Arabs and Muslims own black slaves across Africa and the Middle East while anti-Semitic black “leaders” cover it up

The widely known and well-documented fact that blacks are enslaved by Arabs and Muslims all over Africa and in the Middle East is practically a taboo subject in the human rights movement and in the media. It may be a poison pill for black anti-Semites.

We learn today that black Mauritanian women are trafficked to Saudi Arabia, where they are enslaved as maids in private Arab ouseholds. Lured with offerings of respectable nursing or teaching jobs, they are starved and subjected to regular rape attempts and further sexual abuse.

Indeed, the enslavement of blacks by Muslims and Arabs in five African countries is also well-documented, including video of a slave auction in Libya from 2017 in which a black man was sold for $400.

Of particular interest, is that practically all Mauritanians were converted to Islam during the jihadconquest of that area in the eighth century. Though according to Islam, Muslims are not supposed to enslave fellow Muslims, here, as it did in the West, racism trumps religious doctrine.

Minister Farrakhan may be the most distraught by this phenomenon, as his mission is to persuade American blacks’ path to authentic freedom is through Islam.

You can break through the wall of silence — and bring the plight of these abandoned slaves to light — by disseminating this note.

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