Back to Videos Kamala Harris: Trump “Lighting Fires” Around Race; “He Needs To Go Back Where He Came From” VIDEO

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) sits down with CNN’s Kyung Lah and gives her response to President Donald Trump’s controversial tweets attacking four Democratic congresswomen.

“It is irresponsible. It is hateful. It is hurtful. And he has taken the presidency to a new low,” Harris said of the tweets.”He wants to distract by… lighting fires around the issue of race and ethnicity. It’s disgusting,” Harris said on CNN. “He needs to go back where he came from and leave that office. And so that’s why I’m running with the intention of making sure there will not be four more years.”

Watch the full interview below.

KYUNG LAH, CNN: How do you not get distracted? How do you not fall into his trap where he controls the narrative with a tweet like this?

SEN. KAMALA HARRIS (D-CA): I’ve said it many times. This president purposely, I believe, distracts and attempts to distract by flame-throwing, because the reality of it is that he has done nothing to help working families in America…

And so what does he do? He wants to distract by — by starting a whole — lighting fires around the issue of race and ethnicity. It’s disgusting.

KYUNG LAH: Is this a turn? There is so much rage about this. Is this a turn for you?

HARRIS: There is so much disgusting about this. I think it’s a turn for this president. Could it get any worse? Apparently yes. It just did. How low can he go?

KYUNG LAH: Can he get lower?

HARRIS: I don’t know but he needs to go back where he came from and leave that office. And so that’s why I’m running with the intention of making sure there will not be four more years. I don’t think that we can survive having a president of the United States who uses whatever voice he has that is about dividing and fueling hate in our country. The American people will not tolerate that. I know that. I know who we really are as a country. The American people will not tolerate this kind of hate from their president.

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