I am sick and tired of the summer soldiers who get their knickers in a knot over every single Trump tweet, insult, malapropism, exaggeration, mini-scandal, etc.

We had a recent Republican president who dressed impeccably, did not tweet, was a perfect gentleman with perfect manners, never divorced, never groped or harassed or ogled women, had a lovely patrician wife, and an absolute absence of scandal no matter what the media tried to dig up on him, and perfectly groomed brown hair.

That describes George W. Bush the minor 43rd President of the United States who accomplished very little in his two terms. He made one superb speech after 9/11, declared a war against the Taliban but declared “mission accomplished” leaving the Taliban scattered but hardly defeated. Only months after 9/11 he invited the tyrant/monarch of Saudi Arabia, locus and funder of almost all the 9/11 terrorists, to his ranch in Crawford Texas to craft another “peace plan” for Israel. He blinked on China, Iran, North Korea, immigration, regulations and domestic energy production and the economy tanked. He was a mediocre, low energy, president who ignited no patriotic passion.

Donald Trump has outpaced him on every single policy-foreign and national. So frankly I don’t give a hoot about his style…. And if you want Obama redux go vote for the Democrats. .rsk

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