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California Republican Goes Full Ilhan Omar in Anti-Semitic Rant


California’s upcoming primary elections could deliver Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) an unlikely foreign policy ally—Republican Greg Raths, who last week said the “Jewish community” uses money to “control” U.S. politicians.

Raths’s anti-Semitic rant came during a May 20 Orange County Islamic Foundation candidate forum, which saw the Republican claim that U.S. support for Israel is bought and paid for by the “Jewish community.” Raths, who is running against Republican congresswoman Young Kim in California’s 40th Congressional District, also called to “rein in” U.S. foreign aid to Israel, a position he said he is able to support because he hasn’t taken “one dime” from Jewish sources.

“That’s the problem. Israeli PAC in Washington, they got money and they control a lot of these politicians. And the other side, the Palestinians, they don’t have the clout. So these politicians go where the money is, unfortunately,” Raths said. “The Jewish community is very well organized in the United States and they control a lot of politicians. That’s why the foreign aid is so large going to Israel. … The Jewish community has never given me one dime, so I’m not beholden to them at all.”

US Congressman Crist Visits Boca Mosque Linked to Terror and Anti-Semitism It’s not the first time Crist, who is running for Florida Governor, has embraced radical Islam.



Former Governor of Florida and current US Representative Charlie Crist is running for Governor again, so he is on the campaign trail looking for votes. Unfortunately, one of the constituencies he is seeking support from is the radical Muslim community. In Florida, this group is sizable and politically active. Last month, Congressman Crist found himself at the Islamic Center of Boca Raton (ICBR), a mosque that has substantial links to terror and bigotry. Given his own history, one can surmise that Crist did not just wander into this particular mosque, as he has embraced Muslim extremists in the past. This article was written to expose a dangerous tendency of Crist.

ICBR was founded via the Muslim Student Organization (MSO) at Florida Atlantic University (FAU). It was incorporated in October 1998. The seed money for the building of its mosque – $600,000 – came from the Global Relief Foundation (GRF), an al-Qaeda-related charity that was shut down by the US government in December 2001 and an entity that ICBR had donated nearly $17,000 to, itself.

Georgia Thwarts Trump’s ‘Kingmaker’ Role By Susan Crabtree


In the end, it was much ado about nothing in Georgia except for political grandstanding.

Since the state swung narrowly in Joe Biden’s favor in 2020, Donald Trump vowed to seek revenge. The improbable targets of his ire were Georgia Republicans, specifically Gov. Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. Although both men had backed the former president in his reelection bid, neither would join Trump in contesting the GOP ticket’s razor-thin loss. Trump recruited newly defeated Republican Sen. David Perdue to challenge Kemp for his seat, appeared in TV ads, and spent millions from his political action committee on Perdue’s behalf. Trump also endorsed Rep. Jody Hice, who challenged Raffensperger.

Millions of words were written and much airtime expended handicapping whether Georgia would show that Trump had molded the Republican Party in his own likeness. It didn’t happen Tuesday night, at least not in Georgia. Kemp maintained his early lead in the polls while earning the endorsement of former Vice President Mike Pence along the way and cruising to an easy victory – as did Raffensperger. Pence, largely written off by the media, looked more prescient, if not instantly relevant. In an appearance with Kemp on the eve of the election, Pence called a vote for Kemp a “deafening message” that the Republican Party is “the party of the future,” stirring new headlines that he is positioning himself for a presidential run in 2024.

In the end, Kemp easily bested Perdue, more than tripling the votes the former senator received and setting up a rematch election against Stacey Abrams, whom he defeated in the 2018 general election.

But Georgia is only one state. Trump has racked up a mixed record in contested primaries so far this year while wading into various contests to settle old scores or establish himself as a kingmaker. J.D. Vance, the Yale law school graduate and venture capitalist turned author, undoubtedly has Trump to thank for his win in Ohio’s GOP Senate primary. Likewise, Mehmet Oz, the celebrity doctor backed by Trump in Pennsylvania’s GOP Senate race, leads by just under 1,000 votes in a race against hedge fund executive David McCormick, which appears headed for a recount.

