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How Zuckerberg Used a Tax-Exempt Foundation to Help Biden Fix the 2020 Election And got away with it. David Horowitz and John Perazzo


Everybody to the right of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez knows that the root cause of the crisis facing America — the most serious since the Civil War — is lawlessness. And everybody not under the spell of the Democrat spin machine understands that the lawlessness begins at the top, with government and the many agencies of the executive branch who are tasked by our Constitution with enforcing the law. Whether by failing to enforce our immigration statutes, or failing to prosecute criminals in our streets, or violating our election procedures to favor one party, Democrat administrations in our nation’s capital and our major cities have brazenly supported criminal behavior carried out by Black Lives Matter rioters, common street thugs, and anti-Supreme Court agitators seeking to extort decisions by fear. The effect has been to systematically undermine the rule of law, stoke the fires of anarchy, and sow chaos in our institutions.

This trend has been evident since the revival of the radical left on the eve of the 9/11 attacks and its creation of Sanctuary Cities designed to flout the law and prevent the enforcement of the PATRIOT Act. It escalated with Obama’s illegal, unconstitutional — and self-acknowledged — violation of America’s immigration laws. And it spread to the revenue authority of the I.R.S., which systematically rejected the applications for tax-exempt status of conservative organizations, until the scandal grew so large that it forced the resignation of the tax commissioner Lois Lerner. But while one commissioner is gone, the illegal partisan practices of the I.R.S.  have continued to grow under her latest successor, Charles Rettig, playing a key role in skewing the results of the last presidential election.

Tax-exempt foundations are barred from contributing their resources to election campaigns. There is no ambiguity in the law concerning this prohibition:

Under the Internal Revenue Code, all section 501(c)(3) organizations are absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office. Contributions to political campaign funds or public statements of position (verbal or written) made on behalf of the organization in favor of or in opposition to any candidate for public office clearly violate the prohibition against political campaign activity.

Who Is Kathy Barnette? The Candidate Shaking Up The Pennsylvania Senate Race By: Tristan Justice


A new poll out Sunday found a potential new frontrunner in the crowded GOP Pennsylvania Senate primary.

A new poll out Sunday found a potential new frontrunner in the crowded GOP Pennsylvania Senate primary, and it’s not the daytime television star or a former Trump official who have been neck and neck throughout the contest. It’s a political commentator running on a MAGA platform without the MAGA president’s endorsement: Kathy Barnette.

According to the survey from the Trafalgar Group, one of the most reliable pollsters of the prior two presidential elections, Barnette is tied with medical TV host Dr. Mehmet Oz, with more than 23 percent to the doctor’s less than 25 percent, within the nearly 3 percent margin of error. The Trafalgar Group surveyed 1,080 likely GOP primary voters between May 6-8, just after Barnette became a breakout candidate in the Republican Senate debate fueling a late-race surge.

True the Vote is about to drop an information bomb regarding election fraud By Andrea Widburg


In his smash-hit move, 2000 Mules, Dinesh D’Souza carefully, and entertainingly, demonstrated how True the Vote, a voter integrity organization, was able to prove incontrovertibly that left-wing non-profits used mules to stuff ballots, bringing in, at a minimum, hundreds of thousands of Biden votes in swing states.  The movie, however, describes the data without releasing them and does not identify the non-profits.  Now, though, True the Vote is planning to publish everything.  That’s an information bomb that should blow apart any claims that Biden’s victory wasn’t the result of massive fraud.

The genius of True the Vote was that it figured out how to use commercially available cell phone location data, along with videos of drop boxes, to prove that, in the five critical swing states that gave the election to Joe Biden, leftist non-profits used mules to deliver dozens of ballots to drop boxes.  The numbers are staggering: at a minimum, 400,000 illegal ballots in the states that turned the election in Biden’s favor.

In the review I wrote about the movie, I explained in somewhat more detail how the program worked, but I urge you to see the film for yourself.  The only thing I found a bit disappointing was the fact that the movie did not name the non-profits involved.

Well, that disappointment is over.  True the Vote has announced that, in a few weeks, it will make available to the public every single bit of information it has regarding the drop-box fraud.  Or, as Catherine Engelbrecht, who founded True the Vote, calls it, pulling the ripcord:

Election Whores of the Democrat Party by Linda Goudsmit

https://goudsmit.pundicity.com/26202/election-whores-of-the-democrat-party http://goudsmit.pundicity.com and website: http://lindagoudsmit.com

Election integrity and freedom of speech are the two most basic requirements for a democracy, a government by the people, exercised directly or through elected representatives. The 2020 United States presidential election breached them both. Unprecedented in US election history, Democrat-run cities in battleground states suspended vote-counting, and then mysteriously resumed with drastically changed trajectories of the vote count. Americans went to sleep certain that President Donald Trump had been reelected. When they woke up, Joe Biden had mysteriously surged ahead to “win” the election. Americans remain shocked, confused, and angry. What happened?? 

