Is Obama Responsible for the Fundamental Transformation of America? Janet Levy Ross

Much credit/blame is heaped on Obama for the destruction of American ideals, the demise of our constitutional republic and the loss of our position as the premiere world power. However, the transformation of the U.S. has been a gradual one that preceded Obama by decades. By shortsightedly focusing on Obama’s role, we blind ourselves to the historical context of our downfall as a nation and absolve ourselves of the responsibility for the eternal vigilance required of all free societies. Most importantly for the present, a narrow view that targets Obama leads to magical thinking about the impact of presidential elections.
Obama is clearly the coup de grace in the “fundamental transformation of America,” a process that began in the 1950s with the U.S. visit of Muslim Brotherhood godfather, Sayyed Qutb (one could argue that the downfall began in 1928 with the founding of the Muslim Brotherhood) AND the rise of the radical Left in America in the 60s (SDS, Black Panthers, Weathermen, etc.) Of course, Diana West would argue (correctly so) that the genesis was in the early 1930s with the infiltration by Stalinist agents and fellow travelers and their influence over the White House (Roosevelt) and throughout the government, media and Hollywood. (See Red Star Over Hollywood).
The planned destruction of western civilization by the Left – the family, the church, the sanctity of life, the culture war, feminism, homosexuality, the sexualization of children, the transformation of education into indoctrination, anti-capitalism, the anti-war movement (anti-military), etc., began long ago.
Glasnost and perestroika were orchestrated as symbolic representations of the fall of the Soviet Union and the end of Communist domination of a large segment of the world. But, were they indicative of real ideological changes?
A conscious decision was made by the radical Left to replace the Marxist strategy of violently overthrowing the government with “make love, not war” and environmentalism. The objective of making war and military service evil was to chip away at the military-industrial complex and weaken the global power of the U.S. as “a force for good.” Environmentalism or gaining control over land, water and air was the clever route to end free market capitalism and institute Communism. This “kinder, gentler” approach was seen as a far superior strategy to dupe the public – to engage them in a subterfuge that they wouldn’t detect. Everyone hates war and loves polar bears, right?
Side note: Let’s not forget that the Russians viewed Muslims as a reservoir of people for the world communist revolution – “forces of national liberation” – and that the KGB trained many of the top Islamists, including Mahmoud Abbas, Al-Zawahiri and Khamenei.
Despite being polar opposites in their proclaimed value systems, the unholy (red/green) alliance formed to achieve the mutual goal of bringing down the West (free societies), each side perceiving the other as the “useful idiots” necessary to make this a reality. At the end of the day, it’s really about revolution and submission. (It’s still unclear who will be left standing at the end – red or green).
We’ve been asleep for a very long time and the Left has been VERY successful in their endeavor to completely transform our culture. When the Boomers were growing up, divorce was rare, sexual promiscuity and abortions were shameful, mothers raised their own children, no one went to preschool, almost every family attended weekly religious services, teachers were respected, drug use was illegal, respect for the law was required, there was such a thing as bad manners and profanity, everyone worked for a living, military service conferred respect, patriotism was expected, sexual expression was generally private, etc. How far afield we have come!
What began as a barely perceptible Marxist revolution many decades ago has proven wildly successful. Yes, Obama and his comrades have played a significant role, but, no, this did not begin with him.

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