Islam’s Psychotic Obsession :Edward Cline
The cutthroats of ISIS, Al-Queda, the Taliban, Boko Haram and any other Islamic terrorist gang at large in our time also have the same religious incentive – and are afflicted with the same psychotic obsession.

It is also fortuitous happenstance that two accomplished students of the subject of Islam, thousands of miles apart and within days of each other, published columns about what drives Islam’s penchant for homicide, torture, rape, mutilation, conquest, and destruction. They are Daniel Greenfield, writing as Sultan Knish, in his November 11th column, “Why Islam is a Religion of War,” and the mysterious Norwegian writer Fjordman, in his November 17th piece, “Islam: A Permanent World War,” on Gates of Vienna. Their common theme is why Islam makes war on the West. Their themes intersect at certain points, and then go off in different directions.

Greenfield led off with:

Islamic violence is a religious problem. Islam derives meaning from physical supremacy, so war becomes an act of faith. To believe in Islam, is to have faith that it will conquer the entire world. And to be a true Muslim, is to feel called to aid in that global conquest, whether by providing money to the Jihadists or to become a Jihadist.

This means that a jihadist is much like a schoolyard bully, who must triumph over his opponents and strike fear in and compel submission by the other kids. It is an absolute necessity. It is important that others witness this triumph. It is even better if he triumphs in cooperation with other bullies, or with their encouragement. It is proof of his faith. His being the “last man standing” over his vanquished and bloodied foe is taken as proof for him of the metaphysical supremacy and superiority of his faith, and of the efficacy of physical force in the name of Islam. He has faith in that fallacy. It must be true. It’s the only thing he’s sure of.

Rob him of that faith, and he goes berserk. He will lash out at reality for not conforming to his faith. Reality must be destroyed. Deny him his imaginary metaphysical anchor, and he is compelled to prove it with more mayhem, come what may, even if it entails his own death.

To such a mind, the possibility that Islam isn’t true, that it isn’t superior to anything, is inconceivable and blasphemous. A mind willingly, volitionally fastened to that belief is incapable of inquiry into its nature and roots. A Muslim’s faith in Islam is his proof. Period. No arguments are permitted. Arguments imply the employment of reason. Reason is not permissible. Circular logic is de rigor to “prove” faith.

There is no reaching a mind obsessed with its faith in an imaginary deity, an imaginary prophet, and existence after death. It’s a Hannibal Lector species of mind.

Suicide bombers obliterate themselves by obliterating anyone who doesn’t share their faith. It’s “proof” of the universal truth of Islam. In physical destruction, they believe, is the final and ultimate truth. In negation is victory. It is reality that suicide bombers and jihadist raiders wish to obliterate in an ultimate demonstration of the truth of Islam.

That faith is set in some kind of insoluble epistemological cement. There’s no reasoning with such a mind, no modicum of persuasion possible to it, there’s no crack in it one can pry open with either a credit card or a set of professional burglar’s picklocks or a crowbar. It is closed to reality and closed to human communication. To such a mind, the belief is synonymous with a metaphysical given. “We are able to destroy you; ergo, the truth of our faith. We are able to force you to convert or submit; ergo, the truth of our faith.”

This is the syllogism of a psychosis and of a desperate obsession for things as they are not.

What André Servier said about Islam in 1922 (or 1923) supports my own contention that Muslims are self-lobotomized by remaining faithful followers of Mohammad and adherents to Islam. On Gates of Vienna is a video featuring the “mastermind” of the Paris carnage, the late and unlamented Abdelhamid Abaaoud, “What I did at summer camp” in Syria. At the end of the video were quotations from Sevier and Winston Churchill. Sevier said:

“Islam was not a torch, but an extinguisher. Conceived in a barbarous brain for the use of a barbarous people, it was – and it remains – incapable of adapting itself to civilization. Wherever it has dominated, it has broken the impulse towards progress and checked the evolution of society.”

