The Know Nothings: Edward Cline

Welfare statists refuse to grasp the fact that an Islamic society is not an “open society,” but a closed one, closed to freedom of speech, closed to freedom of thought, closed to productivity, closed to liberty, closed to the pursuit of happiness.

So, there you are, a Muslim male, age 25, in the prime of life, ready to settle in Europe. Specifically and preferably, in Germany, or in Sweden. You had a lively debate with your fellow travelers the other night in the barracks-like marshaling center somewhere in Syria, or Jordan, or Gaza, or Tripoli, or Turkey, over which country had the prettiest Caucasian women to rape or take as brides (if any are dumb enough to become Muslim wives). They are all fresh, exposed meat, and you are the cat always on the prowl.

You’ve been outfitted with two €500 bank notes, a fresh change of clothes, an iPhone or a cell phone, a backpack chock full of things to help you make the trek from Syria (or Libya or Turkey or Gaza) in reasonable comfort, such as halal power bars and “RTE’s” just like they give to American soldiers in the field, a basic medical kit that includes a bottle of Viagra, and a pair of the latest style tennis shoes that will wear well over a thousand miles of rough road and highways. You’ve also been given a handbook and map in Arabic of Europe showing the best routes to take to Germany.

There’s also a little pamphlet that describes the free benefits of every country you will pass through, including the free medical care and allotments for married Muslims with multiple wives and children, including the basic stipend for just being a “refugee” or “asylum seeker” and other such foolish designations.

Where the money came from, you don’t question; it and all the other stuff may have come from that whacko Jew and ex-Hungarian West-hater, George Soros, but that’s just a story, or a rumor. You just found the money under your pillow one night. If anyone asks, you just say that you saved it up from selling goat cheese and falafels in your uncle’s food stall before it was bombed by the Americans or Russians.

Everything else you got in the Raqqa or Mosul or Gaza Wal-Mart or its equivalent. Or from elsewhere. You ain’t saying.

The infidel newspapers and news media keep referring to you as a “refugee.” You can’t help but laugh at the name. You’re a soldier of Allah, a disciple of Mohammad, and your journey to Europe is a hijrah, a holy conquest. You’re not seeking “refuge” or “sanctuary” or “asylum” from anything. You’re going to Europe to help those who went before you, to take over and dominate and enforce Sharia law.

You are taking part in a grand project, which is nothing less than the dissolution of Western civilization, by saturating it with you and your fellow faithful, and the infidels will help you accomplish that by offering you succor, sympathy, and subsidies.

You also have a sealed plastic bag of false passports and visas proving you’re Syrian and Iraqi and Afghani and Palestinian and from the Balkans. There’s a phone charger in the pack, too, should you find an outlet to plug it into. If not, you can always demand that some infidel storekeeper allow you to use his charger, and if he declines, you can promise to trash his store. Also in the backpack are a Koran and prayer rug, a copy of The Sayings of Chairman Mohammed (a kind of digest of the Hadith), together with a handy phrase book that contains imprecations and curses in German, Greek, French, Swedish, Danish, Finnish, Hungarian, and Norwegian with which to assault government officials and volunteers and soldiers in those countries if things are not done to your satisfaction.

So you embark on the journey with eyes all aglitter with visions of a cornucopia of European welfare state benefits and a life of ease. You imagine life in Europe will be a kind of preview of life in Paradise with 72 virgins at your beck and call and all the bourbon you can drink. You have no marketable skills that would enable you to find a job, but, not to worry. You never intended to find work anyway. All those welfare benefits are jizya paid by the working infidel Germans and Swedes and British.

You pushed Christian refugees – men, women, and children – off the boat to drown in the sea, you’ve ganged up with fellow Muslims to beat up Christians in the many camps you’ve had to stay in, and did your duty in gang rapes of Muslim and infidel women. You did your bit by trashing every place you were ever put up in, and did your business in the fields and hallways and on trains, everywhere but in a bathroom. The infidels had to clean up after you, as they should. It’s all they’re good for: Serving you.

But you are not entirely prepared for the experience. You should be asking yourself: If the German and Swedish welfare states are all they’re cracked up to be, can they realistically absorb and support millions of know-nothings and do-nothings like you? Where does all the free stuff come from that you’ll find in those earthly paradises? Who makes it?

