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October 2013


http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/ THE BETA ELEPHANT The GOP would like to win without fighting. It wants to wait for the voters to come around and recognize that it’s the better choice because it compromises. Like the nerd waiting for the pretty girl to recognize his niceness, the Republican Party is futilely courting an American voter who barely […]


When one calls, instead of the usual waiting and waste of time, the recorded voice should say:” You have reached a non working number of Healthcare.gov. If this is an emergency, call 911.

And for seniors, we should be directed to the newly formed department of Senicide- Senicide is the abandonment to death, suicide or killing of the elderly.

But it’s not just oldies that have problems. How do you like this explanation:

http://townhall.com/tipsheet/guybenson/2013/10/24/surprise-obamacares-1800-number-doesnt-work-either-n1731097 Surprise: Obamacare’s 1-800 Number Doesn’t Work Either

“Government has to fix the back end before the front end…if they fix the front end for consumers and thousands of people or hundreds of thousands of people being enrolled before they fix the back end, we’ll have a catastrophic mess. When insurers are getting 10 or 20 or 50 enrollments a day they can clean the errors up manually. But they can’t do that for thousands of enrollments a day. They have to automate at some point. So I think the Obama administration doesn’t want to cross the red line to shut the system down, but I think this is effectively a shutdown in which they don’t say they’ve shut it down but it basically is shut down.”


When I was a medical student in Africa, “Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine” was my bible. A multi-authored text, it was wildly popular all over the world. To us readers, the editors of “Harrison’s,” with their exotic titles (“Hersey Professor of the Theory and Practice of Physic,” for example), were like rock stars. “Harrison’s” separated itself from other textbooks of its day by the weight it gave to basic science and to the understanding of fundamental biological mechanisms, which the editors believed was key to understanding disease. Eugene Braunwald’s name was familiar to so many of us, not just because he was an editor of “Harrison’s” but also because many of the advances in cardiology described in the book came directly from his own research.In writing about Dr. Braunwald, Thomas Lee, a professor of medicine at Harvard, attempts to capture both the life of this remarkable man, now 84, and the explosive scientific progress that fundamentally altered medicine in the second half of the 20th century. “Evidence from research began to matter to doctors and to patients. . . ,” Dr. Lee writes. “In 1950, heart attacks were ‘bolts from the blue’—unpredictable, unpreventable, and untreatable—but in the decades that followed, mortality from myocardial infarction fell from 30-40 percent to 5-8 percent. Throughout cardiology and the rest of medicine, unbeatable diseases became treatable, and some even became curable. Progress helped to drive fatalism out of medicine.”


Did you know that the UN human rights council appointed the country with the world’s worst slavery record as Rapporteur and one of its vice-presidents? Are you really surprised? http://www.thecommentator.com/article/4281/modern_slavery_and_the_un_s_shameful_response An astonishing document, the Global Slavery Index 2013, has been published this month. It disposes of the generally accepted view that slavery was abolished throughout […]


Islamists in Egypt are responsible for destroying nearly 100 Christian churches. Western policy is all over the place, and the media is largely ignoring it http://www.thecommentator.com/article/4280/ignoring_egypt_s_brutalised_christians Who is more deserving of punishment by the United States? Millions of Egyptians, for ousting the Muslim Brotherhood?  Or the Muslim Brotherhood, for habitually terrorizing and murdering Christians, among […]


Continued impotence and incompetence in the (mis)conduct of Israel’s public diplomacy is becoming not only strategic threat to the country but is beginning to imperil Jewish communities abroad.


Today I saw the Israeli [consul] to Canada being interviewed. I cringed. He was trying to explain how Israel could counter the negative propaganda. He not only was clueless, but almost incomprehensible. He said that Israel should ignore negative criticism because that would make the general public seem that Israel is too combative.

When asked by the interviewers why shouldn’t Israel assert its rights, like referring to the San Remo Convention, he demurred and said that would damage Israel’s image. I was aghast at his utter incompetence. This an official representative of Israel. This is who Israel sends to fight the propaganda war.
– Walter44, an exasperated Jerusalem Post talkbacker, October 1.

