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December 2020

Hunter Biden News Should Shame Dismissive Media Outlets By Mark Hemingway


Hunter Biden announced Wednesday he is under federal investigation for his financial dealings in foreign countries, including China. While the news sent shockwaves through Washington, D.C., it shouldn’t have been surprising. The announcement confirms many of the allegations of corruption that were leveled against Hunter Biden in the months leading up to the November elections – allegations the media steadfastly refused to cover.

The nation’s largest social media companies went further: They made the shocking decision to actively censor the New York Post’s eye-opening scoop revealing evidence of Joe Biden’s son’s influence peddling that was recovered from an abandoned laptop. Twitter locked the newspaper out of its own account for weeks. Facebook prevented the Post’s story from being widely distributed, even though neither Joe Biden nor his campaign disputed the authenticity of the documents published by the paper.

In retrospect, not only do the documents appear to be authentic, but a Daily Beast report Thursday notes evidence that the Hunter Biden investigation was hiding in plain sight. One of the FBI documents from the laptop published by the Post “included a case number that had the code associated with an ongoing federal money laundering investigation in Delaware, according to several law enforcement officials who reviewed the document. Another document — one with a grand jury subpoena number — appeared to show the initials of two assistant U.S. attorneys linked to the Wilmington, Delaware, office.” Hunter Biden claims he only learned of the  investigation this past week, but these documents suggest otherwise.

Donald the Dragon Slayer . By Frank Miele


The legacy of President Donald Trump will be measured against the diminishment of his enemies.

First — even before he was nominated — he broke the corrupt, elitist Republican Party. If you don’t think that is true, just ask yourself when was the last time you took Jeb Bush seriously.

Next, he maimed the corrupt, elitist Democratic Party, which was so fearful that it resorted to dirty tricks that would have made Dick Nixon blush. Crooked Hillary and her gang of globalists invented a plot to “vilify” Trump by linking him to a fake scandal “claiming interference by Russian security services.” Don’t take my word for it. That comes from a contemporaneous memo by Obama-era CIA Director John Brennan, and we don’t have to speculate about whether the plot came to fruition because the nation wasted more than two years and $32 million on a special-counsel probe to look into the fake allegations against Trump. Some taxpayers group really ought to send Hillary a bill.

After he took office, Trump was able to dismantle a large portion of the globalist infrastructure that had strangled much of U.S. sovereignty, like a political version of the Upside Down from “Stranger Things.” Paris climate accords? Buh-bye. Iran nuclear deal? Unh-uh. NATO allies skating on an IOU? Not gonna happen. Porous border? Build a wall. Mideast wars? Let’s try Mideast peace instead. Unfair trade deals? Return to sender. Chinese threats? Take this virus and shove it!

But Trump’s greatest victory, his most sublime contribution to American history, is his willingness to stand in the breach and fight mano a mano with the Fake News Media. He exposed the mainstream media as a fully owned subsidiary of the Democratic Party, and by never backing down when they lied about him, his family and his policies, he forced celebrity journalists into ever-more indefensible positions — until, by the end of his first term, they actually admitted that it was not their job to report the news.

Don’t believe me? Just read what National Public Radio passed off as an explanation in October about its refusal to cover a brewing political scandal when Joe Biden’s son Hunter was linked to a laptop containing potentially incriminating emails, intimate photos and more.

“We don’t want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories, and we don’t want to waste the listeners’ and readers’ time on stories that are just pure distractions.”