In the end, it was much ado about nothing in Georgia except for political grandstanding.

Georgia Governor Kemp Defeats Perdue in GOP Primary, Setting Up Rematch against Stacey Abrams-By Brittany Bernstein


Georgia Governor Brian Kemp has successfully fended off a challenge from former Senator David Perdue in the state’s Republican gubernatorial primary, the Associated Press has projected. The victory sets up a rematch between the governor and Democrat Stacey Abrams, whom he defeated in the 2018 general election.

Kemp bested Abrams by 55,000 votes in November 2018, though Abrams contested the race and has made repeated claims that the election was stolen from her.

She has, to this day, never conceded to Kemp and said as recently as October, “Just because you win, doesn’t mean you won.”

Abrams peddled disinformation about Georgia’s new election law, becoming one of many Democrats to claim the law would suppress voter turnout. Even when Tuesday’s primary races saw record early voter turnout —more than 850,000 ballots were cast in person or returned via absentee ballot in three weeks of early voting— Abrams claimed that the voter turnout is not proof that the law has not caused voter suppression.

Arizona Sheriff’s Office Investigating Active Organized Voter Fraud in Yuma County By Athena Thorne


The Yuma County Sheriff’s Office (YCSO) announced  earlier this month that it is investigating “a recent pattern of fraudulent voter registration forms leading up to the 2022 Primary Election.” The inquest has arisen from the office’s current investigation of “cases of voting fraud from the 2020 General Election.” YCSO is working in conjunction with the Yuma County Recorder’s Office, which is formally documenting all the evidence the probe turns up. As of March, the YCSO says it had 16 open cases related to potential registration and/or voting fraud.

No one can go back in time and undo the irregularities and fraud of the 2020 General Election, which was docukented in the recently released film, 2000 Mules. But it is possible — indeed, necessary — to learn by examining what happened and apply the lessons to preventing bad actors from ever compromising another election, going forward.

Elections: Speaking of foreign intervention… By Monica Showalter


When leftists complain and warn of foreign intervention in U.S. elections, Russia and China are always brought up as the usual suspects. They’re the big bad foreign meddlers and all the organs of state must be revved to watch out for them.

But there’s far more evidence of another country getting active already in U.S. elections — and it’s one that lectures the U.S. a lot about “non-interference” in its “internal affairs.”

If you’ve guessed ‘Mexico,’ you’d be right. 

Here is the press release from an NGO called “Mi Familia Vota,” a leftist NGO that has been loudly praised and honored by the Obama administration, that just came in the email:

Mi Familia Vota Enters Into Important Partnership With Embassy of Mexico to Advance the Well Being of Mexican and Immigrant Communities

Washington D.C. – Mi Familia Vota and the Embassy of Mexico are proud to announce that we will be working together for the well-being of the Mexican and Immigrant community in the United States through strategic services and collaboration.

Héctor Sánchez Barba, the CEO and Executive Director of Mi Familia Vota, stated: 

“We are excited to partner with the Embassy of Mexico and its consular network on this strategic collaboration to empower the Mexican and immigrant communities in the United States on central issues of civic participation, resources, and information. We will ensure that they know their rights and take advantage of the available opportunities in terms of immigration regularization, the DACA program, as well as on issues related to COVID-19. The historical contributions of the Mexican community have been central to the advancement and well-being of our nation. I take great pride in this partnership and look forward to the work ahead.”


Pennsylvania GOP Senate Primary Race Too Close to Call

By Caroline Downey

Trump-endorsed celebrity surgeon Mehmet Oz currently has a razor-thin margin of less than a thousand votes over hedge-fund executive Dave McCormick.

Madison Cawthorn Loses North Carolina GOP House Primary Challenge after Scandal Pile-Up

By Caroline Downey

Cawthorn lost to state senator Chuck Edwards after a series of scandals shook his budding political career.

Trump-Backed Doug Mastriano Wins Pennsylvania GOP Primary for Governor

By Caroline Downey

Mastriano defeated a crowded field of eight challengers, including second-place contender former U.S. Representative Lou Barletta.