Sad but true; witnessed similar incompetence in Australia
– Rafi, a dismayed Post talkbacker, responding to exasperated Walter44

What good is having Apache helicopter gunships, or Merkava tanks, to defend your citizens against attack if you can’t even use them because the world thinks you’re always the aggressor?
– Shmuley Boteach, “Why Jews are so bad at PR,” The Jerusalem Post, January 7.

The ongoing debacle of the (mis)conduct of Israeli public diplomacy (PD) is emerging as one of the country’s greatest strategic failures and gravest strategic dangers.

It is not only endangering the nation’s security, it is imperiling the safety of Jewish communities across the globe.

Pervasive and pernicious

It is difficult to understate how pernicious and pervasive the consequences of this inexplicable fiasco of impotence and incompetence are. They permeate all walks of national life, corroding the very fabric that binds the Zionist enterprise together.

While I do not wish to downplay in any way the danger of the Iranian nuclear program, the dangers inherent in Israel’s abysmal PD performance outstrip virtually any of the other threats that confront the Jewish state as a Jewish state.

While the former is more tangibly kinetic, the latter, although admittedly less cataclysmic, is no less lethal. As will be seen a little later, it intensifies the menace emanating from Iran.


http://www.nationalreview.com/node/362259/print Charles Krauthammer has come to my rescue. You see, I’ve been on the receiving end of some spirited reaction since asserting in last weekend’s column that what we commonly call the Republican establishment — i.e., not all individual Republicans but GOP leadership — “is more sympathetic to Obama’s case for the welfare state than […]

Obamacare’s Magical Thinkers – Mark Steyn

http://www.ruthfullyyours.com/wp-admin/post-new.php Not even the coolest president ever can conjure up a national medical regime for 300 million people. If you’re looking for an epitaph for the republic (and these days who isn’t?) try this — from August 2010 and TechCrunch’s delirious preview of Healthcare.gov: “We were working in a very very nimble hyper-consumer-focused way,” explained […]


http://bit.ly/1a4LYhO US House Members and Senators are increasingly approached by panicky leaders of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the UAE, Oman and Kuwait, who have always considered the US global leadership and unilateral national security action to be their life insurance policy.  These leaders are concerned about the adverse ripple effects of the lowered US global profile […]


http://www.nationalreview.com/….THE GOLDBERG FILE

‘You know, I actually believe my own bull****.”That’s what President Obama once told a reporter. If the man ever uttered a statement that spoke more to his approach to politics, I haven’t heard it.”

Always Running for a Job He Already Has

The only thing Barack Obama knows how to do is be Barack Obama. He thinks that’s his job, like a king whose only real responsibility is to be kingly. The problem is that the one person (who matters, at least) who doesn’t understand this is Barack Obama. As he once said, Obama believes his own bull***t. (

Charlie offers some good examples of Obama’s own Olympian self-regard. For instance:

“I think I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters,” Obama told him. “I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director.”

Though I immediately thought of this bit from New York magazine:

Emanuel’s ad-hocracy, meanwhile, didn’t faze Obama. The president’s friend and adviser Valerie Jarrett sometimes pointed out that not only had he never managed an operation, he’d never really had a nine-to-five job in his life. Obama didn’t know what he didn’t know, yet his self-confidence was so stratospheric that once, in the context of thinking about Emanuel’s replacement, he remarked in all seriousness, “You know, I’d make a good chief of staff.”

Those overhearing the comment somehow managed to suppress their laughter.

Obviously, Obama always has a healthy ego, in the same way Godzilla had a healthy physique and the sun has a healthy mass. But part of the problem stems from the fact that he cannot see the difference between campaigning and governing. That would be bad enough, if it were not for the fact that Obama seems to think that he ran his campaign. As I noted the other day in the Corner, here’s Obama’s response to the charge that Sarah Palin had more executive experience than he did: