Insanity Wrap #114: Transgender Propaganda Claims Straight Is Hate By Stephen Green

Insanity Wrap needs to know: When is it wrong for straight men to want to date actual women?

Answer: When they’re married to some other actual woman, and that’s about it — no matter what today’s woke propaganda insists.

Before we get to the sordid details, a quick preview of today’s Wrap.

  • WHO is happy to be a wholly-owned subsidiary of the CCP
  • Julia Louis-Dreyfus is even more entitled than her Veep character
  • You’re gonna need a bigger Newspeak dictionary

And so much more.

Shall we begin?

“Straight is hate” is what “morality” requires us to believe now, that men who don’t want to date men are filled with hate.

Insanity Wrap is so old that we remember back when the Left said that what people do in their own bedrooms is their own business.

Be straight. Be gay. Be whatever it is you are to the best extent you can manage, and find happiness by being in accordance with what you are.

But if your brain is so divorced from your own chromosomes that you have to play dress-up or either chemically or surgically alter your body in order to find some simulacrum of happiness, then at least have the decency not to demand that the rest of the world play along.

Also: Seek help, not political power.

Insanity Wrap really is trying to help, and has nothing but the deepest sympathies for anyone with this condition.

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