John Fetterman Wins Pennsylvania Democratic Senate Primary after Suffering Stroke

By Caroline Downey

Fetterman is currently projected to win by more than 30 percent over second-place finisher U.S. representative Conor Lamb.

Will 2022 Vote Be Fair? Nearly A Third Of Americans Say No: I&I/TIPP Poll Terry Jones


Will America’s elections in November be fair and free of fraud? Unfortunately, nearly a third of all Americans believe the answer is “no,” the latest monthly I&I/TIPP Poll found, suggesting that the November mid-term congressional elections could be among the most closely scrutinized in recent history.

The May poll asked 1,320 Americans, “Generally speaking, how confident are you that votes will be cast and counted accurately in the November elections?”

Among those responding, 61% said they were either “very confident” (36%) or “somewhat confident” (25%).

On the other hand, 31% said they were “not confident, with 20% saying they were “not very confident” and 11% saying they were “not at all confident.”

Put another way, nearly one out of three voters believe our coming mid-term elections will not be fair, a perhaps disappointing result in a country that has long prided itself on having clean, transparent and honest elections.

‘2000 Mules’ investigator: Georgia officials intimidating my witnesses Art Moore


A lead investigator in the independent probe of alleged 2020 election ballot trafficking featured in the film “2000 Mules” said he and his witnesses have become the target of Georgia state officials instead of the people he believes delivered fraudulent votes to help Joe Biden win the White House.

Gregg Phillips, who teamed with True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht in the probe, said in an interview with reporter Emerald Robinson that days before the release of “2000 Mules,” Georgia election officials issued subpoenas to get him to turn over his sources and witnesses.

He emphasized that the witnesses came forward because they were promised their identity would be protected.

“This is a very, very dangerous escalation in this. I believe that somebody’s going to get killed if they’re not careful,” Phillips said.

“The (Georgia) investigator himself and the people who fashioned this subpoena are going to get someone killed,” he continued. “They don’t understand what they’re dealing with.

“I’m not going to reveal the source. I don’t care what they do,” Phillips said. “They can cuff me.”

Midterms 2022: Expect the Worst By David Solway


It is currently a popular meme that the Republicans are poised for a Congressional sweep in the 2022 midterm elections, perhaps flipping as many as 40 — some say 60 — seats and regaining control of both houses. After all, the Democrats have performed so poorly across the board, whether in foreign policy, the economic realm, the maelstrom at the southern border, and in the overall domestic havoc they have wrought, as to constitute a disaster not seen in many decades, if not in living memory.

Is this about to change? Victor Davis Hanson is not so sure. “The traditional bedrocks of the American system,” he writes, “a stable economy, energy independence, vast surpluses of food, hallowed universities, a professional judiciary, law enforcement, and a credible criminal justice system — are dissolving … The common denominator in all of this is ideology overruling empiricism, common sense, and pragmatism … Is that not the tired story of left-wing revolutionaries from 18th-century France to early 20th-century Russia to the contemporary disasters in Cuba and Venezuela?”

As the 2nd century B.C. Greek historian Polybius wrote in The Histories, a detailed study of the Roman wars and the revolving nature of political regimes, “democracy in its turn is demolished and changes into the rule of force and violence” — a thesis recently developed by Ryszard Legutko in The Demon in Democracy, where he warns about the  “vulgarization of Liberal norms and practices” and the violation of the “strict and demanding rules derived from religion and classical ethics.” The precession of the political equinoxes is a fact of history, and the issue is whether it is America’s turn to corroborate such historical predictions.

One hopes not and the signs appear modestly encouraging, at least in the presidential interim. At the moment, the nation on the whole seems to have had enough of Democrat malfeasance and the increasingly rapid slide into political tyranny and social misery. Consequently, as many believe, a patriot tsunami — a “red wave” — is set to obliterate the opposition. Republican officials, candidates, and their supporters are exulting, savoring an unprecedently massive victory in the polls. But not so fast. Despite the auspicious news, the crystal ball is far more clouded than is confidently assumed. The Democrats may have created a domestic shambles of their political tenure, but bad guys rarely come last — or only too late to repair the devastation they have caused.