Islamic Teacher Recruits 4-Year-Olds to be Terrorists Four-year-olds? What’s next? Daniel Greenfield

Is there any place lower for Islam to go? Four-year-olds? What’s next? Recruiting babies at the fetal stage? Getting papers to commit their first born for the Jihad before conception?

 Four pupils of Gandini Primary in Kaloleni, Kilifi County, Kenya, have said their Islamic teacher, Samwel Wanjala Wambwile, recruited them for the terrorist group Al-Shabaab.

According to Kenya’s Daily Nation, Wambwile was arraigned for recruiting seven children in the school to become Al-Shabaab members on June 19, 2015.

The children are all between the ages of four and 16.

Giving testimony before Principal Magistrate Diana Mochache, the victims who were old enough to testify said Wambwile alias Salim Muhamud Wambwile radicalized them inside the Jilad mosque.

One of them, a female standard five student, said the teacher taught them martial arts and advised them to fight non-Muslims in school.

Another victim said Wambwile wrote the words “Radical Boys” on their shirts and told them all non-Muslims should be persecuted to death.

“He told us not to mingle with non-Muslims in school and at home,” another one of his victims said.

Just wait till they can this inside Common Core.

But to Islamic culture, children are entirely expendable. They exist only to serve the cause. This is a twisted mindset that we’ve seen before among the Nazis and Communists, but it’s normative within Islam where children are a collective clan property (It takes a village) instead of a personal relationship with their parents. If the girls “dishonor” their clan, their parents kill them. If their deaths will aid the larger collective agenda, then it’s done, whether that means throwing them onto trains in Hungary or dumping them on European beaches or firing rockets at Israel from their schools.

There is no love here. Only a collective hate.

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