That quotation was taken from a badly translated article, digested from a book by Sevier at Islam in its Own Words, dated April 2009. I quote further from the article, “Islam and the Psychology of the Musulman,” with my own emendations:

Against current opinion, Arabs have no imagination at all. They are realists, not able to imagine or conceive anything that is not directly perceivable. This explains the sterility of Arabs in painting, sculpture, literature, science and philosophy.

It would be better to label Arabs as “compilers”. Even Islam itself is not an original doctrine, but a compilation of Greek, Latin, Biblical, Jewish, and Christian traditions. Arabs have a strong observation capability, but this is at the expense of imagination. And without imagination, no progress is possible.

On the contrary, Arabs (or Muslims) are not realists. They are divorced from reality. The more devout they are to Islam, the further away they are from reality and from sanity. They are as divorced from it as are the likes of Hillary Clinton, who asserts that “Islam is not our adversary. Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.” She can say this with a backdrop of a growing pile of bodies on top of which is a black-clad Muslim waving the black flag of ISIS and giving the world the finger.

Fjordman wrote:

Peace is identical with submission to Islam. The absence of Sharia law is the absence of peace. Islam is therefore essentially an ideology of eternal global war. It advocates the permanent incorporation of the non-Islamic Dar al-Harb, the “House of War,” into the Dar al-Islam, the “House of Islam” or “House of Submission.” The term “House of War” indicates that all areas under non-Islamic rule are viewed as a place of war until such areas cease to exist worldwide and submit to forces which are loyal to Allah and his Prophet. Some Islamic theologians use intermediate categories where Islam is making progress, yet does not yet reign supreme. However, the basic divide in Islamic theology is between the House of War and the House of Islam.

It is the physical occupation of non-Islamic space that is paramount in Islamic faith. It is that physical occupation, writes Greenfield, that is all-important for Islam to validate its means and ends. Fjordman quotes an Islamic scholar:

“It follows,” wrote the Islamic scholar Majid Khadduri, professor of the Middle East Studies Program at Johns Hopkins University, “that the existence of a Dar-al-Harb is ultimately outlawed under the Islamic jural order; that the Dar al-Islam is permanently under jihad obligation until the Dar al-Harb is reduced to non-existence….The universality of Islam, in all its embracing creed, is imposed on the believers as a continuous process of warfare, psychological and political if not strictly military.”

At the conclusion of such a “struggle” (fitna) all the world will be at peace. Reality will have been altered making Islam the global “reality.” Fjordman concludes his article:

Islam contains elements of a traditional religion, but also elements of a totalitarian belief system centered around a personality cult of Mohammad. Islam is a creed of war, not a religion of peace. In theory, this war will end when all human beings on Earth have submitted to Islamic rule and eventually become Muslims. In practice, experience shows us that Muslim societies are far from peaceful. Muslims will continue to fight amongst themselves over who are the best and truest Muslims. Islam can with some justification be classified as a permanent world war, a war that has so far been raging for fourteen centuries and claimed countless lives. [Italics mine.]

Islam’s supreme goal is to take possession of the entire planet. Faith in Islam drives them towards that goal. Greenfield notes:

The gang of throat slitters who accompanied Mohammed on his massacres across the region were given a religious incentive that would transcend death.

The cutthroats of ISIS, Al-Queda, the Taliban, Boko Haram and any other Islamic terrorist gang at large in our time also have the same religious incentive – and are afflicted with the same psychotic obsession. “I’ve got Allah and his Prophet! What do I need brains for? They’re all the truth I need!”

In April 2006 Fjordman penned an ominous “For Whom the Bell Tolls” piece for the Brussels Journal, “The Fall of France and the Multicultural World War.” He foretold the consequences of the migration of Muslims into Europe. Remember, this was in 2006, before German Chancellor Angela Merkel opened the gates of migratory hell.

