I am a sophomore sapien majoring in Genderal Studies with emphasis on violence and transphobia.

Before we can end violence against anyone we have to outlaw guns and all references to them that can evoke fear and despair and hives among students.

We must abolish terms like “bulletin” or verbs like “rifle” and “shoot” as in photography.

“Butt” is offensive and also evokes a weapon’s handle and “caliber” should never be used to describe character. “Target” should really change its name and logo.

Numbers that can cause a panic attack are “22” “38” and “45” and must be used with great care. “Magazines” should henceforth be called periodicals and any use of the words “ammunition “, “rounds “or “magnum” (even to describe booze) may cause vapors in a delicate sapien. “Arms” should be referred to as “upper limbs” and “ballistic” must be replaced with “outraged.” To “cock” is disgusting on several grounds and “barrel” is edgy and “muzzle” has two awful meanings.

Guns kill and words have consequences and Sapiens are soulful and determined to ban words that can drive us into safe spaces.

When assigned writing contains those words, we demand a statement at the start alerting us to the fact that it contains potentially distressing material.

We need and we demand trigger warnings.!!!!

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