Be sure to read the BU Law Professor’s letter to BU’s President.
I could inundate you with dozens of new articles on this subject every day. I won’t do so daily but I will periodically so the subject doesn’t fade from your consciousness. And please don’t fall for the outright lies about Israeli oppression of Palestinian Arabs. That’s nothing more than the evolution of anti-Semitism into a new form the way deadly viruses and bacteria have genetically changed themselves over the years as they become resistant to then available cures.
Most American Jews are in a state of denial about this because it hasn’t affected them personally yet (despite the armed guards outside their synagogue entrances) and many Americans are either totally unaware of what is happening because it doesn’t affect them at all or, if they are aware of it, are willing to say it’s not good, but not willing to do a whole lot about it because it doesn’t really mean much in their daily lives. But one day they’ll come for the Christians (it has already begun) and then perhaps they get more active.
The Jews’ best allies in this war are Evangelical Christians, whom Jews on the right side of the political spectrum love and share many values with. Jews on the political left are too married to the left’s political doctrine of “social justice,” still thinking of themselves as having to right the world’s perceived wrongs – many of which are total baloney – because they were once the persecuted, and refusing to see and acknowledge that their supposed allies in those battles are now their anti-Semitic enemies.
This Jew hatred isn’t driven by the extreme political right. They are truly a fringe element of our society. It is driven by the political left and the Muslim world – and most especially Muslims on college and university campuses around the country  Academia has been its petrie dish and now the deadly germ nurtured there has escaped into broader western culture – right into the House of Congress and one of the two major British political Parties, to cite but two highly visible examples amongst hundreds around the world every day. DPS

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