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July 2022

Medical Education Goes Woke Future doctors will be obliged to learn how health relates to ‘systems of oppression.’


The woke domination of American higher education can seem tragically comic when it’s confined to the English department. But when it infiltrates the hard sciences, far more is at stake. Read and wince at how woke politics is about to infect medical education.

The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) is a nonprofit based in Washington, D.C., that represents and advises medical schools. It also has influence with the Liaison Committee on Medical Education, the national accreditor that sets med-school standards. So when the AAMC tells schools to revise how they teach, America’s future physicians will be obliged to listen.

The AAMC recently released a report describing the new “diversity, equity and inclusion competencies” that medical students and residents will be expected to master. Practicing physicians who work at teaching hospitals may also soon be required to undergo this form of, well, political re-education.

As a starting point, aspiring doctors will have to become fluent in woke concepts such as “intersectionality,” which the AAMC defines as “overlapping systems of oppression and discrimination that communities face based on race, gender, ethnicity, ability, etc.” Med students who managed to avoid learning critical race theory in college will now get an immersive course.

The National Association of Scholars Takes on the Marxists in Education By John Dale Dunn


I am not a professional academic but for many years I have been a member of the National Association of Scholars (NAS), a politically conservative academic professional group that has always opposed the Marxist socialist, collectivist invasion of educational and other institutions of Western democracies.

On June 13, 2022, Peter Wood (PhD Anthropology, U of Rochester) President of NAS, released a position paper opposing leftist invasions of American education and culture that are broadly referred to as Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) and Critical Race Theory (CRT) in a long and thorough (more than 4000 words) critique and call to arms and opposition: Regime Change: Repelling the DEI Assault on Higher Education .    

I provide some pertinent excerpts from the monograph and some comments.

Dr. Wood Introduces the Position Paper:|

Criticism of American society for its inequitable treatment of blacks and other minority groups has become a focal point of American education at every level of instruction. Sometimes this criticism is historically well-grounded and tempered by recognition of social, political, and economic complexity. But more often this criticism veers into simplistic claims and fictions presented as fact. . . .  “anti-racist” agenda in post-secondary education have not drawn nearly as much attention as they have in K-12 schools. In this essay I intend to address the critique of America on racial grounds mainly at the college and university level, but problems in K-12 schools will necessarily come into the picture

Voters Give Biden Team Of Advisers Failing Grades: I&I/TIPP Poll Terry Jones


Presidents matter, but so do the people they surround themselves with. A strong team of experienced advisers can have a major impact on a presidency. President Joe Biden’s advisers are a case in point, and perhaps go a long way toward explaining his current low favorability among American voters.

As part of our July I&I/TIPP Poll, we asked the following question about Biden’s various teams of advisers and Cabinet members: “In general, based on what you read, see, or hear, how would you rate the quality of advice President Biden receives from the following teams of senior policy advisers?”

Respondents to the online national poll of 1,643 adults, taken July 6-9, were asked to assign a grade of A (excellent), B (good), C (average), D (poor) or F (unacceptable). The poll has a margin of error of +/-2.5 percentage points.

If Biden’s advisers were students, they’d all be grounded by their parents for earning failing grades.

Biden’s economic team, for instance, received “A” or “B” grades from 31% of poll respondents, while getting “D” or “F” grades from 42%. 20% handed out “C” grades, barely passing.

But 25% gave Biden’s economic team an “F,” perhaps not surprising given the difficulties arising from the forced national COVID lockdown, including a looming recession, the implosion of the small-business sector, the national supply-chain nightmare, a meltdown of our air-transportation and trucking systems, and current inflation over 9%, the highest in 41 years.

Wokeism Is Collapsing On Itself By: Peter Burfeind


The evidence of cognitive dissonance is mounting. The left’s house of cards will inevitably collapse.

If there’s a light at the end of the dark tunnel our nation is in right now, it’s because of Horace’s ancient dictum, “You can chase out nature with a pitchfork, but she will keep running back.” Arguably, wokeism is defined by its gnostic rejection of nature on gender, sexuality, the laws of economics, energy, race, speech, and rationality itself. 

Yet, nature has the final say, and we’re seeing it in the slow retreat of leftists from wokeism. Nary a day goes by on which a new Substack writer confesses some variation of, “I’m not a right-winger; I’m a proud progressive, but these new leftists are crazy, and I’m done with the Democrats.” They’ve reached a terminus in their minds where they can no longer bear the cognitive dissonance created by the suspension of reality. They’re done drinking the Kool-Aid.

The Liar’s Paradox

Consider the left’s cognitive dissonance on race. They have a Liar’s Paradox problem. The Liar’s Paradox goes, “A Cretan says all Cretans are liars. Is he to be believed?” 

