U.S. Doesn’t Need A President Who Hides His Agenda From Voters


Last Thursday, Joe Biden told voters “you’ll know my position on court-packing the day after the election,” which could not be a more clear statement that the Democratic presidential candidate is concealing an important point because he knows it will hurt him politically. What else is he hiding from voters?

Not only has Biden refused to say if he will or won’t crowd the Supreme Court with left-wing jurists, he’s condescendingly said voters have no right to know what his plans are.

“Well sir, don’t the voters deserve to know” if he will pack the court, “the no. 1 thing I’ve been asked about from viewers in the past couple of days,” a Las Vegas reporter asked him last week.

“No, they don’t,” responded Biden.

Packing the court doesn’t sit well with voters. They’re smart enough to know it would result in an arms race with both parties adding seats to the court each time they gained control of the White House and held majorities in both congressional chambers, and that a bloated, see-sawing Supreme Court would lose legitimacy and “thus unable to check the power of the other branches.”

Even through their rage, Democrats recognize voters’ concerns. So it’s no surprise Biden tried to diffuse the issue on Monday. At an Ohio campaign stop, he said “I’m not a fan of court packing.” It was an empty gesture, however, because he immediately added “I don’t want to get off on that whole issue,” meaning that he’s still hiding his plans.

“I want to keep focused,” the Obama vice president said. “The president will love nothing better than to fight about whether or not I would in fact pack the court or not pack the court.”

Biden has the power to stop the fight by simply saying “I will not pack the Supreme Court of the United States.” That would end it.

But he won’t. Neither will his running mate Sen. Kamala Harris.

It’s almost amusing – and would be if the media didn’t give credibility to everything Democrats say no matter how obviously false – to hear the Democrats’ playground argument that President Donald Trump is trying to “pack” the Supreme Court by nominating Amy Coney Barrett to the bench. He’s simply fulfilling his constitutional duty, same as Barack Obama did in 2016 when he named Merrick Garland to replace the late Justice Antonin Scalia. The Democrats’ lust for power, though, and their raw, deranged hatred for Trump, has created a toxic environment in which they will say anything.

We admit most of Biden’s positions are out in the open. The country knows, pushed by socialist Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and subversive New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, that he’s moved from the left to the radical left, which is home to today’s Democratic Party.

But if he’ll hide his plans on a highly controversial issue, then what other plans would he conceal? Does he have a secret agenda for eliminating the Electoral College? We know he supports statehood for Puerto Rico. Is he sitting on a scheme to bring it and Washington, D.C., into the union to ensure an even bigger, and longer-lasting Democratic majority in the capital?

Our republic was designed to be open and transparent. When a candidate for the highest office in the land, the most powerful post in the world, says only after he’s elected will he tell us how he will proceed on an issue deserves a hard rejection from voters. So does his entire party.

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