Biden urged to dump ‘absolutely abysmal’ Harris as border czar, poll agrees by Paul Bedard,

Vice President Kamala Harris’s lack of action on the border has prompted a call for President Joe Biden to dump her as his border czar.

“Her response to the border crisis has been absolutely abysmal, so I am requesting that she be replaced as your ‘border czar,’” Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich wrote in a letter to Biden.

With his state overwhelmed by the historic surge of illegal immigrants, Brnovich has led the leaders in border states to call for immediate action from the administration — calls that have so far been ignored.

He said he has reached out to Harris, who has yet to visit the border. But, he added, “I have not received a response from Vice President Harris or anyone in your administration.”

YouGov America
Do Americans have a favorable or an unfavorable opinion of Vice President Kamala Harris? US adults: 41% favorable / 48% unfavorable Democrats: 74% / 19% Independents: 32% / 57% Republicans: 12% / 84%

His letter, shared with Secrets, came at the same time a new poll found national disgruntlement with the new vice president.

A new YouGov survey found that 48% have an unfavorable view of her versus 41% who have a favorable view. While her numbers are underwater, Biden remains popular, though not his immigration policies.

Harris did host a video call with the president of Mexico, but congressional leaders and others have been calling for much more involvement.

In his letter, Brnovich wrote, “We cannot afford to wait another day, week, or month of apathy and inaction by any official in your administration.”

“I conclude by respectfully requesting that Vice President Harris be replaced as America’s ‘border czar,’” he said.

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