Election theft and the Audacity of Evil Don Surber


Newt Gingrich wrote, “Laziness leads to sloppiness, and sloppiness is how the most brazen heist in American history is being exposed.”

Let me tell you where he is wrong.

Gingrich was correct in his next paragraph, ”

“Stealing the 2020 election was a mammoth undertaking, involving widespread lawlessness and illicit partnerships between private actors and public officials. They’ve been working to cover their tracks since Election Day, but they didn’t work fast enough. Now, the courts need to stop them from destroying any more evidence so that the people of Pennsylvania — and the rest of the country — can accurately assess the ramifications of their wrongdoing.”

Which is why he was incorrect in his first paragraph.

These people were good enough to plan and execute a heist involving 10 million ballots in 11 key states (the six they swiped plus their failed attempts in Iowa, Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, and Texas; why do you think Fox was so slow in calling those last two states).

They could have done so stealthily. Instead they wanted to get caught. They wanted to rub their theft in the noses of their opponents. This is an act of political sabotage. Like all terrorist acts, the perpetrators want full credit.

The left already has caused Americans to lose faith in the press, in the government, and in science. Donald John Trump gave us one last hope in that we could defeat Satan at the polls.

This year, his minions took that away from us.

My guess is they have been stealing elections for years. Perhaps they underestimated President Trump in 2016.

Certainly, he was not the first political opponent that Obama had the FBI spy on. The Russian Collusion conspiracy was a cover story that proved to be unnecessary because no one in the press and very few people in Congress cared about. A scandal requires outrage. The tree falling in the woods makes no sound if no one hears it.

Spygate has fallen.

They thought Electiongate would too. Gingrich gave a great outline of the computer rigging and mail-in fraud that Democrats engaged.

Likely Democrats used CIA technology to treat our election like a third-world election. And that is fitting. Decades of complacency post-Reagan have allowed the deep state to proliferate. The federal government grew while the nation sank, and Red China became a world power.

Say, you don’t think that somehow all those Maoist professors who taught all our undersecretaries may have had something to do with that. No, that’s crazy talk. Obama was sworn to defend the Constitution. He would not sell us out like that, right?

This week marked the 157th anniversary of the Gettysburg Address. I was part of the last generation to memorize it. The 150th anniversary went unmarked by Obama because the idea that white people sacrificed their lives to set 6 million black slaves free does not fit his narrative.

Besides, now we have government of the government, by the government, and for the government.

Gingrich knows well the power of the deep state. He and Bill Clinton cut a deal to balance the budget. Within a year, Clinton was impeached and Gingrich was out asHouse speaker because of their affairs. They also took out Gingrich’s hand-picked successor, selecting instead an easily blackmailed pedophile who served his purpose and then served time in prison.

The audacity of the 2020 election theft lies not just in stealing the election but in being — as Gingrich said — so brazen about the act.

They want this to be the last free election. They wanted to be caught because that demoralizes the opposition.

Only one person stands between them and mission accomplished, and President Donald John Trump won’t stand down.

God won’t let him.

We will see in the next few weeks what the Supreme Court decides to do with this blatant election theft.

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