Joe Scarborough’s insane rant proves he’s just a histrionic blowhard By Patricia McCarthy

Joe Scarborough is one of those pathetic persons who inhabit the periphery of cable news.  The morning show he hosts with his adoring but insipid wife Mika is apparently a favorite of Kim Jong Un and perhaps a mere one million equally mentally challenged Americans.  Beyond those relative few, no one pays a bit of attention to his vicious anti-Trump rants or the vitriol he spews daily upon Trump and his supporters.

The man, like the rest of MSNBC’s denizens, is not very bright but he is very impressed with his own self-perceived brilliance.  In short, he’s something of a joke to all but a few blinkered souls.  He makes no difference on any issue on which he expounds; he changes no minds.  Those who watch his early morning program are not critical thinkers.  They are unthinking acolytes of a shameless shyster.

On Friday morning however, Scarborough lost it, went full mental.


He melted down, screaming like a banshee about his loathing of anyone who supports the audit currently underway in Arizona.

Like his colleague Rachel Maddow, he knows what the Arizona audit portends and the truth of it has filled him with horror.  Like the rest of the left, he knows only too well that the 2020 election was rigged in numerous ways (see Molly Ball’s article) and that Biden is not a legitimate President.  He accused all the patriots supporting the audit of everything up to and including treason.  He shouted that they should just leave, that immigrants would be better citizens.  He is hoping that hysteria will trump evidence.  But as the great Anthony Daniels (pen name Theodore Dalrymple) said “The nearer emotional life approaches to hysteria, to continual outward show, the less genuine it becomes.  Feeling becomes equated with vehemence of expression, so that insincerity becomes permanent.”  Poor Joe Scarborough’s morning hysteria is clearly an act, a bad act.  His hatred for all things Trump has rendered him thoroughly irrelevant.

In January 2020 he wrote a silly op-ed for the WaPo in which he said Trump was “ignorant of world history.”  Why?  He was angry that Trump had taken out the Iranian terrorist Soleimani!  How dumb do you have to be to object to the legitimate assassination of a man who was responsible for thousands of American deaths and injuries?  Just who is anti-American?

Scarborough can be depended upon to defend criminals against  law-enforcement, terrorists over our military.  Like the rest of the left, he has contempt for every American who questions the origins of covid, the wisdom of lockdowns, and the legitimacy of the 2020 election.  In his rant he said they should “get the hell out of the country.”  He of course defended the indefensible Liz Chency’s betrayal of her party.  He was furious that Fox News aired a clip of Peter Navarro discussing Fauci’s rather unsavory links to the Wuhan lab from which the virus emerged.  Navarro’s theory has almost certainly been proven by Nicholas Wade.

Scarborough is nothing but a failed pol, he was once a congressional representative, who has illusions of influence.

Naturally Scarborough embraced the Russia collusion hoax with Shiffian enthusiasm and to this day believes anyone who dismisses it as an agent of Putin.  To this day he contends that those who recognized the charges to be fabricated from the outset are “useful idiots.”  This from the biggest useful idiot of all.  The man is pond scum (h/t Cheers).

Scarborough is a shining example of how off the rails the leftmedia and Democrat party have gone since Hillary’s fateful loss in 2016.  They’ve descended into hysteria and proven that it is contagious.  Vanderleun posted a quote the other day by Wagner Clement Soto that perfectly describes Scarborough:  “Effete men turn to the left because there they find fashionable the self-righteous justification for their lack of manhood.”   The same is probably true of the approximately 1m who tune in to his senseless show.  By comparison, the late Rush Limbaugh had about 20m listeners.  In short, Scarborough has no influence over anyone.  He’s just another blowhard in a sea of leftist blowhards.   He exemplifies the ongoing degradation of American journalism.

Photo credit: AirTV screengrab (cropped)

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