Hanukah is a universal holiday. It represents the triumph of truth and faith over cults and idolatry and oppression. Today’s Hellenist worships junk science, politically correct nostrums, speech control, “woke” progressive cant, and challenges tradition, history and our sacred Constitution.  May America prevail like the ancient Maccabees in restoring our culture, patriotism and belief in American democracy and exceptionalism.

Whatever your faith, I sincerely wish us all a Happy Hanukah and share with you two messages from our best leaders:

Ronald Reagan in 1987:

” There has been more than enough tragedy in Jewish history, but Jews have always believed in their own future. This faith brought victory to the Maccabees, accounts for the founding of the modern State of Israel, and explains the equally inspiring birth of the Soviet Jewry movement and the responsive chord it has struck among Jews throughout the world. These examples show that the message of Hanukkah is timeless. Its lessons inspire the struggles of today and the victories of tomorrow. “

President Donald Trump: Hanukah 2019:

” As the Jewish community gathers together to celebrate this special and sacred time of year, we are reminded of God’s message of hope, mercy, and love.  Throughout the coming eight days, each candle to be lit on the menorah will signal to the world that freedom and justice will always shine brighter than hate and oppression.

Today, the relationship between the United States and Israel, one of our most cherished allies and friends, is stronger than ever.  We will continue to stand with the Jewish people in defending the God-given right to worship freely and openly.

 May the light of the menorah and the fellowship of family and friends fill your hearts with happiness and a renewed sense of faith.”

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