But you don’t ask yourself those questions. Allah forbids it. That’s fine with you. And if anyone asks you those questions, you can always reply by beating up the person, along with your brothers. You’re very good at doing things by gangs; individual Muslims are basically cowards, they won’t rape or assault an infidel except in the company of his brothers. You know this in the depths of your soul. So you don’t dwell on the subject. You just act. You’re very good at pummeling and kicking any and all disobedient infidels, and Christians, and Jews, in a collective effort to mete punishment and even death.

That’s my adlibbing of the Reliance of the Traveler. The immigrant traveler, 2015.

Our Muslim friend here has no notion of where “things come from.” Of course, being a low-level Muslim, abstract questions such as the origin of wealth would never occur to him, they are beyond the ken of his mind, which from day one was regularly subjected to the trash-compactor of Islamic instruction, and he would likely scoff and say that such questions are an unIslamic imposition on him. They do not interest him. He expects service. He expects things to be there at his disposal when he wants them and they’d better be of the finest quality.

To ensure that quality of service, one German politician has proposed that German youth be drafted and given the choice of one year of military service or one year of waiting hand and foot on the immigrants. The Gates of Vienna reports:

An MP for the CDU [Angela Merkel’s party], Eckhardt Rehberg, demands that German youths perform compulsory labor to master the rising numbers of asylum seekers. “We need compulsory service. We have no other way to be able to master the mass of refugees and their integration.”

They are supposed to relieve volunteer workers, who are at their limit of exhaustion. Rehberg said: “We need compulsory service. We have no other way to be able to master the mass of refugees and their integration.” According to his suggestion, after young Germans graduate school, they have a choice in front of them, either go serve in the military for a year, or to serve one year in social services.

Going by the rising tide of disaffection among Germans for Merkel and the immigrant invasion, I’m betting that many German youth will opt for military service over bowing and scraping to their new overlords and enduring their insults.

On the other side of the welfare state coin are the welfare statists themselves. They are as volitionally clueless as the Muslims about where things come from, and either indifferent or hostile to the question, inoculated by their education and political upbringing and peer pressure against all reason.

No more welcome into their thoughts than Margaret Thatcher’s dictum that “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money,” is the observation that the argument for anthropological global warming (or “climate change”) is like claiming that a lightning bug alighting on a mound of dried sawdust will ignite a firestorm. The welfare statists may concede publically that reason is not on their side, but it hardly matters when such great thinkers like Auguste Comte, Martin Heidegger, Karl Marx, and John Dewey are their philosophical and moral backups. Other people’s money running out is not a problem. Reality is the problem, it isn’t real, it isn’t “permanent.” It can be whatever you wish it to be, especially if you have the political power to enforce it. People who think it is fixed and permanent are just low-class knuckle-draggers.

Then there’s Karl Popper, George Soros’s “spiritual mentor,” who adopted the phrase “open society” as all his own. Popper introduced Soros to the concept, and Soros subsequently dubbed a subversive, many-tentacled “humanitarian” organization his “Open Society.”

The term “open society” was originally coined in 1932 by the French philosopher Henri Louis Bergson, to describe societies whose moral codes were founded upon “universal” principles seeking to enhance the welfare of all mankind—as opposed to “closed” societies that placed self-interest above any concern for other nations and cultures. Popper readily embraced this concept and expanded upon it. In his view, the open society was a place that permitted its citizens the right to criticize and change its institutions as they saw fit; he rejected the imposed intellectual conformity, central planning, and historical determinism of Marxist doctrine. By Popper’s reckoning, a society was “closed”—and thus undesirable—if it assumed that it was in any way superior to other societies. Likewise, any belief system or individual claiming to be in possession of “ultimate truth” was an “enemy” of the open society as well. Popper viewed all knowledge as conjectural rather than certain, as evolving rather than fixed.

Thus, by logical extension, Popper did not share the American founders’ confident assertion that certain truths were “self-evident,” and that certain rights—such as the right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” as referenced in the Declaration of Independence—were “unalienable” and thus not subject to doubt, because they had been granted to mankind by the ultimate authority, the “Creator.” (Or by nature.)

