––prodded by his dominatrix, Nancy Pelosi?, as the NY Post’s Miranda Devine suggested––conspired with China against President Trump and told military officials not to take orders from him.
Orchestrated the disastrous pullout from Afghanistan––another Milley debacle––leaving behind, to this day, hundreds of stranded Americans and Afghan allies, billions of dollars of U.S. armaments and Black Hawk helicopters and airplanes, massive troves of the rare-earth mineral lithium (“the new oil,” as Dave Hodges reports), as well as Taliban-Isis-Al Qaeda terrorists in charge, and 13 heroic but dead U.S. service members.

And that’s the short list!

Mandated COVID Vaccines and the Nuremberg Code Eileen F. Toplansky

In this astonishing video, Dr. Richard M. Fleming, Ph.D., M.D., J.D. emphatically affirms that the COVID mandates being forced upon the world are egregious violations of the 1947 Nuremberg Code. Repeatedly, Fleming elucidates data based upon FDA and Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) documents which prove that despite all the COVID vaccinations,

there is no statistical reduction in COVID rates.
there is no statistical reduction in COVID death rates.
there is an unacceptable death and adverse event rates based on the Vaccine Adverse Event Report System (VAERS).
the vaccine Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR) for developing COVID is really only 0.8 to 1.3%. It is not the 67-95% rate we have been led to believe.

Yet, Biden and other global heads, military leaders, and university presidents are, in true totalitarian fashion, insisting that people be forced to take these injections.  Vaccine mandates from private employers are destroying American livelihoods with no end in sight and people are suffering grievous harm.

As of September 2021, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reported the following VAERS statistics: 14,506 deaths and over 58,000 serious injuries requiring hospitalizations as a result of COVID vaccines.  In 1976 when  the vaccine for swine flu showed serious side effects for 4,000 individuals, the vaccines were halted  Yet, anyone who questions the current COVID vaccines is censored, maligned and punished. Equally high numbers of adverse effects are reflected at the European Database EudraVigilance).

And, astonishingly new data from the Department of Defense shows waning immunity. 

This new finding revealed that the majority of those 5.6 million Medicare beneficiaries aged 65+ who are fully vaccinated were infected by COVID-19.  This means that transmission may be primarily occurring by vaccinated individuals.

What’s Behind the Obsessive Opposition to U.S. Aid to Israel? The soft Jew-hate of questioning military aid to the Jewish state. Richard L. Cravatts


While vice president Kamala Harris has been conspicuously absent from her alleged role in securing the nation’s border, she did find time for an impromptu visit with students at George Mason University in Virginia recently. At that meeting, one of the tendentious students, clearly schooled in the heterodoxy in which oppressed and oppressor animate all discussions about the world, raised the issue of the Palestinian/Israeli conflict.

The student, who identified herself as being Yemeni and Iranian, questioned Harris’s claim that activism, even by woke activists like herself, presumably, can result in substantive change.

“You brought up how the power of the people and demonstrations and organizing is very valuable in America,” the student told the Vice President, “but I see that over the summer there have been protests and demonstrations in astronomical numbers standing with Palestine,” referring to the widespread denunciation of Israel that occurred in the wake of the May conflict in Gaza as a result of Hamas’s showering Israeli neighborhoods with rockets meant to kill Jews.

“But then just a few days ago there were funds allocated to continue backing Israel,” the student continued, adding, with words that were not corrected by the VP and which subsequently drew criticism from many quarters as a result, “which hurts my heart because it’s ethnic genocide and displacement of people, the same that happened in America, and I’m sure you’re aware of this.”

Harris was roundly condemned for not correcting the student when she suggested that Israel was committing genocide and was displacing an indigenous people, which the student likened America’s treatment of Native Americans, and instead mollified her by saying that “your voice, your perspective, your experience, your truth should not be suppressed.”