Young Women Don’t Dig Hillary By Brian Lilley

It’s not her, it’s them. According to a report in The Hill, young women are just not that into Hillary Clinton:

An NBC News/SurveyMonkey poll released on Friday showed Sanders, an independent senator from Vermont who is running as a Democrat, received 48 percent of support from young voters between the ages of 18-29, compared to Clinton’s 33 percent.

While the poll did not break down millennial support by gender, efforts by Clinton’s campaign to reach out to young women suggests it is a demographic the former secretary of State’s team is seeking to strengthen.

The idea that Clinton would sweep the votes of women, including young women, is not going as well as some Clinton supporters would hope:

The historic nature of Clinton’s campaign doesn’t resonate with millennial women the same way it does with other women, say strategists, because young woman believe someone will break the Oval Office glass ceiling even if it doesn’t happen in 2016.

“To them it seems obvious and indisputable that if Clinton doesn’t win, some other woman will, and soon,” one Democratic strategist and Clinton supporter said, adding that Clinton seems “too old, too moderate and too caught up in another time.”

This is not the first poll to show Clinton having a problem with female voters; her troubles with women began over the summer and have only grown since then.

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