The Rise of Transgenderism Leaves Civilization Undefended The cost of ignoring the ethical dimensions of our sex identities. by Jason D. Hill

If you’re like me you’ve probably had it with being afraid of the sheer rise in power that the transgender movement has amassed in little over two years. It has many people scared, truly scared. Scared of saying (I’m going to say it): Biological men can never be real women; men cannot have babies; referring to oneself as “they” is beyond grammatically infelicitous, it renders one a nonsensical and a conceptual non-entity; the transgender affirmation of adolescents, which means agreeing to visiting a host of atrocities on a child’s body and plying it with irreversible drugs, is child abuse; trans women (biological men) have no business participating in (real) women’s sports. There I’ve said it all—at least as much as I care to for now. Why are people scared of offending trans people?

Misgendering another person, I am told, is the worst offense you can commit against another human being—as bad as rape and murder. No kidding. How did a small minority of people get to command the language, protocols, norms and framing methods of an entire culture in so short a space of time? Who handed all that power to them, and why?

The issue goes deeper if we look at the logical terminal point of radical transgenderism. It is a form of moral decadence. Why? Because ultimately it culminates in people signing up at the gender unemployment line. To unemploy yourself from your gender or, some would say, to recuse yourself from it, is to emancipate yourself from the moral dimensions that come with your sex identities. For the sake of rhetorical expediency, I shall say, yes: to unemploy oneself from one’s gender identity as well. I have heard it said often that young people are suffering from civilizational exhaustion, and that that is the reason they are relinquishing their binary sex identities. It’s my generation, however, and the ones preceding it that have a right to be exhausted. The millennials and Generation Z that have no business feeling civilizational exhaustion. It is Gen Z that has inherited a technologically advanced civilization built for them. You’d expect more adults to be coming out as trans if this were even a plausible explanation for the rise of transgenderism. This is not the case.

But it is not just the case of individuals resigning from their ethical roles. We have a case of Jesus Christ himself being canceled as a cis-heteronormative patriarchal male and being queered and turned into a gender neutral, non-binary, total Woke trans star. In a new production of Jesus Christ Superstar, Jesus is played by a non-binary actor, someone who does not identify as male or female, and Judas is played by a woman. The twelve apostles are played by female or non-binary performers.

Jesus is the Son of God. He is Indubitably and immutably male. He performed distinctly male roles. He protected both the weak and the strong. He provided for the hungry and the soul-impoverished, and he left behind an enduring legacy on which others could pin their aspirational identities. When he acted, he did so decisively. He taught men the art of problem solving, and he taught them how to fix things. These are the responsibilities trans women (biological men) are renouncing and walking away from.

But the confederacy of nihilists, and the army of global anarchists behind this movement are not content to have a global movement of she-men and he-men simply live their lives and even impose their ideologies on society writ large.

What is the psychological result of queering and transitioning Jesus? If his disciples are re-sexed and un-sexed by the fiat of folks who think they can just exploit the Bible for politically expedient purposes, it means not just that concepts of right or wrong, unassailable truths and moral axioms are beyond the reach of destructive ethical relativists and amoral anarchists. It also means that a new form of idolatry has taken root in our culture and that it is beyond moral reproach. The new idolatry I speak of is a “destructive will of a group motivated by a desire to seek raw naked power through the force of their feelings, which they impose on others with a moral mandate that functions and behaves as if it were as invariable as the laws of nature.”

We know we are living in a psychotic world when professors are explicitly told that under no circumstances can they ever utter these words in class: Men cannot give birth to children. We know the psychosis is real when two men who look and act like linebackers, but who identify as women, claim they are in a lesbian relationship because they identify as women. We are forced to use the female pronoun to refer to them, and wish them well in their lesbian relationship. We are “mind-forced” to acknowledge that two biological women are in a heterosexual relationship because one identifies as male and the other as female.

The madness suffocates. One would have to have been in some form of serious self-sequestration for the last two years not to have witnessed this malarkey. To indulge in further examples will force the reader to become a statistician of gutter trivia.