Investigative journalist Dinesh D’Souza answers that question with irrefutable proof the election was stolen from we the people in his stunning new documentary film 2000 Mules. The film’s summary:   

Drawing on research provided by the election integrity group True the Vote, 2000 Mules offers two types of evidence: geotracking and video. The geotracking evidence, based on a database of 10 trillion cell phone pings, exposes an elaborate network of paid professional operatives called mules delivering fraudulent and illegal votes to mail-in drop boxes in the five key states where the election was decided. Video evidence, obtained from official surveillance cameras installed by the states themselves, confirms the geotracking evidence. 

The consequences of the stolen 2020 election are increasingly catastrophic By Patricia McCarthy


Last year, Mollie Hemingway wrote a book about the 2020 election.  Its title was Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections.  It is a comprehensive story of the numerous ways the left orchestrated the Biden win.

A few weeks ago, David Bossie released his film, also titled Rigged.  It exposed the scheme perpetrated by Mark Zuckerberg: “Zuckerbucks” in the amount of $400M to fraudulently ensure a Biden victory.

This week brings the release of Dinesh D’Souza’s film, 2000 Mules.  This film exposes and explains how paid “mules” in numerous states stuffed those drop boxes that Zuckerberg paid for with many thousands of ballots faked or harvested.  Using geo-tracking of cell phones, Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote and Gregg Harris uncovered two thousand people who were paid via a variety of leftist non-profits to stuff those drop boxes, over and over again.

The film is a shocking exposé and reveals yet another complex and devious way certain leftist non-profits cheated to win.  There can no longer be any question that Trump handily won the 2020 election and that the most criminal methods in American history were employed to steal his victory from the American people.

Neither film, Rigged nor 2000 Mules, addressed the possible manipulation of the voting machines by way of illicit programming or hacking via their connection to the internet.  Those issues have been deeply covered by several cyber-experts.  Peter Navarro’s report early on also essentially proved that the 2020 election was marred by massive fraud.

The elephant in the room is this: why has no DOJ investigation been mounted, given the overwhelming volumes of evidence of election fraud?  Why have the courts dismissed each case without even looking at the evidence?  The only answer is that the DOJ, every other federal law enforcement agency and the corporate media are corrupt.  They are all agents of the Democrat party.  As Dennis Prager often comments, truth is not a left-wing value.

AOC-Backed Congressional Challenger Blames Jewish Groups for Her Loss By Rick Moran


A rematch of an Ohio primary race between Bernie Sanders acolyte Nina Turner and establishment Democrat Shontel Brown ended up with Brown once again prevailing and the radical left licking its wounds and blaming Jewish groups for Turner’s defeat.

Turner was backed at the last minute by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.). But one group of Turner’s primary supporters, the radical Justice Democrats, declined to back her because pro-Israel super PACs run by DMFI (Democratic Majority for Israel) and AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) “massively outgunned” Turner’s fundraisers.

Turner and Brown were competing to see who would represent Ohio’s 11th Congressional District. Brown previously beat Turner in a 2021 special election primary to fill the seat of former Rep. Marcia Fudge, whom Biden chose as his Housing and Urban Development secretary. Since the 11th is a safe Democratic seat, the winner of the Democratic primary is an almost certain winner in November’s midterms.

In the end, it wasn’t even close. Brown prevailed 65%-35%. And the Justice Democrats scapegoated the Jews for her defeat.

Selecting for the Extremes The Empire State’s closed-primary system robs independent voters of a political voice and rewards the parties’ most ideological candidates. Howard Husock


We may see an outbreak of democracy in New York, thanks to the Court of Appeals’ decision to throw out state Democrats’ gerrymandered congressional district map. But while the shotgun marriages between Staten Island and Park Slope and between Westchester and Suffolk Counties have been called off, New York still has a long way to go before its elections are truly democratic. That’s because the Empire State remains one of only nine states with completely closed primary elections.

It may sound fair and logical to permit only registered Democrats or Republicans to vote in their respective parties’ primary elections, but in practice this limits voter choice and selects for candidates whose views tend to their party’s extreme wing. Closed primaries also mean that independents—those not enrolled in either party—are the most clearly excluded voters. New York now has more unaffiliated voters (2.75 million) than enrolled Republicans (2.74 million).