On the Ropes Progressive prosecutors are being ousted, one by one. Thomas Hogan


Last week, Baltimore state’s attorney Marilyn Mosby lost in the Democratic primary contest to retain her position. Around the country, other de-prosecuting prosecutors are being removed one by one, as their failing policies and ethical problems culminate in disorder and public distrust. Is the progressive prosecutor movement on the decline?

Mosby’s original campaign platform was to ignore entire categories of crimes and to reduce sentences even for violent criminals. The criminals got the message: Baltimore was a free-fire zone. Homicides exceeded 300 per year in the Charm City every year that Mosby was in office, making Baltimore one of the nation’s most dangerous municipalities. People and businesses fled the city, with over 35,000 residents exiting, even as the rest of Maryland grew in population. Just a few weeks before the primary, a report from the Maryland Public Policy Institute detailed how many of the homicides in Baltimore were committed by criminals who would have been in jail under a normal prosecution regime. Mosby did not help her position by ending up under federal indictment for perjury charges alleging that she made false statements while applying for pandemic-related loans to buy a vacation home in Florida. Mosby’s victorious opponent, Ivan Bates, is something of an unknown quantity, but he campaigned explicitly on a public-safety platform, as his campaign materials make clear: “To build a safer Baltimore, we must have a functional and efficient prosecutor’s office led by a State’s Attorney who prioritizes public safety.”

Liz Peek: Why Florida’s DeSantis could be the cure for an ailing America


Vengeful Democrats investigating the January 6 riots may help elect Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis president in 2024. Good for them; the nation is grateful.

In spending weeks and months conducting their one-sided hearings into the riots at the Capitol, Democrats have undermined the standing of former President Donald J. Trump. There is no question that the made-for-TV show trial has taken a toll; polling confirms that Americans, including many Republicans, are disgusted by Trump’s behavior during those consequential hours.

Trump increasingly has baggage, the kind of baggage that caused Hillary Clinton to lose in 2016. When you run for president, it is not helpful if a majority of the country considers you dishonest and untrustworthy. That’s where Clinton was in the summer of 2016; that’s where Trump is now.

Democrats are congratulating themselves on this achievement. A recent Bloomberg piece was titled: “Good news for Democrats: Even Republicans are Tiring of Trump.” The story says the hearings have turned off a lot of “soft Trump” voters and Independents who are ready to “move on.”

But in possibly sidelining Trump, Democrats have unquestionably furthered the fortunes of DeSantis who, on many matrices, could be a much tougher opponent that Trump. They may in fact have cost themselves the White House in 2024.

What John Durham has proved The special counsel exploded a ‘resistance’ myth Eli Lake


In May, when a federal jury acquitted former Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann of one count of lying to the FBI, the cadre of politicians, pundits and activists that comprise what they consider a “resistance” to Donald Trump’s presidency were brimming with indignation at the insult of its having gone to trial at all.

The Sussmann prosecution was the first case from special counsel John Durham to go to trial. Durham was appointed in 2019 to investigate the FBI’s investigation of the Trump campaign’s connections to Russia. And it took only a few hours for the jury to rule against him. As Harvard law professor Laurence Tribe told Politico: “The Durham roadshow has expended far too much of the taxpayers’ money with precious little to show for it and needs to be wound down in an orderly fashion. Enough already!”

Tribe’s view of Durham’s prosecution of Sussmann is ironic. Only a few years earlier, the very same resistance denounced anyone who attacked the integrity of Robert Mueller, the special counsel who examined the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia. And yet when Mueller’s team found no evidence of conspiracy, the resistance did not complain that the hunt to prove Trump’s collusion was wasteful.

Federal complaint against Jew-hatred at CUNY documents decade of anti-Semitism By Mike Wagenheim


The filing from the American Center for Law & Justice calls for a U.S. Department of Education investigation into pervasive discrimination against Jews at the City University of New York.

A new federal complaint last week to the U.S. Department of Education is accusing the City University of New York of becoming a “pervasively hostile environment for Jewish students” over the last 10 years.

The July 19 filing from the Washington D.C.-based American Center for Law & Justice cites a laundry list of harassment of Jewish students and faculty, as well as other violations of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, across the CUNY system and dating back nearly a decade.

Jeffrey Lax, the Orthodox Jewish business department chair at CUNY’s Kingsborough Community College and founder of S.A.F.E. (Students and Faculty for Equality) CUNY, told JNS that this is at least the third known—and to date the broadest—federal complaint lodged on the matter. “I think the point of this filing is to show how pervasive and systemic the anti-Semitism is across the board throughout CUNY,” Lax told JNS.