Saudi Arabia Gives UN $100M to Fight Terror It Exports

Saudi Arabia Gives UN $100M to Fight Terror It Exports

After bankrolling terrorist ideology around the world, Saudi Arabia has made a huge contribution to the UN for a “counter terrorism” cover story. 100 million dollars will go to the so-called UN Centre on Counterterrorism. A reasonable question would be: a centre for countering what? Because the UN has no definition of terrorism. In fact, the reason that the UN has no definition of terrorism is in no small measure due to Saudi Arabia. The Kingdom – along with the rest of the UN’s Islamic states who are all parties to the Islamic Terrorism Convention – insists that murdering Israelis and Americans who get in the way of “self-determination” is not terrorism. Now into this farcical mix steps John Kerry. Kerry has made an official statement “applauding” Saudi Arabia. The Secretary profusely thanked the Saudis for their contribution to financing counter-terrorism – notwithstanding that through their hate-filled “educational” and “charitable” works around the world they do exactly the opposite. Kerry was also happy that the money would “build support to implement the UN Global Counterterrorism Strategy.” That strategy both fails to define terrorism, and is the UN’s central instrument for turning poor-terrorists into victims. Its section number one is entitled “Measures to address the conditions conducive to the spread of terrorism.” Among other things, the Strategy urges states to “recognize…that…youth unemployment, could reduce marginalization and the subsequent sense of victimization that propels extremism and the recruitment of terrorists.” Does it look like Al-Qaeda members are out of a job to you? So not only are the terror-supporting Saudis paying blood money to the UN for countering-terror, the Obama administration thinks that’s great.

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