Voters who want to join a party or switch parties to have a say in a contested primary are out of luck. One can’t simply walk up and switch party affiliation on primary election day. New York election law requires such changes to be made by February 15, more than four months before the primary. That’s well before the campaign begins in earnest and the views of candidates become clear. It can even be before we know who will be on the ballot, as in the case of disgraced former lieutenant governor Brian Benjamin.

Vance wins Ohio GOP Senate primary after Trump endorsement, NBC News projects Gov. Mike DeWine secured the Republican nomination in his bid for re-election, fending off challengers from his right.

By Henry J. Gomez and Alex Seitz-Wald

CINCINNATI — Buoyed by former President Donald Trump’s endorsement, J.D. Vance prevailed in Ohio’s competitive Republican Senate primary Tuesday and will face off in November against Democratic Rep. Tim Ryan.

In the gubernatorial contest, incumbent Republican Mike DeWine secured the nomination in his bid for re-election, NBC News projects, while former Dayton Mayor Nan Whaley won the Democratic nod.

In a Democratic congressional primary, NBC News projects Rep. Shontel Brown defeated former state Sen. Nina Turner, a progressive insurgent who had previously challenged Brown in a special election last year.

The Destruction of Election Integrity: Your City Could Be Next by Lawrence Kadish


The language could not be any clearer. You can participate as a voter in our American democracy if you are a citizen, over 18 years of age on Election Day, and meet certain state requirements regarding residency and registration – except in some areas of our nation which, inexplicably, now “allow non-citizens to vote in local elections only.”

What still stands unchallenged is that in all federal elections you must be a citizen of our nation where our leaders are chosen by individuals who are either born into that solemn responsibility or have sworn:

“I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America …”

Unless of course if you are living within the five boroughs of the City of New York, where the criteria for voting in local elections has been redefined to meet a Progressive political agenda while broadening the potential for ballot harvesting.

In the closing days of 2021, the New York City Council approved legislation that will allow nearly one million documented non-citizens to vote in local elections. For people seeking to displace our Constitution and alter the very fabric of our nation, this action, coupled with open borders, essentially loads the dice for their candidates, their manifesto, and for non-citizens having an increasingly large say in how America’s cities are run.

In an NPR interview, San Francisco State University political science professor Ron Hayduk suggests that because securing citizenship is a long and challenging task, immigrants should be given the right to vote regardless of their status. But that, Professor Hayduk, is the whole point. One should need to work hard to achieve the priceless gift of deciding how the most populous parts of our country are governed. Allowing non-citizens to vote creates an overwhelming voter advantage on any given Election Day for people who are not American citizens.

Given President Biden’s current dismal showing in the polls, and that last year alone, more than two million new arrivals poured across our southern border — many of whom are being secretly spirited in the dead of night by our government to cities throughout America and with millions more on the way — significant number of Americans are indicating that they are losing confidence in how major issues facing our nation are being managed. The idea of non-citizens lining up to vote will surely have much appeal to those who feel that they cannot win elections if only American citizens are allowed to vote.

Dinesh D’Souza’s ‘2000 Mules’: Ballot trafficking exposé has the evidence; can it get a hearing? Documentary leans on cell phone geotracking data and security camera video to expose hundreds of “mules” who stuffed ballot boxes at odd hours of the day in critical swing states in 2020.By Christian Toto


Dinesh D’Souza didn’t take any chances with his new documentary, “2000 Mules.”

The conservative filmmaker leaned on free speech-friendly platforms like Rumble and Locals.com to ensure his provocative challenge to election integrity got a fair hearing.

“2000 Mules” may be the most convincing, and explosive, evidence the 2020 Presidential election wasn’t as fair as we’ve been told.

“We are essentially keeping our boat away from the reef of censorship,” D’Souza says of his Big Tech strategy. “It’s at a high price … this is the most censored topic in America.”

“2000 Mules” enjoys a limited theatrical release (May 2, 4) before a virtual premiere May 7. You won’t find much about it, though, via D’Souza’s Facebook, Twitter or YouTube channels, despite his large followings on each.

“I didn’t put the trailer up on Facebook,” he says. “If I do it’ll be banned.” He is hopeful, however, that “2000 Mules” can thrive in a new, freer speech environment on Twitter following its recent purchase by Elon Musk.

Calling Musk’s Twitter “a liberated platform” evoking “Eastern Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall,” he says, “I feel the excitement.”