Twelve Cities Set Murder Records for 2021 By Liz Sheld

Welcome to Murderville, USA. Twelve cities have already set records for the number of murders in 2021 and the year isn’t even over yet. What is going on here?

“Nobody’s getting arrested anymore,” Robert Boyce, retired chief of detectives for the New York Police Department said. “People are getting picked up for gun possession and they’re just let out over and over again.” Note: the most vicious anti-gun cities are not prosecuting gun violence. Chew on that.

ABC News reports: “The FBI crime data shows that the number of arrests nationwide plummeted 24% in 2020, from the more than 10 million arrests made in 2019. The number of 2020 arrests — 7.63 million — is the lowest in 25 years, according to the data. FBI crime data is not yet available for 2021.”

Social justice racketeers have pressured cities to cut their police forces. Soros prosecutors are declining to charge criminals for their crimes. Bail has been abolished in some places and violent criminals go free before their trial to continue their crime sprees. Police are retiring and getting out of the business and the ones who remain are terrified to the point that they do not engage with perpetrators lest they become the next internet video star. Many of these SJW politicians have historically complained there there are too many criminals in jail and advocated accordingly. Now we have fewer criminals in jail and more criminals walking the streets. Victory?

Get away from these cities and go live somewhere that has not abolished law and order.


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