The Dangers of Historical Revisionism Ginette Weiner

In this original op-ed, Ginette Weiner explores the dangers of mainstream media downplaying the severity of historical anti-Semitism. The author is a member of the CAM Contributor Network

The NY Times has now exceeded their previous depths of All the Lies, All the Time, and managed to accomplish two feats at once: revictimizing the murdered Jews of the Holocaust, and issuing a blueprint for future genocide.  “The Times described a notorious partnership between Nazi Germany and an antisemitic leader, Husseini, as a collaboration that targeted “Zionism,” as opposed to Jews. The claim, which appears in the Oct. 6 story “Saudi Prince Accuses Palestinian Leaders of Failing Palestinians” by Isabel Kershner and Ben Hubbard, whitewashes the antisemitism of both the Nazis and their Palestinian ally, Amin al-Husseini, and downplays the nature and extent of their alliance.  Both al-Husseini and the Nazis were rabidly antisemitic, and both were motivated in their collaboration by that antisemitism. To be anti-Zionist as well as antisemitic does nothing to erase or override the antisemitism, and in fact is perfectly consistent with it.”

Al-Husseini called on his followers to enact Islamic Koran’s calls to “Kill the Jews wherever you find them.”  Nazi official Wilhelm Melchers, “the mufti was an accomplished foe of the Jews, did not conceal that he would love to see all of them liquidated.”  In his book on Nazi propaganda in the Arab world, Herf describes al-Husseini’s “intense hatred of Jews, who “lived like a sponge among peoples, sucked their blood, seized their property, undermined their morals,” and so on. Jews had “tormented the world for ages” and were “the enemy of the Arabs and of Islam since its emergence.”  The United States Holocaust Museum, “Husseini is a vicious antisemite and actively supportive of Nazi Germany’s efforts to annihilate world Jewry.”  Yad Vashem, ‘The mufti loaned his support’ to the ‘Final Solution.’ “Haj Amin Husseini, the grand mufti of Jerusalem (and uncle of Yasser Arafat) took refuge in Berlin in World War II. A rabid Nazi, he personally lobbied Hitler to kill as many Jews as possible and even helped out by recruiting Bosnian Muslims to serve in the Waffen SS.“

But these depths are not enough for the Times. They take it down even lower by publishing an article about one of the world’s most current antisemites, without even mentioning his antisemitism!  October 17 essay in the Times, ”Professor Natalie Hopkinson of Howard University portrayed Louis Farrakhan as an admirable leader…made no mention of the fact that antisemitism is one of the central themes of Farrakhan’s ideology. Nor did Hopkinson acknowledge Farrakhan has called Jews “termites,” “bloodsuckers,” and “Satanic.”  Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam has, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, “earned a prominent position in the ranks of organized hate,” and its leader is, in the words of the Anti-Defamation League, “the leading antisemite in America.”

Someone should tell the 6 million murdered Jews that Hitler’s helper, Husseini, was merely ‘anti Zionist.’  And when they’re done with that, they should inform all living Jews that “Black Hitler”, Farrkahan is a ‘great man’ despite calling Jews “blood suckers” and stopping just short of calling for genocide. Our past is re-written, our future is put in yet more jeopardy by this rag of a paper who continues its tradition of false historical revisionism and fomenting Jew hatred. Thanks to them, you can now be a full blown Jew hater but merely labeled an “anti Zionist” as the new, acceptable norm. Soon, we will all need the same bunker Hitler had, if we are Jews, are Zionists, supporters of a Jewish homeland.  I would have to conclude the 6 million butchered Jews were not enough for the Times. They have spelled out the blueprint for more.

Ginette Weiner holds an MSW, is a  published commentator in Jewish and mainstream newspapers, and a lecturer on strategies for combating media bias, antisemitism, and BDS.

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