I have been checking out American campuses recently. I am curious about who teaches their Political Science departments and their Middle East Studies…and it is very discouraging that universities and colleges will graduate biased and historically ignorant alums into academia, the mainstream media and the professions.

What really gets my goat are the “diversity and minority” programs and departments.

Did you know that Jews are not a minority? There are no “outreach” programs for Jews.  Women, gays, trans genders, and a slew of hyphenated Americans are all coddled and encouraged and invited to the diversity classes and programs. Not Jews…. Makes you wonder what the word minority means.

There are in the whole entire world only 13.75 million Jews. That is only .02% of the entire global population.

In America in 2011 there were roughly 38,000,000 Black Americans and 51,000,000 Hispanic Americans and they are considered minorities.

How did we get written off ? rsk


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