The population movements we are witnessing now are the largest and fastest in human history. In Europe, they can only be compared to the period often referred to as the Migration Period, following the disintegration of the Roman Empire. However, during the 4th and 5th centuries, the total human population of the world was in the order of 200 million. Today, it is 30 times larger than that, and still growing fast. We also have communications that can transport people anywhere on earth within hours, and media that show ordinary people how much better life is in other countries. On top of that, the Romans didn’t have human rights lawyers advocating that millions of barbarians be let into their lands. Is it a coincidence that the last time we had migrations like this was when large parts of the European continent suffered a complete civilizational breakdown? Is that what we are witnessing now? The second fall of Rome?

If you are not too depressed, the Brussels Journal article, though long, is worth the read.

On that note, one would be justified in forming the hypothesis that President Barack Obama is an agent of that psychotic obsession, knowing full well that the Syrian “refugees” he wants to let into the country do not mean so much as “settle” here as terrorize and occupy it, was well. A Conservative Byte article of November 21st reveals his actual state of mind, which is to help complete the “transformation of the country.”

Citing insider White House sources, investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson dropped a bombshell during an interview with Steve Malzberg (of Newsmax). Attkisson said President Obama has come to the point where he will not even listen to intelligence reports on certain Islamic terror groups – groups that are listed by the U.S. State Department as involved in international terror against Christians, Jews and other non-Muslims around the world.

Attkisson is a former CBS journalist who left that organization after it stifled many of her investigative reports. She now heads up the independent Internet news site Full Measure. Here is an excerpt from her interview Friday with Malzberg:
“I have talked to people who have worked in the Obama administration who firmly believe he has made up his mind, I would say closed his mind, they say, to their intelligence they try to bring him about various groups he does not consider terrorists even if they’re on the U.S. list of designated terrorists. He has his own ideas. There are those who’ve known him for a long time that say this dates back to law school. He’s not necessarily going to listen to the people with whom he disagrees. He seems to dig in. And I would say that’s because he thinks he’s right.”

“I don’t know the reasoning for it,” she continued. “I’ve only been told by those who have allegedly attempted to present him or been in the circle that has attempted to present him with certain intelligence that they said he doesn’t want it, he said he doesn’t want it or he won’t read it in some instances.”

Obama campaigned for the White House with every intention of doing this country grave harm in every possible way he could get away with. He has carried Islam’s water for as long. He wants to see this country hurt, and hurt more than it was on 9/11.

If you doubt Obama’s commitment to Islam, read Ben Shapiro’s Brietbart January 2015 article, “10 Times The Obama Administration Said Its Job Was to Promote Islam.”

It’s time he was called out. It matters not to me whether he’s a closet Muslim or dedicated Marxist or a combination of those “faiths.” Barack Obama is obsessed with destroying this country, and that makes him psychotic. He is evil. He keeps giving us the Islamic finger of victory.

It’s time we gave him our own.

* * 30 * *
Edward Cline
Williamsburg, VA
November 2015

 Breitbart on Obama defending Islam:

Obama on loving refugees

ISIS supporter numbers

Obama says not bringing in ISIS refugees is wrong

Spencer Obama not interested in defending country

Obama on fighting Islamic State: “I’m not interested in…America winning”

 Gates of Vienna Fjordman permanent world war

Islam: A Permanent World War

 Greenfield Islam religion of war

Fjordman Brussels Journal on fall of France

 Nothing propinks like propinquity Leiter

 The Collectivist Mentality of Muslims

Qutb Rule of Reason

 Gates of Vienna video:

Abdelhamid Abaaoud: What I Did at Summer Camp

Andre Servier, 1922
Servier Wikipedia

 Servier quotation taken from:

 Sevier Book on Amazon

 Townhall Clinton No Islam

Islam: A Permanent World War
Posted on November 17, 2015 by Baron Bodissey
IQ?? We don’t need no stinkin’ IQ!!

Barack Obama: Chief Publicist for the Umma

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