Hallelujah! I am woman hear me roar! Diane Bederman


Women, through time, have had this enormous power to decide who will live and who will die.  A great responsibility. The blessing and the curse. For it is woman who decides whose genes will carry on from the past to the future, for she is the carrier of creation and men have always known that, consciously or subconsciously.  Men need permission from women to pass on their genes. Sadly, there are men who will not grant the woman her right to choose.

And then came FEMINISM.


Today, being a woman has nothing to do with procreation, with creating life. Oh no! It has to do with the right to abort! What could be more important  than that?


The Supreme Court ruled on Roe Versus Wade and the feminists went crazy! I haven’t seen protests like this since the Summer of Love 2021 when riots, I mean peaceful protests, took place around America – because of the murder of George Floyd. The murder of one man by police. How dare they? Yet these same people are screaming for the right of women to kill the unborn; not just abort in the first 6 weeks, or even the first trimester – 12 weeks, but right up to BIRTH! And how dare anyone get in the way!  Those Supreme Court Justices! Well, these feminists will teach them a lesson. ShutDownDC offered $50 to people who harass any of the Justices who voted in the majority to overturn Roe v. Wade.


Abortion is such an important right – hey lets’ not talk about responsibilities – that the Biden government is saying nothing about this harassment. It’s all about FREEDOM to end pregnancies. This is the greatest threat to America – the failure to not only permit, but condone the ending of a life in utero.



This is the sword upon which women are prepared to fall. That a fetus is nothing more than an ingrown toe nail or a tumour! We are celebrating abortion and dehumanizing our most vulnerable in order to kill them. Why the cult of death?


Just to ensure the right to abort will not be prevented, the Biden administration will “consider” strengthening protections for doctors performing abortions in medical emergencies by updating the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act, and plan to stand up another interagency task force that includes the Attorney General.

They want him to set up abortion tents on federal lands, offer taxpayer funded travel vouchers and other financial support for people getting abortions in other states, and to drop all limits on the abortion pill that protect women’s health and safety and to make it easier to buy abortion drugs from other countries.

They will allow the use of mifepristone is used to abort unborn babies up to 10 weeks of pregnancy. It blocks the hormone progesterone and basically starves the baby to death. For decades, the FDA required that abortionists provide the drug in-person after a medical examination because of its high risks.

In December, however, the Biden administration got rid of the in-person requirement and began allowing the drug to be sold through the mail. Now, women – or their abusers – can buy the abortion drug online without ever seeing or even talking to a doctor.

(But heaven help you if you want ivermectin to save your life if you contract Covid!)

If this remains the zeitgeist, the collective attitude, in America, if having babies, a family, is frowned upon in order to free a woman to go to work, then the extraordinary culture that was once America will fall, fall, fall, into the abyss.

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