James Clapper the Russiagate Hoaxer Says U.S. Shouldn’t Be ‘Hyperventilating’ Over Chinese Spy Balloon By Matt Margolis


James Clapper, Obama’s former Director of National Intelligence, who helped push the Trump-Russia collusion hoax, insists that Americans shouldn’t be “hyperventilating” over the Chinese spy balloon.

“I think the bigger issue here … is, you know, we don’t expend too much crisis energy, if you will, on hyperventilating over an air balloon,” Clapper told CNN on Saturday. “When you think about the crisis spectrum, the invasion of Taiwan or, God forbid, a nuclear confrontation, so I think we need to sort of put this in perspective.”

While many on both sides of the aisle have been critical of Joe Biden’s inaction over the balloon, Clapper joins the list of left-wing partisans in seeing it as a good story for ol’ Joe.

“I think the administration’s response has been measured, I understand the outcry for this affront to our sovereignty and all of that, but satellites are going by every day and collecting, and I think the issue is how high is sovereignty,” Clapper said.

“I’ve had some personal experience with using balloons for intelligence, and they are inefficient and difficult to use because of what’s happened to the Chinese, and that is, controlling them,” Clapper added.

Clapper was among the 51 intelligence agents who signed a letter erroneously stating that the Hunter Biden information was Russian misinformation back in 2020, lending his title, reputation, and security clearance as cover for Joe Biden prior to the 2020 presidential election.

Between his pushing of the Trump-Russia collusion hoax and his efforts to discredit Hunter Biden’s laptop as Russian disinformation, there’s no reason not to believe that Clapper is merely downplaying the significance of the spy balloon to give Biden some political cover — which is pretty much the only purpose he’s served.

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