Our World Gone (Climate) Mad


Each day the media are filled with “news” stories blaming various events and conditions on “climate change,” which are of course code words for “humans are overheating their planet.” Never do these reports offer evidence that mankind’s carbon dioxide emissions are to blame. That the press feels there’s no reason to back its claims with facts indicates that a large segment of the West has bought fully and uncritically into the narrative.

Some days it seems as if it’s useless to continue to fight the fight against global warming. Politicians, “journalists,” activists, activist scientists, celebrities, and a substantial portion of the public tell us that human activity is causing Earth to warm and there’s no more to the story than that. Skepticism is equated with denial. Questions are verboten. Aligning with the alarmists’ account is the only acceptable response.

This is how batty our world has become: According to a local newspaper, a British Columbia doctor diagnosed a patient to be suffering from “climate change.” Which might be the case, since the global and local climates are always in a state of change, and can at times be severe enough to cause injuries and death, though risk of climate-related fatalities has fallen 99% over the last 100 years.

But was the good doctor referring to natural climate cycles? Or was his diagnosis intended as a complaint about modern living that requires the consumption of fossil fuels? No one would go wrong by guessing the latter.

While much of the First World is suffering from climate derangement syndrome, the global warming scare offers great opportunities for graft, corruption, and greater political power to “leaders” who know better but use the ginned-up crisis to harden the bubbles they live in.

Leave it to Greta Thunberg, maybe the most well-known victim of CDS, to expose the charade. The perpetual protester noticed that the still-in-progress United Nations climate summit in Glasgow, Scotland, “has turned into a (public relations) event, where leaders are giving beautiful speeches and announcing fancy commitments and targets, while behind the curtains governments of the global north countries are still refusing to take any drastic climate action.”

The Swedish teen, who is not only mad but angry too, has come to realize what many knew before she was born: Inside the meeting halls of any climate conference, “there are just politicians and people in power pretending to take our future seriously.”

How we ever made it to 2021, to the U.N.’s 26th global warming shindig that attracted more than 100 CO2-spewing private jets, is a mystery. Five years ago, Donald Trump’s win over Hillary Clinton was a death sentence, according to the real smart people we should all be listening to.

Ten years earlier, another of those real smart people said “we have a very brief window of opportunity to deal with climate change … no longer than a decade, at the most.”

Let’s not forget that in 1989, the media, naturally relying on revered experts, warned that “entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000.”

The world has reached a tipping point, but not the one the climate alarmists have been screeching about for more than a generation. We have entered an era in which claims without evidence are presented as unassailable fact, and much of the advanced world is buying the story. Charles Mackay warned about the dangers of this sort of behavior in 1841’s “Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds.”

“We find that whole communities suddenly fix their minds upon one object and go mad in its pursuit; that millions of people become simultaneously impressed with one delusion, and run after it,” he wrote.

Mackay was a Scotsman, and if alive today, would find he couldn’t possibly have enough time to observe the totality of the mania brought out by the U.N.’s bash in Glasgow.

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