Let Us Be Righteous Eileen F. Toplansky


“As they put on their robes, the Supreme Court judges must remember that they should “not pervert justice or show partiality. They should not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and twists the words of the righteous” (Deut. 16:18-20).And we need to be constantly watchful and recall Winston Churchill’s words from 1940 — “Never stop, never weary, and never give in.”

As Trump supporters wait and pray for America, I, for one, have to thank the dastardly Democrats for reminding me of the wondrous and exceptional ideas that are uniquely American.  Although my good fortune is directly related to the foundational ideas of America, it wasn’t until the wickedness of Obama and Clinton and now Biden and Harris that I truly began to understand the genius of the Founding Fathers.

Interestingly, my first revelation comes from an outside observer, St. Jean de Crevecoeur (1731-1813) who wrote “What Is an American?  It is a piece that describes the “American Dream” as the development of a country free of Old World restrictions.

It embodies what we saw with the Trump flotillas, the massive crowds of people who love this country and those who continue to expose the evils of the socialism that the Democrats will surely impose on America.

Crevecoeur writes that this newly founded country of America “. . . is not composed, as in Europe, of great lords who possess everything, and of a herd of people who have nothing.  Here are no aristocratical families, no counts, no kings, no bishops, no ecclesiastical dominion, no invisible power giving to a few a very visible one.”

And, yet, the despicable Pelosi, Comey, Brennan, Clinton, et al. think that we are beneath their contempt and that they are the aristocracy to whom we are beholden. In fact, Nancy Pelosi’s Chief of Staff is chief executive and Feinstein’s husband is a major shareholder at Dominion Ballot Counting Systems, the firm that runs the application used in Michigan where thousands of Trump votes were switched to Joe Biden!

Then there is Maxine Waters with her imperious pout who calls Trump voters “despicable” and shameful” and she would “never, ever forgive them.”  Moreover, we are scolded by Michelle Obama who claims Trump voters are supporters of “hate” and “chaos.” But they are quite fine with the re-election of the loathsome Ilhan Omar, Rashida Talib, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Ayanna Presley.  Indeed, the Left and jihadists continue to make serious inroads.  Additionally,  BDS supporter Corey Bush has now joined this lineup of anti-American, anti-Semitic individuals who seek to destroy America from within.  Their detestation of this country is out in the open.

Moreover, an enemies list is just waiting to be processed for those who supported Trump.

For Crevecoeur, America is “. . . united by the silken bands of mild government, all respecting the laws, without dreading their power, because they are equitable.  We are all animated with the spirit of an industry which is unfettered and unrestrained, because each person works for himself.”

Biden and especially Harris are totally opposed to this remarkable philosophy. Notwithstanding her mealy-mouthed retort, Harris is all on board for socialism which is diametrically opposed to American ideas of opportunity and freedom as she touts the New Green Deal.

In fact, “we have no princes, for whom we toil, starve, and bleed, we are the most perfect society now existing in the world.  Here man is free as he ought to be, nor is the pleasing equality so transitory as many others are.”  Of the many who come to America’s shores, ” . . . [h]ere, they receive ample rewards for their labors; these accumulated rewards procure them lands; those lands confer on them the title of free-man, and to that title every benefit is affixed which men can possible require.”

Private property is the lodestone of this country.  Socialism destroys this; such a government decimates the soul of people.

This is the American birthright and the very gift that the Democratic Party will absolve, steal, and destroy should they continue to succeed.

China is salivating with the idea that Trump could no longer be a champion of America.  China’s leaders know only too well how compliant Biden and Harris are with communist ideas.

As we see the outright duplicity of the ongoing voting activities, can we summon the courage to act upon the idea that indeed,  “Justice, justice, you shall pursue.”

An idea that emanates from the Bible, it is the cornerstone of a civilized society.  Yes, we could engage in unscrupulous behavior and mimic the Democrats and the Leftists, but we hold ourselves to a higher court.  Justice obtained through illegitimate means is not the justice that we seek.

Genuine justice is what we seek, not social justice which is code word for racism enveloped in fancy language meant to obfuscate the Left’s real agenda of totalitarian rule.

Of all the players on the stage today, the media leads the charge as they deliberately obfuscate, mislead and lie to the American public.  With an almost hysterical glee, mainstream  and social media and, now sadly, Fox news, are willing to be the perfect stooges of the Democratic party as they prevaricate to an extent that is breathtaking.

That is why justice is repeated twice in the Bible and why it must continue to be the guiding light for America.  It is not a typographical error — it is a deliberate warning to us.

Hanna Perlberger asserts that There is another concept at work in this double name-calling . . . , and that is the idea of ‘as above, so below.’ There is a heavenly version of ourselves, and there is an earthly version of ourselves. The heavenly version represents our potential—the person we could be. The earthly version, on the other hand, is who we are and how we are showing up in the world as the sum of our choices.

A society where earthly justice is really out of sync with heavenly justice is not a ‘society in progress’; rather, it is an unjust society. What we can tolerate in ourselves and on an individual level is intolerable when perpetrated on a grand societal scale. For justice to be ‘just,’ it has to be authentic, congruent and actualized (emphasis mine).

Maybe there is another alignment going on. In Hebrew, the word tzedek, which means ‘justice,’ also means ‘righteousness.’ Perhaps the dual use of the word ‘justice’ means that we cannot pursue ‘justice’ without also being ‘righteous.’ That would be perverted justice. Think of the Nuremberg Laws that legitimized the Nazi regime. They were ‘codes of law,’ but utterly lacking righteousness and in no way aligned with heaven.

It is important to remember that Stalin once said that “it does not matter who votes; it only matters who counts the vote.”  This short video emphasizes the pain that all Americans will feel if Biden/Harris ultimately win and the contemptible actions of the Democrats are allowed to stand. As we witness the ongoing battle for truth in our vote, we need to demand that justice be served. The irregular voting actions now being brought to the public view clearly indicate the unjust behavior of the Democrat Party.

 Courageous Sidney Powell has already astonished the American people by citing some of the reprehensible deeds that have occurred.  A whistle blower describes a “Mysterious Van Dropping Off 61 Boxes of Ballots at 4 AM” in Detroit. As more evidence mounts, one would be hard pressed not to comprehend the nefarious deeds and fraud that has become rampant. See also here.

Enter the courts.  According to the Talmud, “every judge who judges a true judgment according to its truth even for a single hour, the Writ gives him credit as though he had become a partner to the Holy One [.]” Hence, “justice must be strived for, not only on a national level but on an individual level, for there is a Divine reaction to man’s handiwork on the individual level as well.”

As they put on their robes, the Supreme Court judges must remember that they should “not pervert justice or show partiality. They should not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and twists the words of the righteous” (Deut. 16:18-20).

And we need to be constantly watchful and recall Winston Churchill’s words from 1940 — “Never stop, never weary, and never give in.”

If we remain vigilant and righteous, America will be redeemed. If not, the country will become a footnote in a history book and we will have besmirched the image of G-d.


Eileen can be reached at middlemarch18@gmail.com

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