Displaying posts published in

November 2015

The misguided and dangerous Leftist canard that Muslim terrorists ie IslamoFascists are merely reactant victims of poverty leads to grotesque “PC” remedies that are doomed to fail..Sol Sanders

No — terror attacks are episodes in a continuance of the centuries
old battle that the civilised world has against the militarist, political
ambitions of the Muslim Ummaa — since its founding….

The warped Islamic
philosophy is inculcated in the madrassas — radical imams should be a prime
target for silencing…

Islam — not necessarily radical –seeks the
conversion or destruction of any but Muslim ( and indeed either Sunni or Shia
Islam — long may they battle each other, it is a partial salvation for the
non-Muslim world) adherents..

How Can Anyone Be Shocked? by Judith Bergman

The West, especially Europe, continues to be taken aback every time a new terror attack occurs, as if each one were the first.

“We are importing Islamic extremism, Arab anti-Semitism, national and ethnic conflicts of other peoples, as well as a different understanding of society and law.” — From a leaked German intelligence document.

The current generation of European political leaders has exhibited an irresponsibility and lack of leadership that is almost infantile.

One of the most surprising aspects of the terrorist attacks in Paris on Friday night is how “deeply shocked” members of the European political establishment appeared to be.

The Barbarians Are Inside, And There Are No Gates by Mark Steyn

“So I say again: What’s the happy ending here? Because if M Hollande isn’t prepared to end mass Muslim immigration to France and Europe, then his “pitiless war” isn’t serious. And, if they’re still willing to tolerate Mutti Merkel’s mad plan to reverse Germany’s demographic death spiral through fast-track Islamization, then Europeans aren’t serious. In the end, the decadence of Merkel, Hollande, Cameron and the rest of the fin de civilisation western leadership will cost you your world and everything you love.

So screw the candlelight vigil.”

As I write, Paris is under curfew for the first time since the German occupation, and the death toll from the multiple attacks stands at 158, the vast majority of them slaughtered during a concert at the Bataclan theatre, a delightful bit of 19th century Chinoiserie on the boulevard Voltaire. The last time I was there, if memory serves, was to see Julie Pietri. I’m so bloody sick of these savages shooting and bombing and killing and blowing up everything I like – whether it’s the small Quebec town where my little girl’s favorite fondue restaurant is or my favorite hotel in Amman or the brave freespeecher who hosted me in Copenhagen …or a music hall where I liked to go to hear a little jazz and pop and get away from the cares of the world for a couple of hours. But look at the photographs from Paris: there’s nowhere to get away from it; the barbarians who yell “Allahu Akbar!” are there waiting for you …when you go to a soccer match, you go to a concert, you go for a drink on a Friday night. They’re there on the train… at the magazine office… in the Kosher supermarket… at the museum in Brussels… outside the barracks in Woolwich…