As readers of this blog know I am engaged at Family Security Matters in a one of a kind election survey of candidates- incumbents and challengers in every single state. It continues to amaze me that the strongest support for Israel, with very few exceptions is coming from Republican contenders. I alluded to this in a column for Mideast Outpost the monthly publication of Americans for a Safe Israel. There is more, much more on this subject on the way. Stay tuned. rsk

I know that “profiling” is considered taboo in politically correct circles. However, it is often an accurate way of predicting behavior–both good and bad. So here is my profile of reliably pro-Israel legislators.

I don’t mean the milk and honey type that twist themselves into pretzels defending Israel and repeating the requisite “democracy which needs to live in peace within secure borders compatible with a two states solution…yabadabadaba…..” I also don’t mean the ones that go into a self-righteous snit about the BDH (Boycott, Divest and Hate) movement but hint, ever so gingerly, that some of it is brought about by Israel’s “occupation” of the West Bank. I certainly don’t mean those who wring their hands and whine that Israel is turning into a “theocracy” with obdurate insistence on terms that the “moderate” wings of Hamas and Hezbollah cannot accept. They are neither friends, nor reliable.

I mean those legislators who crop up in almost every single state, (excluding Connecticut and Massachusetts), who will aver proudly that their support for Israel is based on its strategic partnership with the United States, its history and its religious rights within historic Palestine.
Here are some random examples:

In California a Congressman states:
“The United States must make it clear that a nuclear Iran is not an option. I fully support aggressive diplomacy and crippling sanctions in dealing with this dangerous regime that continues to make belligerent threats against Israel. Israel is more than just the only stable democracy in the region, a nation that shares our values, and a source of critical intelligence. Israel is one of our closest allies and I will never waver in my commitment to providing them with American support and funding to protect their people who continue to be a beacon of peace and liberty in the most dangerous part of the world.”

A challenger in a different district in the same state says:
“There is no more important issue of foreign policy than the principled support of Israel, not only for reasons of trade, strategic interests and goodwill, but because Israel is our friend and one true ally in the Middle East. Israel has for many years preserved concepts such as democracy and individual liberty in an area of the world where it is surrounded by people who view this as a threat. No effort or level of support should ever be spared when it comes to the defense of Israel and its people against their adversaries in the Middle East and as a Congressman, I promise to never waiver in the fight against anyone who threatens Israel’s right to exist and live as a free people. We should always stand with Israel.”

In Colorado a Congressman declares:
“My efforts in the area of foreign affairs are focused on supporting Israel and protecting our national sovereignty. As the co-chair of two Israel caucuses, I am one of Israel’s strongest supporters in Congress. Israel is a key ally in the global war against terrorism and has been a model of democracy and a pillar of humanity in the Middle East. President Ahmadinejad of Iran has claimed that the existence of Israel is ‘an insult to all humanity.’ Rather than dwell on the mendacity of that lie, it is far more beneficial to declare the truth. The existence of Israel is a blessing to all humanity.”

And, in a different district of Colorado:
“Israel is the strongest ally that the United States has in the Middle East and shares our strategic interest in the region. Israel wants peace and is better able to resolve their differences with the Palestinians without the interference of the United States.”

In February 2014 two Congressmen, one from Ohio and one from West Virginia, went to Israel. They visited Judea and Samaria and addressed students at Ariel University in Samaria on February 24. Both evoked their faith (Christian) that makes them love the Jewish people and their state.

In Florida a Hispanic challenger in a district with no Jewish voters states this:
“I firmly support Israel’s right to exist and chart its own path to peace with its neighbors, as well as our government acknowledging that Jerusalem is the true capital of Israel. Israel must be allowed to govern its own affairs, and we can no longer dictate to Israel where it can build its settlements as it safeguards its security and pursues peace in the region.”

In Georgia, and not from districts like Savannah, Atlanta and Augusta which have a significant Jewish population, here is what a Congressman says:
“As your Representative of Congress, a top priority of mine will always be ensuring the safety and security of our great nation. Central to this belief is the recognition that the national security of the United States is directly tied to the strength and security of the State of Israel. My commitment to the security of Israel has been unwavering. In recent months, we have witnessed a succession of mass protests and turmoil in many Middle East nations. This regional upheaval clearly underscores the importance of Israel as the preeminent, stable democracy in the Middle East and America’s strongest democratic ally in the region.”

From a Missouri legislator:
“I have expressed my support for Israel publicly on the floor of the House of Representatives in order to express disappointment with President Obama’s proposal for Israel to return to its pre-1967 borders….The borders that were established in 1967 followed three wars launched against Israel. For Israel, acceptance of the 1967 borders would mean that Israeli sacrifices were for nothing. We all want to see peace in the Middle East. However, it is unrealistic and naive to think that peace will come as a result of Israel – the only democratic state in the region – making more concessions. Restoring the pre-1967 borders would be a victory for Hamas, a terrorist group committed to Israel’s demise….Peace can only come about through the Palestinians and other Middle Eastern countries accepting Israel’s right to exist. We must stand strong for Israel.”

I could list dozens more, but here comes the “profiling.” What do these legislators–men and women–have in common?

They are all faithful and observant Christian Conservatives. They are pro-life and pro-Second Amendment, and resist the perverse coercive regulations of the faux environmentalists. Their support of Israel draws on their love of their biblical heritage.

In the meanwhile Jewish voters continue to look for love from liberals, fund their campaigns and enthusiastically support issues that offend conservatives.
For their affection and commitment to Israel those who have been “profiled” here get dismal ratings from the American Arab Institute, James Zogby’s political group, and disinterest from liberal Jews who curry favor among people who take them for granted–except when it comes to fund-raising.

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