Is the Obama Administration Trafficking in Illegals or Refugees through UPS Flights & then Moved on Buses?

In a video that appeared earlier this month, a man is claiming that he videoed several buses that are carrying people who were brought in from a United Parcel Service flight.
He discusses what he saw prior to filming which he described as people who came in on a UPS flight into Harrisburg International Airport. He also claims that it was supposed to be a parcel flight, and responds to someone in the vehicle with him that it is not soldiers as they are not brought home in this manner.
Apparently there were up to 30 buses waiting to take these people to their destination, which was unknown.
He identifies the bus as #245, but fails to identify the bus company. He also provides the license plate number, which sounds like J0191B.
We know that the Obama administration has already resettled many refugees in New Jersey, according to Chris Christie. The New Jersey Governor said that his administration was given absolutely no notice of the resettlement.
“We have refugees in New Jersey we don’t even know about,” he said.
Christie claimed that at least 75 Syrian refugees had been placed in the Garden State since the beginning of the year, but he was never advised by the administration, which is using local charity organizations to resettle them in the state.
While being unable to confirm everything about the above video, there is no reason to doubt the Obama administration is doing things like this. The administration even paved the way for New Jersey to set up asylum for tens of thousands of Syrians.
We have previously reported on how one airline was illegally flying in plane loads of Muslims from the UK, and that seems to be backed up by Tennessee Rep. Rick Womick (R) who claims to have flown in five flights with illegal Somali immigrants on board from London to New York City.
The Obama administration also orchestrated the flood of people coming across the Southern Border in 2014. It was not accidental nor without knowledge, but purposeful. And, he even went further than that. In April 2015, the Obama administration wanted to actually fly in millions of illegal immigrant children into the US at tax payer expense. He later sought to do that with direct flights from Honduras to the US. Of course, they would not be vetted for those flights, unlike every American who boards flights here in the US, having their rights violated by the same government who is supposed to be protecting those rights.
At the root of the issue is what authority has been given to use tax money to pay for resettlement of these refugees. That really is the bottom line. Whether some are terrorists or not really gets down to the same argument we make with regards to guns. A criminal is going to find a way to do what he wants to do. The American people should simply be demanding that the public treasury not be used for charity work, which is exactly what is happening. If people in genuine need are seeking assistance, then it is up to individuals and churches to provide that aid, not government; and certainly, government should not be usurping authority not given to it to do what is unlawful no matter how “good” it may appear.

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