Liberty’s Twilight–Post Mortem – “My Last Article” Desmond McGrath
“These are indeed the times that try men’s souls and Donald J Trump has 70,294,341 reasons to contest this election so does every person who voted for him.”

The point being, the Democrats have first been trying to prevent Donald Trump from becoming president since early 2016, used the secret police powers of the state to spy on his campaign and later remove General Flynn (who was a threat to Obama/Biden/Hillary and could have started corralling the Deep State) from the administration after Trump was President Elect. Then the old guard launched a massive investigation solely populated by Democrats about false Russian Collusion and then sounded the alarm over being “Concerned If We Don’t Impeach This President, He Will Get Re-Elected” [2] and did just this in an election year because they feared he would get over 70 Million Votes, which is what happened. Hillary Clinton is the most exonerated politician ever – and Husband, Slick Willy before her – were serial recipients of ‘Get Out of Jail Free Cards’ (Just like Bill Clintons Lolita Express partner in crime, Jeffery Epstein was over a decade ago).

In a Report details Sky Harbor meeting between Clinton and Lynch, it was decided that Comey would exonerate Hilary and not Loretta Lynch who replaced Eric Holder after he resigned. Holder was the first attorney general to be found in contempt of Congress in the history of the United States.

Every action taken against Donald J Trump was solely from the Democrats (With the exception of Mittens Romney impeachment or John McCain’s Obamacare votes) and every investigation stacked (even hiding in Congressional Basements) with Democratic/Communist operatives just like the stage managed 2016 and 2020 presidential debates. Even the Presidential Debate Commission acts like an arm of Stalin’s Supreme Soviet where the preferred candidate is given questions in advance.

When I wrote “The Donald phenomena, human Molotov Cocktail, but not the biggest F___ You! in history” before the 2016 election victory, I had no idea the extent of the violence that would instantly break out after he won; about which I wrote weeks later in The Donald tsunami angers George Soros’s useful idiots in the urban swamps– Yet this violence broke out on que just like what has been going on in Portland and Philadelphia and New York by the Biden “Idea” of Antifa and the Marxist trained Black Lives Matter. Dan Crenshaw summed it up best:


  1. Despite Fabricated Poll Driven Propaganda that indicated a blue wave, the opposite occurred:e. Not a single state house of representatives flipped.

    f. The Federal House of Representatives, most likely scenario for Democrats is a net loss of between seven to eleven seats, according to interviews with campaign officials and strategists from both parties. How many more will flip if only the legal votes were counted?

    g. Only a single Senate Seat flipped with two going into runoffs and John James has not yet conceded defeat on Michigan. Will he win if only Legal Votes are counted?

  2. The enthusiasm of the Trump rallies and parades have been noted as being greater that anything many political observers, including the undersigned, have seen in their lifetimes. While Joe Biden’s few rallies when he came out of his basement had all the joie de vivre of a mortuary ceremony.
  3. Only 10 U.S. presidents have been previously defeated in their quest for another term. Trump is the first since George HW Bush whose “Read my Lips. No New Taxes” cost him his reelection, yet Joe Biden saying : “Guess what, if you elect me your taxes are gonna be raised, not cut” wins him enormous support? Pigs may fly but they make unlikely Birds.

While the Media Sycophants, sadly now including Fox News who Cut Off Kayleigh McEnany’s Latest Press Conference who wholesale reject the very idea of electoral fraud while pronouncing Biden the President Elect, are doing nothing more than disseminating Soviet Style AgitProp [22] I ask you this question; if people who have firsthand evidence of Voter Fraud see the White House Press Secretary being cut from the air by FOX, who they trusted in the past for discussing voter fraud, will that encourage or dissuade them from coming forward given all the threats of intimidation against Trump Supporters saying they need to be removed from society?

I remember well the firsthand accounts of friends who had front row seats to the Hungarian and Czech uprisings and Castro’s takeover of Cuba, they all noted that the uprisings failed because the Communists controlled the airwaves and presses aided by Communists in America who thwarted an American Response to the Soviet backed aggression like they also did in abandoning support for Chiang Kai-shek in China and calling for the firing of General McArthur in Korea.

Since Election Day, Facebook, Google and YouTube have been suppressing information and Canceling Posts. Especially those on Electoral Fraud and particularly James O’Keefe’s Videos of Election Fraud. All censored by” The International Fact-Checking Network” who have become the self-appointed thought and speech police in violation of the First Amendment like an agent of Lenin’s Comintern [23].

America’s Constitutional and Judicial Armageddon:

Chief Justice John Roberts legitimized the fraud by not nipping it in the bud and refusing to hear it. When it arrives back in his lap will he instead of recusing himself, capitulate to the Democratic Lobbying to have Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett recuse themselves due to being Trump appointees? Will Justice Clarence Thomas be asked to recuse himself over the documentary where he describes the “High Tech Lynching” he received at the hands of then Senator Joe Biden?

Then will Chief Justice John Roberts make law from the bench like Obamacare in alliance with the left side of the court to declare Quid Pro Joe the new Star Chamber Anointed King using some perverse justification of preventing the violence and uprising that the left has promised and “War Gamed” should Joe Biden stripped of his AgitProp Presidency? This is America’s Constitutional and Judicial Armageddon: and at its core is a final a decisive battle: either Roberts and his compatriots on the Supreme Court and the Justices in the Inferior courts have lawmaking powers never delegated to them by “We the People” fully stripped away or they will continue the final burning of the Constitution and Surrender of the Republic to the Communists/Globalists!

Then, just like after Obamacare, will Chief Justice Roberts retreat [24] to his overlords Island Kingdom of Malta [25] to avoid answering to the citizens of this nation for his final transgression against “We the People’s” Constitution?

Post Mortem:

These are indeed the times that try men’s souls and Donald J Trump has 70,294,341 reasons to contest this election so does every person who voted for him.

Unfortunately, I am not amongst that voter count as I am a Canadian Citizen and work here in the USA under a Temporary Work Visa and not only can I not vote but I could not contribute to Trumps election campaign due to FEC Laws:

Campaigns may not solicit or accept contributions from foreign nationals. Federal law prohibits contributions, donations, expenditures and disbursements solicited, directed, received or made directly or indirectly by or from foreign nationals in connection with any election — federal, state or local.

Of course that did not prevent Obama and Quid Pro Joe as described in “Obama Campaign Rakes In Millions In Illegal Foreign Cash”

However, I will not stand idly by and see the votes of the 70+ million Americans be lost due to corruption, Lawfare and Judicial Activism. I have donated $500.00 to the Election Defense Fund which I am willing to argue myself in court has nothing to do with the election of Donald J Trump; but rather my small contribution towards the preservation of electoral integrity, rule of law in these United States as a Law abiding taxpayer trying to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

I ask every patriot reading this who voted for Donald J Trump and feels disenfranchised by systemic electoral corruption and a complicit media; how much did Donald J Trump’s first term efforts add to your after-tax household income? How much will a Biden-Harris presidency claw back from you if they seize office via this High-Tech Coup D’état? Whatever you donate to the Election Defense Fund may prevent Joe and Kamala from getting their Globalist overlords fingers into your pocket for 4 more years if not for the rest of your life. The choice is yours; spend a little now or pay a whole lot more in perpetuity! Send this to all your friends.

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