In the broadest and most fundamental of terms, transgenderism and its medical ministrations constitute a radical form of medical, social and cultural eugenics. Short of cloning another human being, the attempt to change one’s sex (a biological impossibility) is the most audacious eugenical act undertaken in human history. It takes a metaphysical given—the chromosomal markers of a person that designate his or her sex and gender—and attempts to reverse, alter and neutralize it.

The manner in which this radical form of eugenics manifests itself and attempts to reverse an invariable law of nature is by way of taking a very rare medical condition and normalizing it. This medical condition caused by a DNA disorder gives birth to the hermaphrodite. This is an extremely rare condition in humans, constituting—according to various statistics—about 0.5 to 1% of all live births in the total world population. It is a condition in which a single human being can possess both male and female reproductive organs inside and outside of the body. In every stage of human history, the birth of the hermaphrodite has been met with absolute horror and metaphysical incredulity. The condition was regarded as a bad omen presaging war, disaster or pestilence. The infant was usually destroyed or left to die from exposure, and blame was usually assigned to the parents for being guilty of some irredeemable moral malfeasance.

Today’s trans woman with her intact penis, testicles, and bulging cleavage is a symbol of a eugenically-crafted hermaphrodite, a strange primeval androgyne that conjures up, in the minds of many, images of a futuristic phenomenon that attempts to function and become a realistic model for human life while remaining, in nature, something of a metaphysical grotesquerie—a small percentage of aberrant birth defects nature has spared most parents. The transgendered person not only normalizes and legitimizes the figure of the hermaphrodite by conscious intent, but those who go through the completion process become castrated eunuchs – cold, abstract androids in the public consciousness. In the minds of many, what is a medical rarity in nature becomes transmogrified via a surgical procedure into a self-cutting figure who elicits myriad unconscious fears: castration anxiety, self-mutilation, and traversing gender, which means going beyond the creation of life itself. In the public imagination, the trans person represents a closed system that shuts down all reproductive life.

What sort of Satanic force is behind this movement? Who are its members and who ultimately profits from a society of makeshift hermaphrodites and non-reproducing trans men and women? Who benefits from the moral and psychological confusion and mental pain of children who are taught that transitioning from one gender to the next lacks any moral gravitas, and that the decision is simply right because it is rooted in inchoate feelings and sensations? Who benefits from the protracted guilt, sadness and unalterable and regrettable bodily mutilations suffered by the victims?

Why on earth did trans ideology become sacrosanct, and the people who espouse it the new sacred cows in our culture? Who perverted and sullied traditional ideologies and morality, cast aspersions against their moral status to make room for the self-righteous claims and demands behind the often punitive trans movements?

Indeed, if the Son of God, Jesus Christ, can make the decision that God assigned him the wrong gender, and that he is free to reconceive of himself as he ought to have been made, then the message is clear. For the trans ideologues, God got it all wrong. He made a plethora of mistakes. He got nature wrong and he misgendered broad swaths of people. Under the guise of a new Woke religion new cults arise that will create a new heaven and a new earth. These rebels are metaphysical revolutionaries who believe they have every right to transcend God’s will and the nature he endowed them with. Sacred. Reverence. Obedience. All such virtues in relation to God are lost in the name of the shallow ephemeral present, and the arid mental categories that inform anything that is expedient and in the moment. They have killed the concept of God and, therefore, in the spirit of Dostoyevsky, everything is possible.

Most of us know the answers to the questions I have posed. Few of us have the courage to identify its evil and Satanic foundation, and to root it out of existence. Perhaps it will take an extraordinary vanguard and sentinel of our already existing, amazing earth to restore order and expurgate the forces of evil running rampant: an authoritarian strong man; an illiberal type who will realize that too many people have been let into the future, that not everyone can be let into the future, and that the over-democratization of all spheres of life ultimately leads to rule by the depraved sensibilities of the lowest common denominator among us.

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