Of course, the welfare statists refuse to grasp the fact that an Islamic society is not an “open society,” but a closed one, closed to freedom of speech, closed to freedom of thought, closed to productivity, closed to liberty, closed to the pursuit of happiness. Closed also to the free movement of people from one nation to another without leave being granted by a local caliph. Except if you’re a Mujahideen or an Islamic “freedom fighter” (i.e., fighter against freedom).

Islam regards itself as superior in every which way to all other cultures and moral codes.

Daniel Greenfield threw a tank of water on the whole feasibility of a welfare state burdened with the cement shoes of a mass Muslim “clientele” in his seminal article, “The Death of Europe.”

The European values that require Europe to commit suicide are about ideology, not language, culture or nationhood. But the incoming migrants don’t share that ideology. They have their own Islamic values.

Why should 23-year-old Mohammed work for four decades so that Hans or Fritz across the way can retire at 61 and lie on a beach in Mallorca? The idea that Mohammed would ever want to do such a thing out of love for Europe was a silly fantasy that European governments fed their worried citizens.

Mohammed isn’t staking his future on the shaky pensions of European socialism. He invests in what social scientists call social capital. He plans his retirement by having a dozen kids. If this lifestyle is subsidized by infidel social services, so much the better. And when social services collapse, those of his kids who aren’t in prison or in ISIS will be there to look after him in his golden years. As retirement plans go, it’s older and better than the European model.

Mohammed doesn’t worry much about the future. Even if he doesn’t make it past six kids, by the time he’s ready to retire the European country he’s living in will probably be an Islamic State. And he is confident that whatever its arrangements are, they will be better and more just than the infidel system.

That, in a nutshell, is what will transpire in Angela Merkel’s experiment in reverse assimilation, in which the Western Leftist notions of “white privilege” and “white guilt” (in Germany’s case, “Holocaust guilt”) are set in motion. What is reverse assimilation? It’s when you, the native German or Swede or Dane or Frenchman (or American), tailor your values, actions, behavior, and general outlook to Islam and Sharia.

As I noted in my own column, “The Mental State of the Political Elites: Part II,” of October 29th,

To ensure that Germans, Swedes, French, and so on participate peaceably in this unprecedented reverse assimilation with the least possible problems, non-Muslims must, first, remain ignorant of the true peril to their lives and futures by becoming dhimmis, and, second, be prohibited from voicing their objections under the penalty of Shariah law. For Shariah law will replace whatever legal codes exist now in those countries. Current legal codes, amended to conform and mirror those of Shariah, will be but paper tigers.

Vestiges of times gone by. That is, of the rule of law, not of men, or of mullahs, or of imams. Or of gangs.

Angela Merkel is not a Know Nothing. She knows exactly what she’s doing: Saving Germany by destroying Germany, as Greenfield has put it. Merkel is driven by a Kantian categorical imperative to “do the right thing” by committing a form of suicide. But individuals afflicted by dementia – and that term best describes what drives the European Union’s whole policy on the immigrant invasion, and in particular Merkel’s – know what they’re doing, just as Hannibal Lector knew what he was doing when he carved up people to eat.

Madness is not a legitimate defense for murder, nor is it for the conscious subjugation and surrender of one’s fellow citizens to barbarian Muslims and Islamic supremacists.
* * 30 * *
Edward Cline
Williamsburg, VA
November 2015

 Orbon on Soros funded invasion

Soros plan link:

U.S. African immigrant population

 Soros, Discover Networks

Fences and wars

 Greenfield The Death of Europe

 German youth to be drafted into serving migrants

Arbeit Macht Frei!

Gates of Vienna Nightmare Reborn Part 3

A Nightmare, Reborn

 Geller Soros funding European invasion

 Yellow brick road and Soros invasion of Europe

 Open Society link:

 Open Society Foundations

 Mental states Part II

He knows nothing!! Decided that ignorance, not honesty, was the best policy. HIs Aunt Angela told him so.

I learned everything I know about politics in
the East German Communist Party. You are
the lucky beneficiaries of that wisdom.

Headed for an all-expenses-paid vacation in Europe.
You, Public Q Citizen, know nothing. Do as I say,
not as I do. And no Keystone Pipeline for you!

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