Georgia County Discovers Over 2,600 Uncounted Votes, Most of Them Were for President Trump

There is huge election news out of the state of Georgia today as the state is currently undertaking its hand recount of votes cast during the presidential election.

Officials in Floyd County discovered that over 2,600 votes cast on Election Day were not properly counted and most of the votes were for President Trump. Here’s more from a local news outlet in the state:

According to Board of Elections Chairman Tom Rees, “the hand count added 2,631 more votes than were registered by computers.”  That number was released on Monday after nearly 20 hours of hand counting over the weekend.

It appears that the votes did not come from day of voting or absentee, but rather early voting.


According to Luke Martin, Floyd County GOP chairman, “It is scary that this happened in Floyd County.  Imagine what the numbers could look like in places like Fulton County.”  Martin added, “It appears that our elections office did not misplace any ballots, rather it appears as if this is a computer software mishap with the Dominion system.”

Wendy Davis, Rome City Commissioner. “I am proud of the wonderful people who came in and worked tirelessly for two days. What we discovered that the count that the elections office turned into the secretary of state was wrong. “

Of the 2,631 votes sources at the elections office told CVN that it appeared that between 1,600 and 1,900 were cast for President Trump.

According to the report a scanner broke and the ballots were not properly counted afterwards.

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