Opinion: AOC is an anti-Semite – it’s time to say it David Isaac


Last week’s revelation puts the nail in the coffin of Ocasio-Cortez’s anti-Semitism.

The Democrats’ new guard bodes ill for Jews and Israel.

The latest slight was reported last week. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has rebuffed meetings with local New York Jewish groups. At least one has been trying to arrange a sit-down with her for the last two years.

Neither the Jewish Community Relations Council, which represents 50 local Jewish groups, nor the New York Board of Rabbis has managed to pin down the freshman congresswoman.

There’s little doubt it’s because both are pro-Israel.

There’s nothing extremist about these two groups, in case there’s an AOC supporter out there looking for excuses. There’s plenty extremist about AOC, though.

As a member of The Squad, the four congresswomen of the apocalypse, AOC has largely dodged the anti-Semitic label so justifiably slapped onto two of its other members – Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.). We can’t imagine why. The evidence keeps piling up.

Most recently, Ocasio-Cortez dropped out of a memorial for late Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. In late July, she praised the support of at least 10 anti-Semitic groups for a congressional letter she spearheaded calling for conditioning aid to Israel on its abandonment of its sovereignty plan in parts of Judea and Samaria.

In that letter, she claimed that the sovereignty move would lead Israel to become an “apartheid state.” It’s one of the ugliest calumnies hurled against the Jewish State, where Arabs have the same rights as Jews and fill the highest posts, including on Israel’s Supreme Court.

In July of last year, AOC was one of only 17 congresspeople voting against an anti-BDS bill. A week later she signed onto Omar’s pro-BDS resolution. The Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions (BDS) movement is deeply anti-Semitic, with its activists reviving medieval blood libels, accusing Israel of genocide and denying Israel’s right to exist.

More and more countries are coming to recognize its bigoted nature. On May 17, 2019, the German Bundestag passed a resolution defining BDS as anti-Semitic. Germany is a country with some insight into anti-Semitic boycotts.

And if more evidence were needed of where AOC stands – in February 2019 she praised British Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, who dragged his party into the fevered anti-Semitic swamps, from which it’s still trying to extract itself.

So for those still doubting AOC’s anti-Semitic bona fides, if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck and hangs out with other ducks, it’s a duck.

AOC’s Squad classmate, Omar, won 2019 Anti-Semite of the Year in a poll conducted by website stopantisemitism.org.

We’d like to put forward AOC’s name for 2020.

David Isaac is the managing editor of World Israel News.

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